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Restore iphone MacBook

I locked myself out of my iPhone and need to restore it using my MacBook. I don’t have a problem with doing so, but I wondered if my MacBook will store some sort of digital artifact that this phone was connected to my computer. Only using the computer to reset the phone for a clean install.
I have a redtube account without making one, please help

I 15F have recently signed up for a job. I checked my digital footprint today on a digital footprint checker site. It said i had an redtube user, and i have never even visited that site. I have been to porn sites before but never signed up for anything at all, and i dont know what to do? what if my boss can see it?
Goodbye Windows Recall - Hello Apple Intelligence

Given Apple's emphasis on privacy, it was surprising when they introduced Apple Intelligence, their own version of Windows Recall. Their website states: "Draws on your personal context while setting a brand-new standard for privacy in AI." This raises the question: How private will it really be? Apple's track record suggests they prioritize user privacy, but integrating AI with personal data always carries risks. Will Apple be able to maintain its own "Superior Privacy"? Only time will tell if Apple Intelligence lives up to its promise.

Sometimes it just blows my mind that in my short lifetime we've reached a point where private corporations and gov't agencies have some kind of quantified data on almost every single moment of many people's lives. Love it or hate it, it's just wild to think about.

I was born in the year that the World Wide Web opened up to the public, and that 2G cellular tech was first launched.

I don't expect everyone to give true privacy this much weight, but personally I consider the ability to be truly alone or to have a truly private moment with another human to be an almost spiritual necessity for me. No "smart" devices or surveillance present, just organic creatures interacting with the world without monitoring or being actively profited from.

Nothing valuable to share here, just vibin'.
How secure is Apple's Private Cloud they just announced?

Figured this would be the best place for a hyper critical view. The on-device AI compute makes sense, but I don't really understand how their Private Compute would be different than, for example, AWS Bedrock saying it's all secure and encrypted.

Would love any insight, both praise and critical!
AI trained on photos from kids’ entire childhood without their consent

Brazil's "new policy should prohibit scraping children’s personal data into AI systems, given the privacy risks involved and the potential for new forms of misuse as the technology evolves," HRW recommended. "It should also prohibit the nonconsensual digital replication or manipulation of children’s likenesses. And it should provide children who experience harm with mechanisms to seek meaningful justice and remedy." And Brazil's General Personal Data Protection Law should be updated to adopt "additional, comprehensive safeguards for children’s data privacy," HRW said.

It is the honest way to act and not to threaten encryption for “child safety” (France).
Security cameras in residential buildings

Guys, I would greatly appreciate if you help me prepare arguments for a meeting that will be held in our apartment unit concerning whether a security camera system should / should not be installed.

I firmly believe that it is not needed, as there have never been any security concerns, and also cameras are a privacy invasion, but I need ideas on how to get my point across.

Feel free to suggest anything
phisihing link on iphone after the latest update

I clicked on a phishing link on my iPhone 14 today and it directed me to a website that displayd "can't access the server" message. I verified the link here and it said dangerous. What I did:

Turned off internet and network immediatley
turned off the phone, and switched it on and scanned with Kaspersky, no data leaks,

What should I do else?
Apple AI vs Google Gemini

I been hearing people having concerns with Apple using OpenAI making some leave for Android or even ban them like Elon Musk cause of security risk. How is Apple less secure/less private then Gemini as that what Android uses? I just don’t understand as from what I have seen and read both have privacy concerns.
Reddit | Unconditionally can't close account

I want to close my Reddit account for privacy issues. I have been trying to do this for the last couple of days. The message I get this message over and over:

"Something went wrong while deleting your account. Come back later and try again."

I have tried multiple browsers and two different laptops. Is this intentional on their behalf?

Any insight is appreciated.
What to do when I find someone who was doxxed?

Just now I was scrolling through a Facebook post when all of sudden I saw a picture of someones id, with no information hidden, along with there social security number.
I looked at the account and it’s a mutual friend on Facebook posting this random girls information after they got into a argument or somthing. With the caption “have fun y’all” This post is FRESH. Like. Posted 5 mins ago.
Should I be doing somthing? I reported the post but, Facebook isn’t that good with that stuff, it’s local, so should I contact police or somthing? I tried finding the girl that got doxxed online to warn her but no luck.
Tried searching online what to do with no luck either, which landed me here while googling.
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