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Channel: 🌜 Self love 🌛
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You are stronger than you think you are ❤️
Take it step by step, one step at a time 🤍 you got this !

Have good days darlings💋🩷
Good morning

Have a nice day Babes❤️
You deserve someone who treats you like you matter everyday.

Not just when its convenient to them.

We are so busy trying to fix everyone around us and making them happy that we forget we are humans too.

We are not machines. We need happiness too. Maybe we next fixing and since no one will do it for us , we should focus on ourselves more.

Start putting ourselves first for once.

Let go of the past

Most of us have unpleasant situations from past years that we replay in our heads and emotionally relive over and over again. It's too much. The past cannot be changed, and there is no need to drag such a burden behind you. Imagine that a problem from the past burns up in a fire, drowns in the ocean, or crumbles from an impact. Describe what happened on paper and burn it or actually drown it. Mentally, out loud, or in writing, forgive the offender or yourself.

Don't be a victim

No matter what life circumstances you find yourself in, you shouldn’t blame the people around you for it, much less be discouraged. It is important to understand not why, but why you find yourself in this particular situation, and it will certainly serve you to your advantage.

At the age of 18, 19, 20, 21+ you will start to realize that life ain't easy. your circle of friends will start to become smaller. you lose yourself, you become frustrated, lonely for no reason, you will develop trust issues, you cry silently at night and wake up in the morning like nothing happened. you think about giving up many times but in the end you find yourself fighting again because you realize that this is stage where you must be strong to fight your fears and possibilities that everything will leave you.

Love your f*cking life.

Take pictures of everything.

Tell people you love them.

Talk to random strangers.

Do things that you're scared to do.

F*ck it, because so many of us d!e and
no one remembers a thing we did.

Take your life and make it the best
story in the world.

Don't waste that shit.

"You can still be the person you want to be, my love. Mistakes, setbacks and bad days do not erase your progress. No matter how tough life might seem at the moment, remember that you are still rising despite the weight. Bad days do not make you a bad person. Accept them as they come, let yourself feel and then learn from them. A difficult time does not take away your growth - difficult times actually help you become the person you are meant to be. You are doing such a great job."

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