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Channel: Lost in Words
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You know how my mood is , at times,
Like I wanna say a lot of stuff at once,
And at same time , I don't even wanna utter a word or make it rhyme.
I want to be heard out,
But don't want my words to be spoken aloud.
I want to cry out loud and scream,
I just wish all this to be a mere dream.
But then I wanna laugh my heart out,
Enjoy and Live it my way,
Ah , I'm a mess, quite hard to be understood,
When going through a rough day.

Life can be unpredictable
It changes with passage of time
It's ironical that thinking about happy
moments leave us teary eyed
And it brings a smile thinking
we're over 'crying.

Sunshine seems joyful
Only after stormy nights,
You can lose your fear of falling,
Only if you've been at heights.

You can know what happiness is ,
Only if you've been sad,
You'll appreciate the good times ,
If you've also seen the bad.

You told me you liked my voice,
So I sang you a song everyday to sleep,
But it was sweet because of
The beauty of lies, it keeps.

I sang about my pleasures,
And the memories of the moments we shared,
I made you my priority,
But I guess, you never really cared.

I sang about the promises you made
Which you never gave a second thought,
I doubt if I misjudged you,
To be a person you're not!

I sang about what's bothering me,
And what has ceased all my peace,
But then I realised I was singing
To the calmness of dark night,
As you had already fallen asleep.

You were a nightmare,
That stepped silently in
Dark ambience of the night,
You were the same nightmare
I was living in,
That I couldn't even get rid of
In the dawn light.

You were scary enough to
Give me sleepless nights
And freeze my bones blue,
But what's scarier is
They say dreams do come true
And nightmares are dreams too!

If waiting for you was ever easy,
I wish I could make the night wait too,
And watch it lose, letting the dawn win over,
Just as I watch myself falling
more and more for you!

But the wait isn't easy,
Nor does the night wanna stay,
I'm not ready to give up on us
So I'll wait until you realise
And I hear you say.

I'll wait just as the moon does
To embrace the night,
And if in this lifetime I can't find you,
I'll wait, for in next, I might !

Just Words

If these are just words that I write,
Why do they speak the language of my soul,
If they mean nothing to me,
Why do I feel they're my feelings being told,
Why do I feel that a part of me is scattered among the ink,
Are they really just words or its my silence that I stole?

If these are just words that I speak,
Why do they carry the power to
destroy, hurt or heal,
How do they tell about my fears, pain, pleasures and bliss,
When even the eyes succeed to conceal,
If they're just words that I say,
Why do tears fill up my eyes
and the smile doesn't stay!

If these are just words that I read,
Why does it feel that someone
has looked through my soul,
How do I no longer feel alone and gloomy,
And it makes me feel that I've been known,
How these words can cast a spell on our minds,
And it seems we're dealing with magic,
For words can both hurt and console !

Words carry the beauty and strength of trapping people and not letting them go,
Words can be a blessing,
curse , hell or even home !

We've grown blind enough to look through our souls , the emotions and tell,
I live in a world of words,
Where eyes succeed in hiding the truth,
but the words can convey it well!
I was broken,and hurt like hell,
I was going through a hard time,
Trying to cope it well.

But it's hard to fake a smile,
When tears fill up your eyes
And you burst out crying,
And when asked about your breakdown,
You have no strength of
Speaking up the truth or even lying.

And then I want to cry out loud,
Shout it out,
I want to let it go,
As I've no strength for the tears to hold.

I wish I would have tried,
Instead of faking a smile ,I should have cried.
It's hard to live , with the devil screaming inside,
I wish I would have told someone,
And I could confide.

However hard I try,it's not gonna change,
The damage is done,
And nothing's gonna be the same,
But , can you hear my screams?
Even before you realise,
I know I am dying,I am dying again.

I never knew that the first thing
I would want to do after waking up
Would to cry, shout and scream,
You were a nightmare,
I didn't wanna dream.


I'm sorry for the lanes I won't choose,
For the words I won't spell,
For the love I can't give,
For the stories I won't tell.

I'm sorry for the walls I've build up,
For the memories I won't share,
For the times I pretended to be rude
Even when I knew I care.

I'm sorry for the talks I won't be part of,
For the role I won't play,
As I'm just a disguised soul,
I've no idea of how much longer I'll stay!

I'm sorry for the lies I weaved up,
When I had a beautiful truth to tell,
I'm sorry, for when you adored
each flaw and scar of mine,
I can't adore even a part of you well.

People are full of lies,
And so am I,
As I choose to live in a beautiful dilemma
Each time I lie.

I lie everytime I say I'm fine,
Coz no one really cares even if I'm lying.
There hides a lie in every it's okay,
Coz no one tries to find what's wrong
And what am I hiding.

There is a lie behind I don't care,
Even when I know how much it hurts,
Or maybe I'm not lying,
Just choosing among the truths,
That hides behind these words
A+ Grade

She was an intelligent girl,
She enjoyed learning new  things,
So you wanted her to excel in studies,
Stating that this would result in her good being.

She toiled hard to be the best,
As you were never satisfied by her grades,
You replaced her toys, drawings
And novels with heavy books,
Ceasing the joy of her childhood days.

She grew up as a bookworm,
Who studied all day long,
So everyone expected her to be smart,
And her answers to be never wrong.

Soon she was exhausted,
Hiding behind perfect student mask,
and her grades started to deplete,
Her health was ailing,
But her poor academic performance
Is what you could see.

She was stressed about your expectations,
And that she couldn't be the best again,
But you failed to realise
That the A+ in her marksheet
Couldn't heal her slit vein.
Stars and Moon

The stars followed the moon wherever it would go,
Knowing well that it would someday leave them alone ,
In the vast sea of darkness,
The stars still strand there waiting for a chance,
It's not the stars twinkling , but their hearts beating, to steal just a glance!

But without the stars, the moon would be lonely too,
As there are many who admire its ambience,
But those who admire its spots are really few.
Though their paths will never coincide, their love stays forever,
They strand in the sky, miles apart from each other, still together.
Wow! We're 600 now ! I never really expected that and I've no words to thank you all for being here ❤️
Thank you guys !!!❤️
The person I am
I am the people I meet,
The things I see,
The objects I admire,
And the person I wanna be.

I am the books I read,
The songs I listen,
The lies I weave,
And the truth that lies within.

I am the words I speak,
And words you use to influence me,
I may seem same or different,
Depending on how you see.

I'm a little like her,
I'm a little like him,
I am same as you,
But still different as you've been.

I am a little like the person I'll be tomorrow,
And a little like person I was yesterday,
But what makes me different
Is how I am today.

I can be anyone I want to,
But I choose to be me,
As it's the small things that define me,
That not everyone could see!
To Let Go
Though the decision was stern,
But I wanted to stay,
As you were still affecting me
In every possible way,
But I didn't wanted to mess up things,
So I had to push you away,
Hurting you even more,
But trust me, I am hurt in the same way.

Though I pushed you away,
But what if I still miss you
Every now and then,
You still hangout in my mind,
And moving on from you isn't easy,
Nor has it ever been!

I still miss the way we laughed
And the way we vibed,
You're still stuck on my mind,
No matter how hard I tried!

I miss how you could make me smile
Even by your silly talks
Putting my anxieties to a stop,
You gave me everything
I didn't even know I was in need of!

You knew me for my soul
not solely for the things I do,
I wish I could tell you once
how much I miss you!

Let's run away from city lights to a place where we have no arguments, no complexions,
No issues, no fear and no restrictions.

Where we are free to be we,
Where you are you and I'm me,
And that's the truth everyone could see.

Where we don’t need to fake
And we can convey and don't need to hide,
Where the soul is free from the ache of freedom,
And our eyes are no more put to lie.

Let's run away to a world where we don't have to run away from ourselves,
A world which is beautiful place to be in, and not stated as hell.

Where foggy nights are not endless, and we do have a beautiful dawn,
Where you don't have to put up a fake smile to hide your frown!
Your silence spoke everything,
And mine heard it all,
When the words couldn't find a way,
We already knew what we wanted,
And what we wished for,
And still had many reasons to stay.

It's like I've always known you,
But time drifted us apart,
I wonder if this was all a coincidence,
How we met , our souls got connected,
And strings got attached by heart.

I don't know if it's meant to be or not,
Nor do I really care,
Coz you gave me my forever,
In the few moments we shared!

A Disguised Soul

She's a disguised soul,
Searching for her reason of existence over time,
She's mature enough to be a kid at heart
And wise over mind.

She's lost in the lanes of dilemma,
Not able to recognise what's real and what's fake,
Even her tears have learnt to stay behind her smile,
And know what courage it takes.

She chooses to be quiet, for she knows
the value of her smile and tears,
And that not everyone is worth knowing
her strength and her fears.

Her souls aches to wander along with the stars,
across the length of the sky,
But she's trapped in the beauty of this world,
and can't spread her wings to fly.

She longs for the stained moon,
in the sea of crowded city lights,
You won't even know she's there,
even if she's right there in your sight.
I was lost but now I found my way,
Coz you misled me to a beautiful journey,
But our paths were different,
And not every end is beautiful even if the journey might be!

Though the path chosen was wrong but still beautiful,
Though the journey was short but magical!

Thank you for letting me know that to be misled isn't always wrong,
But you left, making me realise what's right and now I'm more strong!

Thank you, for you made me know, most beautiful journey is when you're walking alone
And at the end of the day, you'll know that you're your own home,
Thus discovering the best thing to be known!

Not Sorry
When the sun isn't sorry for being bright,
Moon isn't sorry for it comes late at night,
Rain isn't sorry for it falls,
Lightning isn't sorry for scaring us all,
So why do you need to be sorry for being genuine and being you,
For being the real version of yourself and just true?
Last Time
Passed a day, passed two,
But it still seems hard,
The words acted like thorns to my heart.
I couldn't figure out where I went wrong,
Or was I wrong from the start,
Were it my words or silence
Or the silence of words that grew us apart.

I was trying to let you go even when I wanted you to stay,
I wanted to move on but I can't,
For you affected me in every possible way,
You left but all those memories you gave me never may,
But now I'm too scared of being affected again,
So maybe it's the last time you hear me say!

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2024/06/14 17:12:35
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