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Channel: Izah Asmadi 🌻
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14 Days Left! Who should attend Admis Life 6.0?

Content creators & ladybosses who seek :

βœ…1. To make new friends to improve skills & inspire growth with real strategies

βœ…2. To learn from other content creators & collaborate for future projects.

βœ…3. To network & understand the POV of business owners

All in 1 Event!

For this event to be more fruitful than ever, allow me to reintroduce our speakers.

Swipe to read their outstanding portfolios. Who would've guessed Madam Erna used to do gig works to survive, now she is business icon multimillionaire!🀩

Don't miss this chance to boost your personal growth & career!

Come & join the powerful tribe!

Channel photo updated
4 Things You Shouldn't Do At Networking Events As Introverts

Going to events can open doors to new opportunities. But many failed to benefit from it.

Here's whyπŸ‘‡

❌1/4- Waiting To Be Approached

Talking to a stranger & being pushed away is tough but if you don't try you are losing all the chances.

If you don't speak, no one can read your mind & tell what's your business. Do it anyway.
To start, choose a smaller crowd.
❌2/4-Seeking For Sales

Networking event is not a place to make quick money.

Unless you're a famous celebrity or someone with master level sales skill, that cold audience wouldn't care to buy as fellow guests.

Build rapport first, charm them with your passion, give testers.

Don't waste your time going to events without any aim. Introvert need plans.

Do this :
1. List what questions you want to be answered during the event.

2. List who you want to be connected to based on guestlist.

3. Plan what you're going to do based on tentative.

❌4/4-Talk To Everyone Quickly

The old way of giving cards around with bolt speed, isn't working anymore.

Take time to get know people on deeper level. Ask meaningful questions to have a space in your new friend's mind.

More time taken but cost less social energy & more favor.

This is how I am able to meet many powerful human, build good connection despite coming from poor family with zero cables.

Genuine, deep connection to optimize my small social capacity cup.

This is how I build my cables.
The introvert way.

For my dear ladies, join us at Admis Life 6.0 :

βœ… Small crowd 40pax professional ladies
βœ… Comfy space,food provided surau & restroom nearby
βœ… Certified Field Expert

As an introvert, this is the best crowd you can start. Join our tribe hereπŸ‘‡

#mentalhealth #entrepreneurship #selflove #contentcreator #womenempowerment #introvert
Alhamdulillah, Admis Life 6.0 melabuhkan tirai..

Ada banyak sangat ilmu yang saya dapat daripada sharing Madam Erna and all our dear ladies today.

InsyaAllah I'll upload the sharing in our youtube soon.

Thank you to my dear Madam Ernayanee for spending your time with us ladies today, thank you to our premium goodie sponsor Syafiqah from Krasivo, sister Laiqamar from indonesia for your masterpiece artwork, Makcik Zaidatul from Ikram WM for sponsoring few tickets, Farah from Lania for lending me your table cloth, and Manor Events for lending us all the decor items.

Today, we gathered to listen to each other, recite Qunut Nazilah together for our brothers and sisters in Gaza and to empower our muslimah for your personal growth.

Again, thank you dear ladies for coming today.

Please pardon me for any mishaps.

I hope all of you have a good rest and may Allah grant you strength to continue supporting Palestine.

Take care dear ladies.
I'll officially signing off to rest and heal now.

Izah Asmadi 🌻
Why write to complain, when you can write to make money instead? It doesn't matter who you are and what background you came from, if you have the time to write complains on social media, you are privileged. In fact, if you are reading this, you are people…
Last September I wrote about my uncle.

Today he passed away.

I grew up witnessing his sacrifices,
indeed he is a fighter who fought through all sorts of life challenges.

He was battling to heal from cancer for years. His battle finally ends.

AlFatihah untuk allahyarham Mohd Nor b Hamid.

Tahniah Chek Nor sebab Allah dah jemput balik. Nanti Yuyu jumpa Chek Nor kat sana..

Moga Allah ampunkan dosa, tempatkan Chek Nor dalam syurga tertinggi.

AlFatihah juga buat Abang Luqman Razali yang sangat aku hormati. Tahun ni tahun ke 13, abang pergi meninggalkan sebuah pengajaran yang tak pernah dilupakan.

Pemergian yang mendidik jiwa.

Moga Allah bantu Nurul Izah dan semua yang membaca untuk kekal berjuang dalam hidup dan dapat husnulkhotimah.

Bi'iznillah, amin ya rabb.

Hadiah Akhir Tahun❀️

Assalamualaikum dear friends, saya nak bagi hadiah akhir tahun ni.

Are you ready to take on 2024?

Life coach saya ajar, untuk rasa hidup lebih bermakna pastikan kita isi semua kategori keperluan.

Ada 6 aspek yang kita perlu jaga.
1. Health
2. Mental health
3. Religious needs
4. Relationship
5. Wealth
6. Education

Untuk wealth, bagi yang berbisnes boleh mula rangka kempen marketing sepanjang tahun 2024.

Dah boleh berhenti buat kerja ad hoc.
Terkejar-kejar ikut trend semasa sedangkan ada perkara boleh kita plan awal.

Otak penat, badan penat, tambah stress, performance drop.

Mengikut data kajian Statista, untuk kempen SALES di Malaysia, yang jualan paling tinggi ialah ketika sales 11.11.

Ada beberapa lagi kempen lain yang masuk dalam graf kajian seperti sales 12.12, sales raya, sales christmas etc.

Boleh refer list tarikh dan nama sales yang saya dah compile ni untuk rujukan team marketing tuan puan.

Kenapa saya buat list ni?

Sewaktu saya mula belajar pelan kempen marketing ecommerce 7 tahun dulu, saya penat fikir nak buat kempen apa setiap bulan.

Saya tertanya-tanya, macam mana bisnes lain macam dah tahu sales apa akan ada.

Mereka dah siap design bahan marketing awal-awal.

Sedangkan saya masih terkial-kial ikut tema bulanan.

Penat teramat sebab asyik rushing.

"Kat mana nak tengok semua list kempen marketing bisnes ni?", tanya saya pada geng marketing.

"Tahu sendiri. Tiap tahun sama je"

Selepas bertahun-tahun pelan kempen marketing, maka inilah hasilnya.

⏩ 2024 Malaysia Marketing Hot Event List + BONUS - 1Hour Private Zoom Session For Social Media Content Performance Audit

Free saja. Kalau berminat, jemput subscribe disini ya:

Tak sabar nak execute dan improve performance instead of penat kejar idea kempen orang lain kan?

Nak lagi best, jemput tengok recording webinar Neil Patel

⏩Neil Patel Latest Marketing News

Semoga hadiah kecil ni bermanfaat.

Jemput share link telegram ni supaya kawan-kawan bisnes kita boleh dapat manfaat yang sama❀️

Platform Selesaikan Masalah Copywriting

Gambar dah ada, tapi copywriting tak sampai? Look at what I foundπŸ‘‡

Daftar sekarang, dapat FREE 5K credit untuk generate auto copywriting.

Dan kalau tak faham, boleh PM saya cara nak optimize your leverage.

Daftar je. Alang-alang tengah FREE ni.

Tips Content Creator Evergreen?

Jadi content creator ni tak mudah.

Penat kejar trend,
Penat hadap komen-komen negatif,
Penat hasil kerja dicuri,
Penat buat tapi takda hasil,
dan macam-macam lagi kepenatan yang boleh buat kita burnout.

βœ…1. Plan Ahead

Pertamanya, bila kita dah set nak jadi content creator, pastikan ada plan.

Ada long term goal.
Tahu objektif.
Barulah gerak kerja kita lebih teratur.

Contohnya, nak jual sambal, buat content makanan.
Nak jual buku matematik, buat content mengajar matematik.
Nak jual kelas mengaji, buat content baca quran.

βœ…2. Jangan buat content setiap hari

Tak perlu bangun setiap hari baru fikir nak post.
Otak kena kerja keras, hilang masa rehat.

Tak perlu tunggang trend sepanjang masa.
Lama-lama boleh menghidap anxiety.

Bak kata Khairul Aming, dia tak ikut trending lagu terkini pun. KA tak suka buat benda tu. Dia hanya fokus pada niche dan konsisten bagi manfaat dengan video berkualiti tinggi.

Fokus on sustainable work ethic yang bantu kita kerja dalam jangka masa panjang.

βœ…3. Jangan scroll feed setiap hari

Ramai content creators bagi nasihat jangan scroll feed setiap hari.

Ada 3 sebab.
- Elak tiktok brain (Harvard term for short attention span)
- Elak rasa insecure dengan kebolehan diri
- Elak buang masa. Consume hanya untuk create. Create more than you consume.


Sekian 3 tips content evergreen harini.

Perasan tak, content creators yang lahir daripada youtube kebanyakkannya pakar bab content evergreen ni.

Jadi, kalau nak cari idea content jenis evergreen untuk niche kita, tengok je youtube. Cari kat tiktok pun boleh. Cuma tiktok masih baru.

Tak semua niche mampu flourish bertahun-tahun macam youtubers.

Nak saya share lagi tips content evergreen yang convert? Cuba komen Nak.

Harap bermanfaat.

Media is too big
Learn about content creator economy - KA
Assalamualaikum Hi everyone! Hi 2024!

I just want to take this opportunity to pat myself.
All my 7 younger siblings are legally an adult now.

I have been supporting my parents to take care of my siblings since I was 8.
Emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially.

I learn a lot about parenting my own siblings.

How to talk with care when no one seems to care and you were told to be better off dying,
how to be one setting rules at home when father figure is absent,
how to teach my brothers discipline using male language,
how to cook for many little children so that they won't choke,
how to keep on adapting and make money to feed 7 hungry young adults healthy food not craps,
how to be assertive and protective teenager when the adult relatives, neighbours and teachers are shitty af.

Almost nobody around me understand when I say I learn parenting while I was being single.

Less can relate the responsibility of having to take care of many younger siblings in poverty.

I won't say I did great, but I know my effort. I mean, 2 decades observing 7 souls is a lot of mental capacity right?

I'm 32 years old now.
All my baby ducklings can legally leave their nest safely to make decision on their own for their own life.

How about you?
What is the one thing you think you work hard on but no one will appreciate you for that? Feel free to share it.

Let's us pat ourselves together.
All that matters is that Allah knows.

24 years of memories.
May Allah continue protecting my siblings.

Kudos to all strong, protective and kind Along out there.
This Along is signing off now.

RM2,500,000 dana untuk poster digital!? Saya pelik kenapa korang tak berlari join grab insentif ni!

Ceritanya, kawan saya handle project digital, collab dengan MDEC.

Project untuk hargai artwork tempatan dan bagi korang ada aset digital. MDEC bagi RM2,500 setiap 1000 orang yang join.

Bukan competition, masuk terus dapat babe. Weh banyak tu!

Korang ni kan, kalau orang tabur gula-gula RM50 boleh pulak sanggup isi itu ini, tapi ni hah RM2,500 masuk poket taknak pulak!
Haish pelik, pelik.

Tapi sebagai manusia, kita perlu empati.
Mungkin dia stuck kat mana-mana.

Okay, jom saya tolong sikit.

First thing first, ada 5 benda saja yang korang perlu buat untuk dapatkan RM2500 :

1. Fikirkan idea storyline
2. Buat artwork (NFT) untuk poster ala-ala movie atau game, buat artwork untuk setiap character.
3. Fikirkan idea untuk bisnes
4. Fikirkan idea untuk faedah
5. Fikirkan idea untuk dunia metaverse

Jom kita go through one by one.

βœ… 1. Idea Storyline

Nah, guna template yang Pentas dah sediakan ni :
1. Setting ( Lokasi & zaman bila)
2. Plot ( Sinopsis cerita )
3. Characters (Apa watak & pelakon yang ada )
4. Narrative Arcs ( Perkembangan Cerita, Plot twist, POV baru )

Guna format chronology untuk susun cerita korang.
- Intro
- Conflict
- Rising Action
- Climax
- Falling Action
- Ending

Lagi mudah?
Letak format prompt ni dalam chatgpt dan suruh dia fikirkan.

Nak lebih syok, download apps, AI chatbot ni boleh bantu korang create cerita untuk interact dengan setiap character yang korang set. Senanglah nanti nak buat dialogue.

βœ… 2. Buat Artwork

Dah ada character, dah ada story, korang dah boleh bayang macam mana rupa dunia film korang.

Untuk artwork ni, guna saja kreativiti korang.
+ Pilih tema cerita & pilih movie as reference.

Untuk yang boleh melukis, lukis.

Untuk yang bakat terpendam taknak keluar macam saya ni, boleh lah guna boleh generate artwork AI. tapi jangan 100% tau.

Generate kat sini :
+ Midjourney
+ Microsoft Designer
+ Imagine

βœ… 3. Fikirkan Idea Bisnes
Hint : Suruh chatgpt fikir.

Macam mana nak bagi artwork korang ni terjual?

Jawab soalan ni :
+ Nak jual apa?
+ Jual kat sapa?
+ Jual kat mana?

Ikut je format idea yang pentas bagi. Ada 4 idea jualan :

Contohnya, jual artwork(NFT) kat pasar Pentas(marketplace) untuk peminat game.

+ Initial Sale : (Jual NFT kat semua orang)
+ Secondary Market : (Jual royalty)
+ Partnerships: (Collab dengan siapa)
+ Merchandising: (Jual produk fizikal untuk orang luar Pentas)

βœ… 4. Fikirkan faedah(Utility) artwork korang
Hint : Suruh chatgpt fikir.

Apa faedah kalau orang beli artwork(NFT) korang?

Pentas bagi cadangan :
+ Exclusive Access: (Pembeli boleh join event offline & online untuk komuniti)
+ Voting Rights: (Pembeli boleh bagi cadangan plot twist atau arch cerita.
+ In-Game Benefits: (Untuk projek game, NFT(artwork) korang boleh jadi item dalam game.
Staking Rewards: (Kumpul point reward dapat extra hadiah)

βœ…5. Fikirkan idea dunia metaverse.
Hint : Suruh chatgpt fikir.

Yang ni susah sikit nak faham tapi secara mudahnya, buat dunia lain macam dunia online game.

Guna format ni :
+ Virtual World: (Dunia apa yang nak dibina, apa yang orang boleh buat dalam tu. Borak ke, buat event ke)

+ Interactive Quests: ( Apa aktiviti menarik yang buat orang nak stay dalam dunia korang?)

+ Social Spaces: (Apa tempat untuk orang berkumpul dalam dunia korang)

+ Cross-Platform Integration: (Pastikan boleh connect dengan platform lain contohnya fb ke)

No 1 sampai no 5 semua ni korang boleh minta tolong AI untuk siapkan.

Spend masa dalam sehari dua saja dah siap. Then boleh ikut process untuk submit bahan-bahan artwork dalam pasar Pentas & google drive.

Baca kat tweet ni processnya


Terus tengok kat document ni:
Susah kerja sebulan nak dapat 1500, ni kerja sehari dua dah boleh dapat RM2500.

Serious, tak susah mana.
Kena rajin sikit je.
Tutup 29 Jan tau.

Kalau korang ada masalah stuck kat mana-mana Jancoca (ditwittter) cakap dia sudi guide.

I pun boleh tolong korang plan idea kreatif.
DM me untuk set sesi planning for free.

Sekian, moga bermanfaat.
Top 5 Email Newsletter Marketers & Creators Should Join in 2024

Siapa sini dah bosan scroll content di social media?
Kalau korang dah bosan, kita geng.

Dulu, saya akan spend masa disocial media.

Tengok viral topic, trend, kaji behaviour KOL dan baca perangai audience untuk buat content.

Tapi sekarang, saya dah muak.

Sangatlah bising dengan lambakan info tak perlu yang saya taknak baca.

Dah hide pun masih keluar. Sakit hati kot.

Jiwa adventurous saya nak buat sesuatu yang lebih menarik. Almaklumlah dah 10 tahun kaji social media.

Tapi dalam masa yang sama, saya masih suka baca content.

Apa option yang ada?
Article google, journals, buku dan email newsletter.

Untuk tahun 2024 ni, saya sarankan marketer, content creators join newsletter daripada 5 nama ni :

βœ…1. Exploding Topics

Kita akan dapat tahu topic apa yang tengah trending kat social media (mostly US). Dia akan bagi simple graph every week.

Contohnya this week saya dapat info tentang topic trending fluted glass, cybercore, grounding shoes.

Subscribe here :

βœ…2. Stacked Marketer

My favourite. Fresh bite size marketing knowledge yang lebih radical dan practical.
Ada banyak topic dalam 1 newsletter. Contohnya, AI Marketing, Advertising, SEO, etc.

But, the way they design the newsletter didnt make my eyes hurt.

Tak susah baca newsletter dia dengan saiz font dan spacing paragraph yang bagus.

Subscribe here :

βœ…3. Psychology of Marketing

Saya baru subscribe tahun ni. Sangatlah menarik baca casestudy untuk setiap topic dia ajar.

Contoh artikel terbaru, Social Doubt vs Social Proof. How to use social doubt in your marketing!

Yang ni syok saya baca. Nanti saya share my experiment findings.

Subscribe here :

βœ…4. Harvard Business Review

Newsletter HBR masih best, simple, research based. HBR Newsletter lebih tersusun. Kita boleh pilih by topic.

Ada topic strategy, analytics, leadership, burnout management, finance, managing return, early career tips etc.

Saya paling suka bab leadership and personal growth.

Subscribe here :

βœ…5. Neil Patel

Jujur cakap, saya agak bosan dengan stail newsletter rata-rata guru bisnes/marketer Malaysia.

Saiz font, design, gaya bahasa, depth of content research etc.

Tak boleh salahkan sifu, sebab mostly staff yang tulis, bukan sifu.Jaranglah dieorang nak tulis sendiri.

Lebih parah lagi, most staff hanya nak kejar KPI bukan kualiti.huhuπŸ˜‚

Tapi yang betul-betul best masih ada.
Contohnya KartelDigital. Tak ramai. Saya terpaksa baca content guru luar negara.

Content Neil Patel ni straight forward, latest marketing world info daripada sudut pandang sebuah agency marketing yang besar macam Neil Patel. Kena selera saya.

Subscribe here :

Semua ni free saja tau. Ada option paid kalau berminat.

Dah subscribe? Puas hati dengan list ni?

Sharelah content saya ni ya. Nanti saya tulis lagi next content.

P/s : Nak saya bantu tulis email content? Content yang menaikkan kredibiliti setaraf anda yang hebat dan tak bunyi macam budak baru lepas grad. Boleh pm, kita diskus.

Coaching founder dayπŸ˜†
Dear lady bosses, are you in service industry with at least 4 talents in marketing team?

I ada rahsia nak kongsi.
This year, saya nak fokus cari jodoh.
Asyik busy bisnes lupa cari jodoh.

Jadi, tahun ni l, saya nak pilih HANYA 2 LADYBOSSES untuk saya serve for 9 months.

Untuk bagi lebih masa pada jodoh searching sambil jaga top quality performance.

So, what will you get?

βœ… 1. Result Driven Marketing & Sales Campaign (10 Years of Experience)

Specializing in ecommerce design & digital marketing with 10 years of experience serving local & international brands, I promise community growth by increasing brand equity through trustworthy social media influence & converting digital marketing campaign.

My result driven experience in executing and leading 6 figures sales campaign within short time will surely be beneficial your marketing campaigns.

βœ… 2. Diverse Marketing Execution Plan + Leadership Skill

From 2014 until 2023, I have personally served more than 100 business owners to develop their marketing strategies and execute the campaigns using content, ads and influencer marketing.

My clients include KOL & NGOs such as Ikram NGO, Kayman, Amru, Sihate, Hasbul Brothers & Faizul Ridzuan.

Therefore, your party will have no problem in ensuring my teamwork skill, professionalism and creativity in creating well researched marketing strategies.

No need for close monitoring as I am used to independent work ethic, preparing reports every month.

βœ… 3. Smooth Communication With Media Representatives, KOL & Influencers

Being an active president of university club and conducting events since 20 years old, I have adequate experience in managing creative team members, influencers, sponsors and media representatives.

I have worked with more than 50 influencers such as CEO of Dexandra, Aiman Amri, Chemell & Elle Fara.

Each influencer is tailored based on brand niche needs.

Plus, being a content writer, my appearance in media such as TV3, Hotfm, Malaysia Gazette will definitely be helpful in ensuring smooth communication with esteemed media representatives.

In simple words, I will help to monitor your marketing team while driving them towards achieving your 2024 goals.

Able to start immediately and willing to commute no matter where you are.

All these at simple rate of RM4.5k per month.

Jom kita discuss. Let's make this work!

p/s: Rahsia tak jadi rahsia dah. Mohon doakan jodoh saya dipermudahkan ya akak sekalian

#berdualebihbaik #bungabungacinta #makcikbawangtolongbertenang #happywomensday2024 #womenentrepreneurs
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