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When you learn to accept instead of expect, you will have fewer of disappointments.

- @thesadteen
Ramadhan is coming. Forgive me if I've ever hurt you. Honestly I can't wait for tarawih, sahur, bazaars, the peaceful environment and iftar with everyone. May Allah let us meet Ramadhan this year.

- @thesadteen
Ya Allah, sampaikanlah kami pada bulan ramadhan yang tinggal menghitung hari.
Jaga, dan bantulah diri ini dalam memperbaiki hati dan ibadah kami.

- @thesadteen
What is your wish for this Ramadhan?

I want Palestine to celebrate this Ramadhan together just like the rest of the world.

- @thesadteen
wait days left before Ramadhan comes. Let’s all try to forgive everyone who has done wrong to us. So that we can enter the month of Ramadhan with a pure heart

- @thesadteen
May Allah allow the Qur’an to transform our hearts this Ramadhan.

- @thesadteen
Khairul Aming defrosting for Ramadhan

- @thesadteen
Antartika itu jauh, tapi jauh lagi Antarakita

- @thesadteen
nothing hurts more than when the person who made you feel so special yesterday, makes you feel so unwanted today

- @thesadteen
people have moods and challenges in life. its likely not that they love you less, just that they dont have the emotional capacity/bandwidth for you today. it'll likely be better in several days. it ebbs and flows, and is both natural and normal.

- @thesadteen
ternyata nangis tanpa suara itu sakit bgt ya.

- @thesadteen
Ust Hanan Attaki said:
"tidak mudah untuk menyembuhkan setiap rasa sakit beserta trauma nya, melewati fase demi fase yang akhirnya menyadarkanmu bahwa rencana Allah lebih baik dari rencanamu."

- @thesadteen
Kalau orang permudahkan urusan i, double triple i permudahkan urusan dia. Kalau orang berkira dengan i, i berkira balik dengan orang. Dah tua ini, malas nak jaga hati orang atau sakit kepala. Stay dengan orang yang appreciate kita je. Yang toxic kita remove/delete. Simple.

- @thesadteen
yes,indeed it is simple as that! i followed this one girl sebab kesian dengan her insecurity tapi not long after that i unfollow and remove her.I mean after all the things she said about me and my family,kenapa nak kena layan lagi?cukup we said sorry to each other & it ends there

- @thesadteen
Honestly kan, nk remove toxic people dri socmed acc kita tu rasa payah sgt. Rasa kesian dan more to rasa mesti diorang akan mengumpat nanti sbb i know them well sebelum diorang tahu my flaws and decide to left me. Kalau tak buat macam tu, i yg sakit. Berbelah bahagi.

- @thesadteen
Happy international women's day to every women out there especially to my girls who've been such a big inspiration in my life. Continue to be kind and gentle, to be brave and strong, continue to dream big and reach your goals. I love you, darlings 🫶🏻

- @thesadteen
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2024/06/08 17:14:20
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