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Channel: unsaid love
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friends can leave you wondering why you're not good enough, what you could have done differently, or if they ever truly cared. friends can leave you feeling like a part of you is missing. they can awaken traumas inside of you that you didn't know existed, and they can trigger your abandonment wounds. friends can make you feel like your deepest secrets and your most intimate vulnerabilities are out there in the world, being carelessly held by someone who is now gone. friends can keep you up all night - crying at 2am over the loss of someone you thought was a platonic soul mate, but really, they were just another lesson. romantic love is not the only one with the capacity to shatter us. we assume friendship will last forever and we are left aching and empty when it does not. i wish someone had told me. warned me. prepared me for just how much it hurts. friends can break your heart too.
allow yourself to be proud of yourself and all of the progress you've made.
hope we get the future that we always pray for.
remember to love yourself. love yourself as much as you love the people you love.
bye february đź’ž
we all cry differently.
you never know how strong you are. untill being strong is your only choice.
my life is slowly starting to look like what i want it to look like.
when in doubt then the answer is no.
but hurting people become uncomfortable. maybe because i was hurting, and i knew how it felt. no one deserve to be the second choice.
just let them misunderstood you.
and when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want. what do you call it, freedom or loneliness?
peace, but at what cost ?
idk why but being stranger with you bring peace.
i found you without looking, and i love you without trying.
don't stress, everything will work out.
yeah breakups hurt, but have you ever been a super talkative, enthusiastic person but slowly over the years and after trauma you watch yourself become more quieter and quieter to the point where that enthusiastic bubbly person just isn't who you are anymore?
i realized that i will always be the midnight rain girl, the one who will always choose to suffer alone. who keep on pushing people away when things aren't right with me and chooses to self sabotage because i believe that in order to save them, i must let go of them
“stop being sensitive” no‚ you stop being insensitive. respect how people respond to things and situations what’s little for you might big to others. if you can’t empathize with other people’s emotions‚ at least learn to respect different levels of sensitivity.
one of the worst feelings in life is feeling unappreciated. feeling like you always do so much for others, care too much, pour so much, but isn't valued or reciprocated. sometimes it's even worst when you realize that you need to stop caring that much about others
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2024/05/18 01:45:27
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