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Channel: Yearn Finance Money
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Beware of scammers!!!

For presale purchases of YFIM tokens only through the YFIM smart contract address, not a specific address

Have a nice day 😊
📌 Quiz
Reward 0.005 YFIM for each first 100 user only with right answer

Comment your answer and your ETH ERC20 address to participate
Q1: what is the total supply of YFIM?
Q2: how to participate in the presale?
Q3: what is the minimum purchase for presale?
Q4: when the presale ends?
Q5: what features does the yfim platform provide?
👉 YFIM now listed on IcoMark

👉 YFIM now listed on IcoHolder

👉 YFIM now listed on IcoAnnouncement

👉 YFIM now listed on FoundIco

👉 YFIM now listed on Crypxie Exchange
(Deposit, Withdraw, Trade available at 15 Dec)

👉 YFIM now listed on IndoEx Exchange
(Deposit, Withdraw, Trade available at 20 Dec)

👉 What Next ?
Uniswap 1 Dec
Vindax in progress
Bilaxy in progress
Hotbit in progress
Coingecko & Coinmarketcap in progress
Forwarded from Katherine
Upcoming Listing on DEC 20th 2020
📌Website : 
follow us on :
📌 Airdrop Distribution has started
Track distribution record in YFIM smart contract
Contract : 0x271eb4124a507483c2d38ce0859505e9ca231304
📍What is next?

📌YFIM has been listed at Uniswap
Need more YFIM?
buy now at

📌YFIM will be listed on IndoEx on 12/20/2020

📌YFIM will be available on coingecko, coinmarketcap and nomics once after listed on IndoEx

📌Farm, Lend and Vault are ready and will be launched on 2021/01/01
Earn up to 24 ETH by holding 1 YFIM on our platform one year
(hold 1 YFIM one month will earn 2 ETH) in farm feature (farms in DAI, USDT, USDC, TUSD and EURS will have the same rate as ETH)
Earn up to 2.4 YFIM by holding 1 ETH on our platform one year
(hold 1 ETH one month will earn 0.2 YFIM)
Earn up to 10% in the vault feature

Your hold and your earnings can be withdraw anytime if meet the minimum withdrawal

📌Referral program included up to 3 levels in farm and lend features
Also competitions will be included in farm and lend feature (referral competitions and deposit competitions)

📌Buy YFIM right now and hold
the more you hold the more you will earn

YFIM will be listed on more exchanges soon
🚀 YFIM will go to the moon
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The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If it remains inactive in the next 9 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.
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2024/04/27 04:08:36
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