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Forwarded from ViroLIEgy
Marion Koopmans, a Dutch virologist that worked with Christian Drosten, said that he never denied that his PCR test was based upon the presumed genetic code of a "virus" rather than isolated "virus."

The paper she linked is a great look at the fraud.

Some more resources on the Drosten PCR fraud:


Forwarded from Humanley
Why so much hate for oxalate?

People claim that plants are bad for health because they contain oxalates, however, this assertion is full of pitfalls.

Here are 10 reasons why it's time to rethink our relationship with oxalates.

1. There are no scientific papers published anywhere in the literature showing oxalates in foods cause disease.
2. Animal products like milk, eggs, and meat contain amino acids such as tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, glycine, and hydroxyproline. All of these yield oxalates when metabolised by the human body.
3. The majority of the total body concentration of oxalates (60-80%) is produced endogenously by the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
4. Metabolism of tissue derived amino acids account for up to 40% of the total body oxalate concentration, whilst metabolism of tissue derived carbohydrates and fat account for the other 20-40%.
5. Just 20-40% of the total body oxalate concentrations come directly from exogenous sources (i.e. the diet, air inhalation, skin absorption).
6. Dietary sources of oxalates have a limited impact on total body concentrations. Only 10-15% of ingested oxalates are absorbed by the gut.
7. Gut bacteria break down and reduce dietary oxalate absorption by 40%.
8. Your genetic material (i.e. RNA) requires oxalates for its formation.
9. Plants produce oxalates in response to poisoning from synthetic chemical fertilisers and heavy metals. Oxalates also assist with phytoremediation of the soil from these toxic substances.
10. Man-made air pollution produces oxalic acid, which is absorbed via the skin and lungs. Large quantities of oxalic acid are also believed to be released into the atmosphere by the world ocean's.

Given this information, why are we pointing our finger at plants?


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Forwarded from Humanley
Chicken pox parties, eat your heart out!

Part 1 of 2.

Between 1912-14, Dr Frederick Thomson & Dr Clifford Price conducted human experiments in a hospital setting to assess the contagious nature of chicken pox. They conducted 54 experiments which involved putting children with chicken pox into wards with 'healthy' children. They were not allowed any direct contact with each other. Of the 521 'healthy' children, 210 were considered ‘immune’ (40.3%) because they had contracted the disease previously, and 311 were considered non-immune (59.6%).

In just seven of the 54 experiments (12.9%) did a child become sick. Across these seven experiments, just 15 of the 521 children (2.8%) developed chicken pox. Of these, six were ‘non-immune’ (40%), one was ‘immune’ (6.6%), and the immune status of the remaining eight cases was not reported (53.3%).


Part 2 continued in the next post.

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Forwarded from Humanley
Chicken pox parties, eat your heart out!

Part 2 of 2.

In a second series of seven experiments, children with chicken pox were put into wards with healthy children. They were allowed direct contact with each other. Of the 130 healthy children, 61 were ‘immune’ (46.9%) and 69 were ‘non-immune’ (53%). None of the children (0%) developed chicken pox.

The results of these experiments are a major problem for the idea that chicken pox is a highly infectious and contagious childhood illness.

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Forwarded from Humanley
Imagine a world where scoundrels poison people's food. When the people become sick they are convinced by the very ones who tainted their food, that the food itself, not the poison, is to blame.

This is precisely what's happening every single day to billions of human beings. Our fruits and vegetables are being sprayed with poison (i.e. pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides). The maniacs who are poisoning us absolve themselves of guilt by blaming naturally occurring plant compounds like gluten, fructose, lectins, lignins, phytates, tannins, oxalates, histamines, and goitrogens.

The craziest thing about all of this is that most people believe the scoundrels twisted lies. Rather than dealing with the poison and the psychopaths, they wage war against their own food supply.


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Top 10 mistakes people make that ruin their health...

1. Eating conventionally produced and processed food.
2. Consuming fluoridated or plasticized water.
3. Using hormone disrupting personal care products.
4. Keeping EMF rich devices on their body and in their ears.
5. Watching mainstream media.
6. Taking medications and having unnecessary surgeries and therapies.
7. Putting metal inside their bodies with injections and amalgams.
8. Drinking alcohol regularly, and inhaling burnt particulates (smoke).
9. Avoiding the sun, or blocking it with toxic sunscreen.
10. Not breaking off toxic relationships quickly enough.

Which ones have you resolved or do you need to work on?
Con't 👇
“Looks like being an expert didn't save this guy. Notice the words TV Doctor. A TV Doctor is someone who gets paid to promote a pharma product.

Throughout the pandemic that's what you were looking at. TV doctors.

The only problem is they were promoting a deadly product.

Estimates are at 20 million worldwide dead from these jabs.

I know of 2 personally.

I also know of other people that are tremendously ill with heart problems.

We haven't even begun to see the true fallout from this massive genocidal campaign.

I don't mean to say this to scare anyone that has had one or more jabs. Truth is if you haven't had any negative symptoms thus far you probably got a placebo because you were part of a giant experiment.

The first part of the experiment was to see how many people would comply.

The second part of the experiment was to see how many people could be bribed through money or incentives, like a free happy meal or your employer paying you 50 bucks or something like that. I actually met somebody that his boss paid him $50 because the government gave the company money to do this.

The third part of the experiment was to see if they bully and coerce the people that did not comply.

While all 3 of those experiments were going they were also testing their propaganda machine and what worked in what didn't work and their social media censorship techniques, to stop people like me from telling you the truth. During COVID at the beginning I was banned 9 months out of 12 for posting facts from government websites and from certified experts in the fields of epidemiology. They were saying there was no pandemic and that the jabs were dangerous. See homepage.

The fourth part of the experiment was to see how quickly the kill shots worked.

The fifth part of the experiment is to see how long it takes to start health problems, heart problems, and turbo cancers.

I know nobody wants to hear this stuff and it is a lot easier to tune it out and pretend it didn't happen.

But it did.

Ignoring it doesn't change that fact. Getting educated on exactly why they did this and what their plans are is the best thing that you can do moving forward

It doesn't matter if you got one jab or you're at 10. If you're still alive and healthy you need to learn what happened and what is happening.

Your ignorance led you to this point in the first place.”

David Cheyne (Author)
Forwarded from Humanley
What You Were Never Told About Disease.

Most people are under the impression that disease is just ‘a part of life’, but nothing could be further from the truth. There is considerable historical and anthropological evidence that suggests at one point in time, humans lived out their lives completely free of disease.

In 1902, Lieutenant William Safford noted that the Chamorro people of Guam “were remarkably free from disease and physical defects, and lived to a great age”.

Anthropologist Charles Hill-tout stated in 1904, that before European contact, the Chehalis and Scowlitz natives of British Columbia had “sound and strong bodies, free from disease”.

In his 1839 report, John Seely Stone detailed the health of the inhabitants of the Pacific Islands, stating “These islands, like others in the Pacific, were inhabited, at the time of their discovery, by a people of loose and licentious manners, but free from disease”.

Colonist, William Wood, wrote in 1635, that the native Indians of New England “reached 50 years of age before a wrinkle or grey hair appeared”. They had “lusty and healthful bodies” and did not experience health-wasting diseases. It was not uncommon for them to live to a hundred years of age.

When the first fleet landed in Australia, the colonists documented that the native people were in good health and ‘free from disease’.

Given that native people across the world were in exceptional states of physical health, their diets could not have possibly been causing disease. So what were they eating? Their diets were determined by what was available in their environment and what was edible (which they had worked out through many centuries of trial and error). They consumed a wide variety of fresh plant and animal foods. They ate locally, seasonally, organically, sustainably, and mindfully.

There are many people out there who want to point towards this food or that food and claim that it is the cause of disease. However, what this evidence tells us, is that it’s not the food in our environment that is making us sick, but rather the adulteration of our food (i.e. monocrop farming, pesticide use, processing, refining, improper storage, food additives, etc), and the deviation away from traditional dietary practices (i.e. eating locally, seasonally, sustainably, mindfully, etc).

It's time to get back to basics.

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Forwarded from Truth Is The Contagion
Media is too big
INTERNATIONAL WAKE-UP CALL: WHO Plans Insidious Coup In 194 Countries! - Source

There couldn't be a more important time for the collective to realize the corruption of Govern-Ment at its core and the Fraud Of The Failed Germ Hypothesis and take back control of themselves, their mind and their health.

Forwarded from ViroLIEgy
Trust the science?

According to respected statistician Dr. John Ioannidis, most published research findings are false.

Dr. Richard Horton, former Editor-in-Chief of the Lancet, stated that half of the scientific literature may be untrue.

Former editor of The New England Journal of Medicine Dr. Marcia Angell stated that it is no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research published.

Marcia Angell (January 15, 2009). Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption . The New York Review of Books
Forwarded from ViroLIEgy
Assistant Professor Ray Moynihan studied the link between money and medicine for the BMJ, and stated that the evidence used to inform decisions on medicine and surgery is biased and cannot be trusted due to the funding involved in the research.

Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of PCR, stated "A lot of what is called scientific literature is false."

He felt that there are no old wise men at the top, but a bunch of idiots in editor positions that do not ensure scientists are not doing anything dumb.

Should we simply just "trust the science?"
Forwarded from ViroLIEgy
Peer review is a broken and corrupted system.

For many reasons as to why peer review is a sham, please see Brendan Murphy's excellent articles on the subject.



You can also find out quite a bit about the issues from "The Fallacy of Peer Review" segment from "The End of Covid" with Brendan Murphy, Mike Donio, and Jerneja Tomsic.
Forwarded from ViroLIEgy
Many are under the mistaken belief that pseudosciences such as germ "theory" & virology are supported by scientific evidence. They've been indoctrinated to believe that pseudoscientific evidence is scientific when nothing could be further from the truth.
Forwarded from Truth Is The Contagion
Media is too big
Glandular Fever and the Fable of EBV - Source

"In recent years, we have received many requests to talk about ‘infectious mononucleosis’, also known as ‘glandular fever’. Although people have realised that germ theory is a refuted hypothesis and there is no evidence that microbes are ‘pathogens‘, is glandular fever not something that goes around?"

The solution is simple and self-evident. If we wish to obtain our liberation and sovereignty from the enslavement imposed by the private bankers, we must dismantle their fractional reserve system of banking and supporting central banks, or we ourselves shall be destroyed and consigned to oblivion.

~ Stephen Mitford Goodson
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