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Channel: 開源香港Open Source HK
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GNOME Asia Summit 2022 將有 12 月 2-4 日在於吉隆坡舉行,現正徵稿 (CFP) 至 10 月 10 日,講題包括 GNOME 貢獻、UI/HCI/可用性設計、推廣、Linux 內核、 distro 及其他開源作業系統開發、以及其他開源專案開發及推廣。

Early bird ticket sales are extended to next Thur! (6 Oct 11pm) and the 1st batch of session topics is now released!

Early Bird Ticket Sales:

- 3D Visualization with Smart City Spatial Data for 5G Planning (Dr. Chung Ng, Rachel Leung) (E)
- How Python is applying in Architecture, Engineering & Construction Industry (Cho Ka Chun) (C)
- Taking machine learning models to production using Python and FastAPI (Utkarsh Goel) (E)
- Exploration of MySQL Operator for Kubernetes in Python (Ivan Ma) (C)
- Automation and Monitoring in WealthTech (Rebecca Lim) (E)
- Managing R and MATLAB GUI environments in Jupyter (Vinci Chow) (E)
- Healthy Machine Learning: From Theory to Practice (Warrington Hsu) (C)

Education Track:
- A Journey to be a Python Angel (Ka Tim Chu) (C)
- Sharing on teaching Python in school curriculum (Sandy Lam Hoi Ki) (E)

More topics will be announced by end of next week.

(C - Cantonese, E - English)
Early bird ticket sales will be ended today 11pm!

Early Bird Ticket Sales:

- 3D Visualization with Smart City Spatial Data for 5G Planning (Dr. Chung Ng, Rachel Leung) (E)
- How Python is applying in Architecture, Engineering & Construction Industry (Cho Ka Chun) (C)
- Taking machine learning models to production using Python and FastAPI (Utkarsh Goel) (E)
- Exploration of MySQL Operator for Kubernetes in Python (Ivan Ma) (C)
- Automation and Monitoring in WealthTech (Rebecca Lim) (E)
- Managing R and MATLAB GUI environments in Jupyter (Vinci Chow) (E)
- Healthy Machine Learning: From Theory to Practice (Warrington Hsu) (C)
Education Track:
- A Journey to be a Python Angel (Ka Tim Chu) (C)
- Sharing on teaching Python in school curriculum (Sandy Lam Hoi Ki) (C)
More topics will be announced soon.
(C - Cantonese, E - English)
15% discount off is available for Open Source HK members for PyCon HK 2022's tickets. The financial aid program is also available to get free tickets. Pls share with your friends & colleagues.

Ticket: [](

Use the promotional code "OSHKFAN" to enjoy 15% disocunt on any ticket types. We hopes to meet you soon !
#pyconhk 3D Visualization with Spatial Data for 5G Planning + Websites auto-tagging algorithm


While Hong Kong is progressing with the next-gen 5G network (e.g. mmWave), 3D-visualization with spatial data published by HKGov’s Smart City initiative could offer a unique angle in our next-gen 5G rollout which is expected to include more dense cells with even higher throughput but weaker in coverage. We’ll demonstrate how we use Python libraries & Jupiter Notebook to facilitate such analysis.

Date and Time : October 29, 2022 / 10:15-10:45 ( UTC+8 )
Language : English
Speaker : Dr. Chung Ng, Mr. Alex Zhang, Mr. Ho-Wa Wong / HKT ( PCCW ) / Hong Kong
To sustain the Python community in Hong Kong, I invite all of you and your friends to attend the PyCon Hong Kong 2022 on 29 Oct (Saturday). It's our 1st in-person community event during the pandemic and changes.

Free & Paid tickets are available, please don't hesitate to get your ticket now. Thank you!

Ticket & Schedule:

We are still looking for financial support to cover the cost, you can also consider using promo code 'OSHKFAN' to get a 15% off on all paid ticket types to support our volunteer's contribution to the tech community.

It is grateful if we can meet each other at PyCon HK!
(Tomorrow, Free Admission) [PyCon HK 2022 Online Special Track x COSCUP]

We partners with COSCUP to organise an online special track tomorrow. Speakers are Taiwanese in Taiwan and Hongkonger in UK. Please join us.

We will also announce an opportunity to get a gift (for Hong Kong participants).

- Triton As NLP Model Inference Back-end
- Deep Learning with PyTorch: From Beginner to Research
- Introduction to Kedro – Building Data Pipeline with Python

Schedule & Zoom Link:
CNCF will organise its first in-person cloud native meetup in Hong Kong on 6 Dec.
Cassandra Forward - free online Cassandra community event on 3/14 is supported by Open Source Hong Kong.

Register now:

Focus: what’s next for Cassandra.

Here’s what you will learn:
● Cassandra’s momentum with game-changing capabilities coming this year
● Community updates that will make application development even easier
● The latest use cases, including ML, through which Cassandra drives the apps we love
Open Source HK Meeting #74 - Python

Python is the topic theme of this meeting. Thanks Bowtie to provide the venue (Bow Coffee, Wan Chai) for this meeting.

Topics & Speakers:
- (a Python topic T.B.C.) by Bowtie team. (30 mins)
- Python Ugly Trick (Adrian Tam) (15 mins)
- 要轉鐵,大圍定紅磡? (Ronald Yick) (7 mins )
- PyCon HK 2023 (Sammy Fung) (7 mins)

Address 地址:
G/F, Queen's Centre, 58-64 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai

Organisers: Open Source Hong Kong, Hong Kong Python User Group

Facebook Event:
Meetup Event:
Linkedin Event:
Early bird ticket sales of PyCon Hong Kong 2023 are till this Friday 23:00. Let's go ahead and purchase your ticket before the ticket price rises.

早鳥票賣到星期五 23:00 ja,響票價上升前去買吧!

#python #pycon #pyconhk

We extend PyCon HK early bird ticket sales, at promo price. Let’s purchase a ticket, visit and support our volunteer team and they are doing hard and well.
We invite you to join us at PyCon Hong Kong 2023

PyCon Hong Kong 2023 will be hosted at Quarry Bay on 11 Nov, please check out the conference website

12+ International and local speakers will present at the conference, and you can come and meet with 8+ international & local sponsors and open source communities and up to 500+ participants at booths & networking participants.

For a healthy community, if you can afford a regular ticket (from $488) or student ticket ($100), you can purchase it directly in the above eventbrite page.
Are you interested in joining the PyCon HK 2023 on 11.11 but you are concerned about the ticket price?

No worry! We are a diverse community and we hope people with different backgrounds join and meet together, no matter which finance level you can afford. With PyCon HK's financial assistance program, you can apply for a discounted/complimentary ticket with this link. So, act now, get a ticket, and come! See you at PyCon HK!
香港 Python 年會 PyCon HK 2023 在 11.11 響鰂魚涌站出口側邊青協大廈舉行,現正速銷 $299 推廣票, 連 Tee $349。重有額外 15% off 推廣碼響呢個post 最底。

我哋 Open Source HK好努力搞緊今年 PyCon HK,亦在會場設有 Open Source HK 攤位,希望大家支持下香港難得嘅技術社群會議,來我地攤位打個招呼。


額外 15% off 推廣碼:PONXMP
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