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Channel: Solanium
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🚀 Sweeper Sale has started!

Check if you have won an allocation on the project page.

Due to unstable network conditions on Solana, your contribution transaction might fail or not confirm. You can retry the transaction a few times or try it again at a later date. The sale is not FCFS, you can contribute until the sale end deadline which is Friday 5 April @ 11AM UTC.
👍 The Sweeper sale date has been extended due to Solana network congestion issues. The sale will end on Monday 8 April @ 10AM UTC.

✍️ Note that the TGE date has also been moved to make sure Solanium has enough time to distribute the tokens successfully and on time for all participants.

🔥️️ Later today an announcement will be made which will make it easier for users to contribute. This will also apply to future IDOs. Stay tuned!
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📣 Voting for The Fishverse is live!

➡️ Cast your vote:

*Voting will increase your Solanium Points as well!
👍 Majority of the Solana broadcasting / transaction issues have now been resolved. If you have not been able to contribute or stake before, you can retry your transaction now.

If you still run into any issues, feel free to ping our CMs in the chat. Have a nice weekend 🫡
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📢 Voting for @alienx_ainode is now live!

"ALIENX is the only high-performance staking blockchain driven by AI nodes which supports earning with BTC, ETH, ARB, SOL, and NFTs. It is built for the mass adoption of NFTs and gaming."

▶️ Vote now:
👍GM! Let's see this week's overview:

10AM UTC: Sweeper sale end
11PM UTC: Weekly IVPAY distribution
12PM UTC: AlienX voting end
4PM UTC: AlienX whitelist start*

12PM UTC: Fishverse voting end
1PM UTC: Mars Battle whitelist start

3PM UTC: AlienX sale start*

4PM UTC: Mars Battle sale start

9AM UTC: SWEEP distribution

*depends on voting results

And this is not all, stay tuned for more announcements!
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 ALIENX Whitelist is Live!

Don't forget, you can still increase your stake on and improve your chances of allocation!

Sign up now 👈
👽 ALIENX Node Sale on Solanium: Powering NFT & Gaming Mass Adoption

Read more about the whitelisting and sale process 👈
Mars Battle Whitelist is Live!

Don't forget, you can still increase your stake on and improve your chances of allocation!

Sign up now 👈
🚀  ALIENX Sale has started!

Check if you have won an allocation on the project page 👈

Read more about the whitelisting and sale process 👈
🚀Mars Battle Sale has started!

Check if you have won an allocation on the project page

👍 Distribution for SWEEP is getting started. Note that due to Solana blockchain congestion it can take some hours before the tokens appear in your wallet. We are working hard to distribute 100% of the tokens before the listing date (2PM UTC).
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👍SWEEP is now trading on MEXC:

🛸 All SWEEP tokens have been distributed. If you do not see SWEEP in your wallet, make sure to enable Sweeper by going to 'Manage token list' on Phantom.

👀 You can view your distribution transaction on the project sale page ( You can also view the token contract address there.

🛡 Solanium Shield ends after 24 hours, on 13 April 2PM UTC. The snapshot price for Shield is 0.005 USD (0.00003 SOL) (average price over 24h). Note that only users who did not move any of their tokens can apply for Solanium Shield.

For questions regarding the Sweeper project please join their Telegram chat @SweeperSo.
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🔥 We are giving away 20 Tier 6 Whitelist Spots for ALIENX!

👉 Stake at least 100 xSLIM (
🚀👽 Attention, Earthlings! 👽🚀

$SHOOT sale was beyond succesfull and sold out on Spores Network, Solanium, Enjinstarter, Ixirpad, BSCS and TokenFi !

Distribution will be handled externally by the Mars Battle team.

We're excited to share the news: $SHOOT has officially landed on @MEXC_Official!

📈 SHOOT/USDT Trading launch on MEXC: April 16, 2024, at 13:00 (UTC)!
📈 SushiSwap - TBA

Get ready to embark on an intergalactic trading adventure like never before! Join us as we celebrate the monumental success of the SHOOT token sale and its listing on MEXC. 🌌

📢 Voting for @brc20x_io is now live!

"BRC20X is a complete ecosystem designed to improve your experience on the BRC-20 blockchain."

👇 Cast your vote:
The Fishverse Whitelist is Live!

The FishVerse is an innovative W2E fishing game that leverages AI and multiple blockchains to deliver an engaging open-world GameFi experience.

Don't forget, you can still increase your stake on and improve your chances of allocation!

Sign up now 👈

PS: Do take note Fishverse launches on Polygon
BRC20X Whitelist is Live!

"BRC20X is a complete ecosystem designed to improve your experience on the BRC-20 blockchain."

Don't forget, you can still increase your stake on and improve your chances of allocation!

Sign up now:

PS: Do take note BRC20X launches on Binance Smart Chain
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