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Aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladigan turg'un birikmalar

✳️ Quyidagi birikmalar ingliz tilida aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi:

all the same - baribir, qaramasdan 
keep the house - uyni boshqarmoq
by the time - borib, -guncha
lay the table - dasturxon yozmoq
by the way - aytgancha
on the contrary - aksincha
make the bed - yotoqni yig'ishtirmoq
do the bed - yotoqni tayyorlamoq 
do the cooking - ovqat tayyorlamoq 
do the washing up - idishlarni yuvmoq
on the whole - umuman olganda
tell the time - vaqtni aytmoq
tell the truth - haqiqatni aytmoq
do the shopping - bozor qilmoq
for the sake of - sharafiga
the same - bir xil
for the time being - hozircha
the right side - toʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
the wrong side - notoʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
under the influence of - ta’sirida, ta’siri ostida
under the impression - taassurot ostida
in the distance - uzoqda
in the daytime - kunduzi
in the end - oxiri, niyohat
in the long run - borib-borib, oxirida 
in the sun - quyoshda
in the dark - qorong’uda
in the shade - soyada
in the rain - yomg’ir ostida
in the meantime - hozirda
in the past - oʻtmishda
in the original - o'z tilida
on the phone - telefonda
in the face of - biror sharoitga qaramasdan, natijasida

👉 @INGLIZ_TILI_IELTS_1| N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧
⚡️ Barcha abituriyentlar va ularning OTA-ONALARI uchun hushxabar!!!

🏛 Yurtimizdagi barcha oliy ta'lim muassasalarining kirish ballarini joyladik!

Bilmoqchimisiz  O'TISH BALLARI
tugmasini bosing va o'qing.

1. You’re on the right track now!

2. That’s the best ever

3. You’ve got it made

4. You’ve just about mastered it

5. Super!

6. Perfect!

7. That’s right!

8. That’s better than ever

9. That’s good

10. Much better!

11. You’re really working hard today

12. Wonderful

13. You are very good at that

14. You must have been practicing

15. That’s coming along nicely

16. You did that very well

17. Good work!

18. Fine!

19. I’m happy to see you working like that

20. Nice going

21. That’s much, much better!

👉 @INGLIZ_TILI_IELTS_1| N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧
20 amazing phrases for daily uses | Intersting

♦️Are you OK? — hammasi joyidami ? 
♦️Are you still here? — hali ham shu yerdamisiz ? 
♦️Attention! — Diqqat ! 
♦️Don’t be late, please — Kechga qolmang, iltimos. 
♦️Don’t mind it, please — E’tibor qilmang. 
♦️Exactly so — aynan shunday. 
♦️Farewell — Hayr. Oq yo’l
♦️Give me a chance — Bir imkon ber. 
♦️How’s it going? — Nima gaplar? 
♦️It doesn’t matter — Farqi yo’q. 
♦️It was an accident — Bu tasodif. 
♦️It’s early (yet) — Hali erta! 
♦️Maybe — Balkim. 
♦️Never mind — Hechqisi yo’q. 
♦️No way! — Hech qanaqasiga! 
♦️See you! — Ko’rishguncha. 
♦️Take care — O’zingngizni asrang
♦️Talk to you later — keyinroq gaplashamiz
♦️Until we meet again — Ko’rishguncha. 
♦️Very well — Juda yaxshi.

👉 @INGLIZ_TILI_IELTS_1| N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧
So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Payt (vaqt) ravishlari:

🎯 now - hozir, endi

🎯 when - –da, vaqtda, paytda

🎯 then - so‘ngra, o‘shanda

🎯 today - bugun

🎯 yesterday - kecha

🎯 tomorrow - ertaga

🎯 before - oldin, ilgari

🎯 lately - yaqinda, keyingi paytlarda

🎯 recently - yaqinda, shu kunlarda

🎯 once - bir kuni

🎯 ever - biror vaqt

🎯 never - hech qachon

🎯 always - har doim, doimo

🎯 often - tez-tez, ko‘pincha

🎯 seldom - kamdan-kam

🎯 usually - odatda

🎯 sometimes - ba’zan, goho

🎯 already - allaqachon

🎯 yet - hali; allaqachon

🎯 still - hali,

🎯 since - -dan buyon

👉 @INGLIZ_TILI_IELTS_1| N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧
🛑Biz bilan eng birinchi 🛑

@SUPER_ENGLISH_21🔰Kanalimiz uchun maxsus !!!
👨‍🍳Taomlar va ovqatlanish👨‍🍳


🍴I’m (very) hungry - Mening qornim(juda ham) och
🍴I’m (very) thirsty - Men (juda) chanqadim
🍴Are you hungry? - Qorningiz ochmi?
🍴Let’s have a bite - Tamaddi qilib olaylik

In a restaurant, In a cafe - Restoranda, Qahvaxonada

🍴Let’s go to the restaurant - Keling, restoranga boraylik
🍴I want a table for three persons - Menga uch kishilik joy kerak
🍴I’ve booked a table for two - Men ikki kishilik joy buyurdim
🍴What do you recommend for the first course (for the dessert, as a starter, as drinks)? - Suyuq ovqatlardan (quyuq ovqatlardan, shirinliklardan, yahna ovqatlardan, ichimliklardan) nimalar olaylik?
🍴I’d like ..., please - Marhamat, menga...keltiring
🍴Bring me some iced water - Muzli suv olib keling
🍴What would you like for dessert? - Shirinlikka nima hohlaysiz?
🍴I think I’ll have... - Yaxshisi....dan olaman
🍴I’ll give it a try - Men buni tatib ko’raman
🍴Nothing more, thank you - Rahmat, boshqa hech narsa kerak emas
🍴Bring me some more... - ...dan yana olib keling
🍴Please bring the bill - Marhamat, hisoblang
🍴How much is the bill? - Qancha to’lashim kerak?


🍴There are vacant seats over there - Ana u yerda bo’sh joylar bor
🍴Here’s a menu - Mana taomnoma
🍴What would you llike? - Nima buyurmoqchisiz?
🍴What would you have for starter? - Yahna ovqatga nima keltiraylik?
🍴We can offer you ... for the first course? - Suyuq ovqatlardan bizda... bor
🍴What wine would you like? - Qaysi musallasni xush ko’rasiz?
🍴Sorry, but we don’t serve wine here - Kechirasiz, bizda musallas tortilmaydi
🍴All right, wait a minute - Yaxshi bir daqiqa kutib turing
🍴Here is your bill - Mana hisob-kitobingiz

🥪At Table - Ovqat vaqti🌯

🍴Please, pass me... - Marhamat, ... uzatib yuboring
🍴Help yourself to... - Marhamat ....oling
🍴How do you lilke...? - ...sizga yoqadimi?
🍴It’s delicious! - Juda ham mazali
🍴Not bad - Yomon emas

*I🏤n a BAR - Barda🏤*

🍴Please give me a glass of champagne and grape juice - Marhamat, bir qadah shampan vinosi va uzum sharbati bering
🍴Would you like some wine? - Musallas ichasizmi?
🍴Yes, some sweet wine ,please - Ha ,marhamat, shirin musallasdan keltiring
🍴Please give me a bar of chocolate - Marhamat, bir bo’lak shokolad bering
🍴Cheers! your health! - Sizning sog’ligingiz uchun

🍴Appetizers - Yaxna ovqatlar
🍴black caviare - qora donador iqra
🍴black pressed caviare - qora payus iqra
🍴boiled eggs - pishirilgan tuxum
🍴carrots - sabzi
🍴cabbage salad - karamli salati
🍴cheese - pishloq
🍴cucumber salad - bodring salati
🍴egg-plant - baqlajon
🍴fried eggs - tuxum quymoq
🍴fruit salad - mevali salad
🍴ham - vetchina
🍴herring - seld
🍴radishes - rediska
🍴red caviare - qizil ikra
🍴salmon - qizil baliq
🍴sandvich - buterbrod
🍴tomato salad - pomidor saladi
🍴vegetable salad - sabzavot saladi

*🍛FIRST🍜 course - Suyuq ovqatlar*

🍴borshch(cabbage and beats soup) - borsh, karam sho’rva
🍴broth - bulyon
🍴chicken broth - tovuq sho’rva
🍴pea soup - no’xatli sho’rva-

🍔SECOND🍗 course - Quyuq ovqatlar

🍴mutton - qo’y go’shti
🍴beaf - mol go’shti
🍴beef-steak - bifshteks
🍴goulash - gulyash
🍴cutlet - kotlet
🍴chicken - tovuq
🍴sausages - sosiskalar
🍴schnitzel (fillet of pork or veal) - shnitsel

🇺🇿UZBEK 🇺🇿 National Dishes - O’zbek milliy taomlari

🍴Shurva (meat soup with vegetables) - Qaynatma sho’rva
🍴Chuchvara shurva (broth with meat-balls coated with dough) - Chuchvara sho’rva
🍴Mastava (rice soup) - Mastava
🍴Plov (rice boiled with fried meat and carrots) - Palov
🍴Shashlik(meat or liver pieces grilled over charcoals) - Shashlik, kabob
🍴Lagmon (long noodles with fried meat and vegetable soup) - Lag’mon
🍴Manti (steames big meatballs coated with dough) - Manti
🍴Somsa (small pastry) - Somsa

👉 @INGLIZ_TILI_IELTS_1| N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧
🏆 Olimpiada boshlandi❗️

🛎 1-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9026
🛎 2-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9027
🛎 3-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9028
🛎 4-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9029
🛎 5-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9030
🛎 6-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9031
🛎 7-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9032
🛎 8-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9033
🛎 9/10/11-sinflar test kodi ➪︎ 9034

Sertifikat hammaga beriladi, 1 - May soat 22 00 gacha @Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga javoblaringizni yuborishingiz mumkin 🤓

❗️Javoblarni aynan
@Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga quyidagicha yuboring:
     👉 abcdac... (5/10/15/20 ta)

Ойлик ҳисоблаш учун бот:
✈️ @Oylik_hisoblovchibot | @Mandatlar_robot

@Oqituvchi | Обуна бу‌линг👇
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🔊🛑 @SUPER_ENGLISH_21🛑Kanalimiz uchun maxsus❗️
📖  Must va have to modal fe'llarining qo'llanishi (I qism)

✳️ must va have to modal fe'llari biror ish qilish kerakligi, majburiyligini bildiradi, ammo ularning qoʻllanishida bir nechta farq bor.

✳️ must modal fe'li sof modal fe'l sifatida qoʻllanilsa, have to oddiy fe'l sifatida qoʻllaniladi, ya'ni zamonlarga, shaxsga qarab moslashadi. Bu farqlarni birma bir koʻrib chiqamiz.
1️⃣ must  modal fe'li hozirgi zamonda hamma shaxs uchun bir xil shaklda qoʻllaniladi.
▪️She must see the doctor yoki you must see the doctor.

✳️ have to hozirgi zamonda shaxsga qarab tuslanadi.
▫️I/You/We/They have to+V1 
▫️He/she/it has to +V1
🔸I have to see the doctor.
🔸She has to see the doctor.

2️⃣ must modal fe'li ish-harakat bajarilishi shart ekanligini shaxsiy fikrga bog'laydi, ya'ni kimdir shu ishni qilishga majbur ekanligi inson tomonidan belgilanadi. (subyektiv majburiyat)
🔸I haven't phoned Ann for ages. I must phone her tonight. (Men Annaga koʻp vaqtdan beri telefon qilmadim. Bugun kechqurun unga telefon qilishim kerak....Muallif oʻzi majburiyatni his qilayapti.)
🔸You must do what you are told, don't complain. (buyruq)
🔸She's a really nice person. You must meet her. (Kuchli maslahat … U juda yaxshi inson. U bilan koʻrishishing kerak.)
▪️have to modal fe'li ish-harakat bajarilishi shart ekanligini faktga bog'laydi, ya'ni tashqi vaziyat biror ish qilishga bizni majbur qiladi. (obyektiv majburiyat)
🔸He has poor eyesight. He has to wear glasses. (Uning koʻzi yaxshi koʻrmaydi, u koʻzoynak taqishga majbur…. Koʻzoynak taqish kerakligi obyektiv majburiyat)
🔸In Britian children have to go to school at the age of five.
🔸George can't come out with us this evening. He has to work.

✳️ must modal fe’li yozilgan qonun-qoida va ko’rsatmalarda ishlatiladi.
🔸 Applications for the job must be received by 18 May.
🔸 Seat belts must be worn.

3️⃣ Soʻroq gaplarni hosil qilishda must modal fe'lining oʻzi qatnashadi va egadan oldinga chiqadi.
🔸Must you leave now? (Hozir ketishingiz shartmi?)
🔸Must he return the book?
▪️have to modal fe'lining soʻroq shakllari hozirgi zamonda do/does va oʻtgan zamonda did yordamchi fe'llari bilan yasaladi.
🔸Do you have to go now? (Siz hozir ketishingiz shartmi?)
🔸Does he have to wear glasses?
🔸Did you have to get up early yesterday?

✳️ So’roq gapda must va have to ma’nolari bir-biridan farq qiladi. E’tibor bering:
🔸 Must I tidy the room? (Do you insist that I tidy the room?)
🔸 Do I have to tidy the room? (Is it necessary for me to tidy my room?)

👉 @INGLIZ_TILI_IELTS_1| N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧
Essential Formulations of English 👆

1. Do you mind +Ving / if+S+V
2. It is/was not much of +Noun
3. It is time + S + V2
4. Of the two ....the + (comparative degree)
5. While +S
6. During+noun
7. although+S+V
8. In spite of +noun
9. Despite+noun
10. Such +(a/an)+ adjective+noun
11. Such+judgemental noun
12. Such+(a/an)+noun
13. Such+and+Such
14. Such is not used with adverbs
15. So+adjective
16. So+adverb
17. So+judgmental adjective
18. So is not used with nouns
19. By the time+ present simple
20. By the time+ past simple+ past perfect
21. Will+ be+ing (F.C)
22. If+any/anything/anybody and etc
23. Should+(not)+ simple verb
24. Ought to+(not)+simple verb
25. Had better+(not)+simple verb
26. Prefer+noun/ing+to+noun/ing
27. would prefer+full Infinitive+rather than+(bare Infinitive)
28. would prefer+bare Infinitive+than+(bare Infinitive)
29. Had better+bare Infinitive
30. If+S+V2 , S+would+V
31. If+S+were , S+would+V
32. If+S+V2/were , S+could/might+V
33. If+S+could+V(were to+V) , S+would/could/might+V
34. If+S+had+V3 , S+would+have+V3
35. If+S+had+V3 , S+could/might+have+V3
36. If+S+had+V3 , S+would/could/might+V
37. If+S+V2/were , S+would/could/might+have+V3
38. I wish + S +V2
39. I wish+S+were
40. I wish+S+could+V
41. I wish+S+would+V
42. I wish+S+had+V3
43. I wish+S+could+have+V3
44. S+V+(that)+S+Subjunctive Mood
45. it is time +S+V2
46. It is time + to infinitive

👉 @INGLIZ_TILI_IELTS_1| N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧
Forwarded from Teacher_Bobur | Beginner
‼️ 31 kun ichida BEGINNER darajasini “beton” qilib tugatishni xohlaysizmi? Unda quyidagi kurs siz uchun, yahshilab o’qing 👇

🚀 BEGINNER PRO 1.0 (Morning)

1 oylik JONLI darslar soat tonggi 06:00 dan 07:30 gacha (yozilgan video tashlab qo’yib qolgani o’zingizga demayman)

💠Kurs o’z ichiga “Beginner” darajasi uchun kerakli barcha mavzularni o’z ichiga oladi va ular kamina TEACHER_BOBUR tomonidan tashkil qilinadi:

🟢Present continuous
🟢Present simple
🟢Present perfect
🟢Present perfect continuous
🟢past simple
🟢past continuous
🟢past perfect
🟢past perfect continuous
🟢future simple
🟢future continuous
🟢future perfect
🟢future perfect continuous

🟡olmoshlarning barcha turlari
🟡Joy va vaqt predloglari
🟡modal fe’llar

🙂vocabulary + reading + listening

Shu jami 16 ta gigant mavzularni kaminayu kamtarin TEACHER_BOBUR 1 oy davomida inshaAllah miyyangizga mixlab qo’yadi.

🎁 Har bir darsimizdan keyin ertasi kuni quizlar ishlab o’rganganlaringizni mustahkamlab borasiz, berilgan uy ishilarni bajarasiz va ularni tekshirib sizga xatolaringizni aytaman

Barcha darslar sifatiga javob beraman va shahsan o’zim nazorat qilaman. (Agar 3 marta sababsiz uy ishi bajarmasangiz siz ham darslardan chetlatilasiz va pulingiz qaytarilmaydi !!!)

📆 Kurs 1- maydan 1-iyungacha davom etadi

🏷 Narxi 350
.000, chegirmada 300.000 (agar darslarni hammasi jonli va 1 oy ekanligini hisobga olsak adolatli narx deb o’ylayman)

+BONUS sifatida 250.000 mingdan sotilgan General English Pro 1.0 kursimni tekinga beraman va bu bonus Beginner darajasini tugatganingizdan keyin katta yordam beradi inshaAllah)

‼️Joylar atiga 50 ta talabgorlar esa 150 tadan oshiqroq 🏆

🔺Nega qarab turibsiz? Kech bo’lmasidan adminga yozib joyingizni tezroq band qiling,
kim birinchi yozsa o’sha kishi joy band qiladi, omad

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