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[GUIDE] Simplest way to Pirate Adobe stuff

[Guide on how to Pirate MS Office](

Required software(s) for this process:

* 7zip

Step 1

Go to [](


Step 2

Scroll down until you fond the search bar, and search your desired Adobe product. (For demonstration purposes, I will use Photoshop)


Step 3

Click on the product that you want.


Step 4

Download from "UNIONDHT"


Step 5

Use **qBittorrent** for the magnet link or the .tor file.


Step 6

After you finish downloading, follow [these]('s%20it!) installation steps from [r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH](!

Step 7

Enjoy :)

PS: If you have any suggestion on how I can make this better, drop them below! Also, check out [r/GenP]( for advanced humans.
Anyone in here ever been the person who recorded the movies in theater?

I'm sure we've all seen those movies online where you'd here a cough, or see shadows walk by the camera.

Anyway, just was always curious what its like to BE that person. Is it nerve racking doing it? Scary? How good of a camera did/do you need for it? Whats was/is the set up like?

No, im not looking for advice haha, just always been curious about it is all.
I currently have a seed box with Plex, arrs, etc. Any benefit to getting stremio and/or real debrid?

I think I can pretty much get everything with my current set up and it automatically downloads new episodes of all my series, etc. It's a little costly, but works pretty reliably. Any reason to get into other options like stremio, torrentio, and real debrid? I just learned about these tools.
Netflix finally stopped letting our family share an account

All that's happened is we've started pirating all Netflix shows and the kid who has the account has switched to the cheapest plan.
RIP Netflix account 2019-2024 ☠️
Spider-Man 2 is just stuck like this during install. Anything else I should do to get this up and running?
Whenever Sonarr grabs my favorite show the same night it airs
How do people get their windows activated these days?

i think the kmspico thing is not working anymore and ive been kinda out of the loop with a preinstalled windows i have on my laptop, do people simply buy windows keys now? like even in the 3rd world?
Ok guys, it's out moment of shine, time to start "preserving" some Workshop mods
Congratulations Netflix! You're making me go back to the 7 seas

I usually don't go for piracy mostly for convenience reasons, but man, Netflix did push my hand on that one. They just blocked my parents from accessing my account. So now I'm going back to the seven seas and setup a server with Streamio + Real Debrid or whatever. Don't know, gotta do some homework over the weekend to see the easiest/best setup. If you have any very noob friendly guide that you would like to share, that would be very welcome, but I'm assuming most of you will just tell me to go to the megathread and I guess that's fine.


But now I have the actual question: how can I make something easy for my parents? They have netflix on their tablets so watching shows is very easy. How can I replicate that easiness for them to access their shows? At first I would be setting up an old laptop that I have as the server. As things evolve I'll consider improving my setup. They also have an old iptv box, which I guess I could use to install Plex or Stremio and whatnot, but it is blocked to install other apps, any guides on bypassing that?
I've been pirating adobe products for the last 10 years, recently after their tightened security, I decided to try and reinstall some of my products. With each of them I encounter the same error message during installation.
I've been trying to get to 1.0 since I got uncapped internet last year
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2024/05/09 03:20:34
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