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Science and Technology
study of ants is called myrmecology and it has revealed extraordinary facts about these creatures that are as old as dinosaurs. They evolved from the Cretaceous period 130 million years ago and there are currently 11 800 species in the world covering all…
The largest ant in the world is the African driver ant queen. She is 5 cm long and can lay as many as 1.2 million eggsper month to ensure the long life of the colony. Ants are relatively small (0.75 mm – 50 mm), light (500 milligrams) and clever. They each have about 250 000 brain cells compared with the 10 billion brain cells of humans. Their strength is their organisation and huge population. It has been estimated that their total weight on the Earth is about the same as the weight of the global population of 7 billion people. They are tough, fast and robust. Their crawling (walking) speeds have been estimated to be 75 mm/s and they can lift 50 times their own body weight. They can live as long as 30 years. Trap jaw ants have the fastest jaws in the animal kingdom with a closing speed of 230 km/h. In some parts of the world ants can provide a food source for humans. In Mexico, ants’ eggs are served as a luxury food dish known as escamoles, similar to caviar (expensive fish eggs) and costing £60/kg.
Beware the snake, the spider, and the scorpion. But know this: You are much more likely to be killed by a bee or a dog.

Of the 1,610 people killed in encounters with animals between 2008 and 2015, 478 were killed by hornets, wasps, and bees, and 272 by dogs, according to a study published in Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. Snakes, spiders, and scorpions were responsible for 99 deaths over the eight years.

Using a database published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers found that 72 people annually were killed by "other mammals," which includes horses, cattle, and pigs.
The highest temperature on Earth was measured on 10 July 1913 at Greenland Ranch, Death Valley, California, USA.
On the outskirts of Copenhagen lies a curious and idiosyncratic sight; Brøndby Haveby, a collection of houses nestled inside a grid of perfectly circular greenery.
Zeus, a kind of Great Dane, was named the world's tallest dog by the Guinness World Records in 2011.
The Onagadori (roughly means “Honorable Fowl”) is a rare breed of long-tailed Chickens from Japan. It was first thought to be a descendant of the Shoukoku, but recent modern genetic researches have already weakened this theory. The Onagadori is recognized as the Living National Treasure of Japan, and till now it’s almost exclusive to its country of origin.
After flying just once over Mexico City, artist Stephen Wiltshire drew the entire cityscape from memory on a 13-foot canvas.
The Virginia opossum has a natural immunity to snake venom. Scientists research if it works in the quest to create a universal antivenom.
Women like Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski, whose love of science and technology took flight, quite literally, when she first rode in an airplane at age 9 and dreamed of creating spacecraft. At 10, she rebuilt an airplane engine at her Chicago home. At 12, she built an entire airplane. At 14, she took it on a test flight.

Now, Pasterski is one of the leading theoretical physicists in the world. Her work has been cited by the great theorist Stephen Hawking. She has degrees from Harvard and MIT and is a principal investigator at the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science. She studies such advanced topics as quantum gravity, black holes, and space-time.

She has never had a social media account but posts links to her talks and papers at A “proud, first-generation Cuban-American,” she is a leading advocate of STEM science education for girls, especially girls of color.
There is fish called the Black Dragon that looks like an alien from movies.
The sun and moon appear to be the same size because of a surprising coincidence; the moon is 400 times smaller but 400 times closer.
An American crocodile named Pocho gained international attention for his emotional friendship and relationship of over 20 years with Gilberto Shedden, a local fisherman who saved its life.
Studies have shown that sharks can learn to respond to music cues; great white sharks have even demonstrated attraction to heavy metal.
There is an African lake named Natron that turns animals into stone because it is extremely alkaline.

Talking to your mother has the same effect as hug and can help reduce stress levels. This hormone oxytocin is released when the kids heard their mother's voice.
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