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Channel: 開源香港Open Source HK
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Open Source HK Meeting (Apr 2022)


可在 HackMD 預先報短講和閃電講
Calling for Short / Lightning Talk proposals at HackMD


The monthly Open Source HK Meeting includes short talks and chit-chat, to share & discuss the open source technology development. The 1st half will be recorded and streamed, and the 2nd half will be limited to discussion in Zoom only. The default language is Cantonese, and English, Mandarin are also welcome.
PyCon APAC 2022 will hold an online event called "Young Inspirers" before the conference.

If you are a HK student and interested to share your Python story/journey to inspire other youth, please email you brief story (100 words) to Sammy at PyCon HK ([email protected]) by 31 March. Sammy will select one of students to recommend to PyCon APAC.

The purpose of the event is to share the experience of learning. Each speaker will have 30min to 40min for their presentation. The age of speakers should be under 22, with a unique experience during high school or college are better.
我哋會響 6 月 11 號舉行第十屆香港開源年會 (HKOSCon 2022),先邀請大家 4月投稿 (CFP)。如果你有興趣做義工幫手,請同我 (Sammy) 聯系,電郵地址係 [email protected]。我地至少需要:

* Graphics Design.
* 會議主持 Session Hosts.
* Sales.
* Video Post-Processing.
* or any skill you think you can help us.
* or contact us first if you have a strong passion to contribute to the open source community.
TypeScript Congress on Apr 29 provides a limited free ticket to our community.
FOSSASIA Summit is now happening, from today to 9 Apr (Sat).
今晚9點 OSHK 有網上 Meeting ,有冇人來分享開源題目或參加下?

有題目想響第一part直播時段分享的話,可以先響 HackMD 寫低題目和名字。
Open Source HK Meeting (10 May 2022)


邀請大家預先在 HackMD 填寫公開的分享題目。
We invites you to provide your public sharing topic at HackMD


The monthly Open Source HK Meeting includes sharings and chit-chat, to discuss the open source technology development. The 1st half are some public sharings which will be streamed & recorded. The 2nd half will be limited discussion & chit-chat on Zoom only. Cantonese is the default language, English and Mandarin are also welcome.

10th Hong Kong Open Source Conference 香港開源年會 will be held at Zoom conferencing in English. Let’s join and celebrate for it!

詳情和登記 Details and Registration:
HKOSCon 2022 have an online job board, you are welcome to post/check the job ad.
PyConHK 22 開放籌備會議
7月5日星期二 9-10pm

PyCon HK 22 開放籌備會議俾有興趣參與籌備 PyCon 嘅 Python 友與過往 PyCon 義工,了解 PyCon 的籌備須知和特點,及本地 PyCon 需要的人手和資源。亦在會議上收集部分與會者的意見,和尋找潛在的義工和合作夥伴。本次會議以廣東話進行。

本次籌備會議主辦:Hong Kong Python User Group
Open Source HK Meetup (July 2022)
Date: Tuesday, July 26
Time: 2100-2200 HKT/1400-1500 BST

本月主題:Starting a New Chapter: working abroad

It is a great opportunity to learn about a new culture and gain work experience in a different country. Living and working in a new environment is never easy. Our July meetup will feature three overseas speakers who will share their experiences working abroad and how they started.

已邀請講員: Wan Leung Wong, Terence Ng, Daniel Li.


Meeting ID: 886 1338 1252
Passcode: 017054


Event Links posted on social networks:
是咁的 ... 香港人嘅實體 PYCON 返嚟啦!今年主題係「Delight Yourself in Python」。誠邀各行各業各有專長嘅你,同大家分享你嘅 Python topics!正所謂 #有咩留返PYCON 先講,今次唔講仲等幾時呀? 9月5號截稿啦!#有咩留返pycon先講
#pyconhk #香港人嘅pycon
CFP is now extended to 15 Sep (Thur) 21:00 HKT, we are now looking for a few more proposals.

今年PYCON香港實體會議, 鐵定10月29日強勢回歸! 現誠徵講題,講者最後召集15/9 21:00 截稿!

各行各業但凡用Python 嘅你都歡迎提交講題!
仲諗?快啲submit proposal 啦🤩

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