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Channel: 加拿大活動頻道 Canada-wide Action Channel
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We need to support our Ukrainian friends who are under a brutal invasion right now. Ukrainian activists is asking our community to help send emails to ministers and MPs.


Please see the template below, and email these ministers and your own MP! 請大家參考以下烏克蘭手足提供嘅電郵模板嚟發email啦!

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Find your MP by postal code:


Dear Minister/MP [name],

The people of Ukraine are under brutal attack by Russian forces. This is an unprecedented act from a UN Security Council permanent member. By unilaterally attacking Ukraine, Russia has destroyed the global security structure; a structure that was built following WWII to fulfill the oath of Never Again.

Russian transgressions have been unceasing since 2014 in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the same year when they illegally occupied Crimea. Over 14,000 Ukrainians have been killed in conflict with over a million people internally displaced.

Given the rapidly deteriorating situation, I am asking the Canadian government to protect the Ukrainian state and her people by taking these immediate actions:

> Protect the civilians by supporting a no-fly zone over Ukraine, protecting them against Russian airstrikes;
> Supply Ukrainian Armed Forces with weapons needed to resist Russian invasion and cooperate with NATO allies in Europe to provide all the help needed to the Ukrainian Army Forces;
> IMMEDIATELY announce visa-free entry to Canada for Ukrainian citizens;
> Expel Russian Ambassador from Canada and recall Canadian Ambassador from Russia;
> IMMEDIATELY stop purchasing Russian oil and gas and support the transition of Europe away from Russian natural resources;
> Arrest assets of Russian oligarchs, who are benefiting from this war and implement a COMPLETE trade embargo, including against Roman Abramovich’s Evraz Group plants in Regina and Calgary;
> Ensure humanitarian corridors for Ukrainians fleeing war, especially women, children and seniors;
> Expel Russia from all international and bilateral organization and groups, including from the OSCE, the G20 and others;
> Ban any sports teams from Russia from entering Canada and competing with Canadian teams;

As one of Ukraine’s closest international partners, Canada needs to act NOW to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and existence. Tomorrow might be too late. We rely on your actions in these unprecedented and dark times for Ukraine.

Kind regards,

由富有本地搵工返工經驗嘅街坊 Stacey、獵頭公司培訓發展專員 Wendy,仲有用 LinkedIn 搵工嘅 Guy 同大家分享搵工心得,幫大家出席 3月12日嘅「裝備街坊搵工」活動做好準備!想盡快搵到工嘅就記得參加啦!
Forwarded from Deleted Account
#搵工 溫哥華街坊會「裝備街坊搵工」活動已額滿,感謝大家踴躍報名!嚟緊準備搵工但參與唔到點算好?不如參加下星期一收聽街坊會客室:搵工攻略!我哋邀請到:

👉🏻富有本地搵工返工經驗嘅街坊 Stacey
👉🏻獵頭公司培訓發展專員 Wendy
👉🏻精通用 LinkedIn 搵工嘅 Guy


時間:9:00pm - 10:00pm
嘉賓:街坊 Stacey, 成員 Guy, Wendy Chiu (CPHR candidate, Training and Development Specialist, Impact Recruitment)

到時準時喺Discord 街坊交流頻道(街坊會客室)見大家!

另外3月12日就算出席唔到都會有分享搵工心得嘅live feed,請喺當日上晝10點半留意我哋嘅Facebook Page。
The House of Commons’ Standing Committee on National Defence is conducting a study on threats affecting Canada and the Canadian military’s operational readiness. ACHK has drafted a brief with policy recommendations for the committee’s consideration.
下議院國防常設委員會正在研究現在外界對加拿大嘅威脅以及國家嘅軍隊戰備狀態。 ACHK 準備咗一份政策建議嘅簡報,供委員會審議。

The Chinese public, private, and academic sectors are closely tied with the People’s Liberation Army. With considerations to the non-conventional relationship between the PLA and the Chinese society, ACHK crafted a brief that captures the nuanced challenges posed by the CCP’s military ambitions.

Read our brief here:


🌸4月2日(星期六)🌸賞櫻大會(與 PASM 合辦):



🗣️4月9日(星期六)🗣️街坊和你傾 English Convo Club(與 HK House 合辦):



👉🏻富有本地搵工返工經驗嘅街坊 Stacey
👉🏻社福界搵工達人嘅街坊Angel 同 Wyman
👉🏻精通用 LinkedIn 搵工嘅 Guy

John Lee Ka Chiu 李家超 is #NotMyChiefExecutive

Lee is the only candidate and set to be chosen as the next Chief Executive in Hong Kong by a small circle of 1500 political elites.

ACHK 懇求加拿大決策官員否定依場非民主嘅政治秀,並要求香港確立民主政制,落實真普選
ACHK urges Canadian decision-makers to reject the undemocratic selection process, and demand universal suffrage under a democratic electoral system.

請參閱我哋嘅簡報// Check out our brief here:
MP Michael Chong proposed an opposition motion to bring back the Special Committee on Canada-China Relations (CACN), and today the House voted in favour of the motion. But what does it mean? #AdvocacywithACHK

MP Chong’s motion initiated a vote among MPs, and with the support from the NDP, BQ, and two Liberal MPs (John McKay & Yasir Naqiv), CACN will be reinstated.

The motion outlined the importance for continued examination into the Chinese authoritarian regime and its relationship with Canada. The motion would also allow previous evidence to be taken into consideration, which preserves the testimony and reports that were submitted previously.

ACHK will continue to monitor the committee’s development closely. Stay tuned.
The Government of Canada is announcing an official ban of Huawei from Canada’s 5G network.
加拿大政府正式宣布禁止華為加入加拿大嘅5G 網絡。

Canadians have waited over three years for this and ACHK commends the Canadian government for the decision. However, banning Huawei without making comprehensive plans on how to deal with foreign state-affiliated company collaborations is a short-term solution.
大家為此決定已經等咗將近三年。ACHK 雖然讚揚今次加拿大政府嘅決定,但在缺乏應付外國勢力滲透以及處理外資合作嘅問題嘅計劃時,禁止華為只係一個短期嘅解決方案。

We call on the Government to create a comprehensive framework to guide future projects and collaborations with foreign state-affiliated organizations.

Global News article:


"Resistance against totalitarianism, is a constant struggle to maintain the truth and fight against memories being forgotten"

On June 12, let's gather and remember our comrades still under oppression. Don't let the comfort of a peaceful life in Canada numb us to the harsh realities of our resistance and our identity. We cannot get used to this!

We shall not weary, we shall not rest
We shall not relent, we shall prevail.

612 道具招募


帶翻頭盔先,我哋可能會miss 咗一啲活動。請大家多多包容及見諒🙏🏼🙏🏼

It’s finally June! Hong Kongers around the globe have started organizing events, and Toronto is no exception. OHKYA have compiled a Hong Kongers in Toronto schedule for everyone’s use. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact the organizers of respective events :)

“Disclaimer”: This is not a complete list of events, and we apologize in advance if we missed including some events in Toronto!

Instagram: @ohkya__
Facebook: @ohkyaction
堅守信念 如水再聚。 香港人,出嚟。
They win when we become silent.
See you there.
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