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Channel: Lost in Words
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They say beauty lies in everything,
In the breeze, the trees, the moon & the stars,
There's beauty in soul, our mind & heart,
But they forget to beautify the scars.

There's beauty in pain,
And in the heart that's been broken again and again,
There's beauty in the words you keep and the one's you say,
There's beauty in the way, how you still choose to stay,
Even when your heart holds no more strength,
To love again, believe again or even live anymore,
Coz it fears being broken in the ways it's been broken before.

It has lost much more than it ever received ,
The scars heal, and fade away but the pain never leaves.

And you still pass the storms,
Even if it upturns your boat,
You have got no fear of losing anything,
Coz you lost every battle you fought,
But still hold on to some hope.

You still manage to smile,
When there's just a void left in yourself,
And try to make everyone happy,
Even if you're tired and in need of help.

It's amazing, however worse the problem is,
You simply get through,
Coz you're blessed,
With a unique power in you!
They call me their friend,
Talk to me about their day,
From start to end.
They talk to me when completely
feeling blue,
Yes, I've heard a lot things about you!

I've heard them cry, when they
had no one by their side,
They parted their loneliness with me,
When had no one to confide.
I know their moods,
How they feel, happy, content or sad,
I've got to know enough about them,
All their qualities, good or bad.

But it's been a long time
since they've been away,
Seems like they've got
no more words to say.

I choose to stay, hoping to hear
from them soon,
Maybe they've got a good friend,
Or they've started talking to the moon.

I realise maybe they are busy,
And don't need me anymore,
Anyways, I'm just a diary,
Who was once their best friend before
I've been distant, for a while,
From my words, my voice,
Maybe I've forgotten them,
Or lost them in my lies.
Having no means to express
myself, I struggle,
Coz my words are the story
on my puzzle.

It seems I've lost myself,
Amongst the chaos and the noises,
Amidst the things that I've been through,
Though some weren't even my choices.

I feel empty, helpless ,
Coz I've got no more words to say
But thousands of emotions
and things to explain,
Maybe I'm suppressed by the pain,
The pain of scars that once healed,
But now bleed again.

I haven't heard my soul in ages,
It waits, wanting to be heard,
Cries in silent rages.

Nothing seems to fall in place,
But they say what's meant to be,
Will always stay.
So how can I bring myself back?
A part of my soul that lived in,
The way it was, the way it thought,
How can I bring back the words I lost?

How should I deal with this kind of loneliness?
where I've nothing to say when put to explain,
Coz I'm left with no words,
To express my emotions and my pain
Not every puzzle is ours to be solved,
Some problems take time to be resolved,
Don't stress yourself, be gentle and kind,
I've heard them say problems
don't last forever,
And maybe they're not lying

You might think it's the worries
that turned the sea blue,
Or maybe stars ask for help
when they twinkle,
Coz they feel like we do.

There are many mysteries
that'll unfold as we grow,
And there is much more for you,
That you are yet to know!

There are tales you haven't heard,
The love you haven't felt,
There's escape from the sadness,
in which you dwell.
There are dreams you're yet to live,
And moments you won't forget,
There are many stories inside you,
That are yet to be said.

There are countless goodbyes
you are yet to make,
You still haven't met all those
who are meant to stay,
You have a whole new journey
that's yet to discover,
So why you choose the lane of guilt
to repent and suffer?

This journey of highs and lows will teach you many things, that'll build you strong,
You'll soon learn how to fight every battle, that'll lead you where you belong!
She's a beautiful soul
with a mind too bright,
She's got the warmth and
solace as that of moonlight,
She's an angel, she cares
for everyone she knows,
But not everyone has learnt
how to treat an angel,
or met one before!

So they hurt her, unaware of
how fragile is her heart,
And how hard it gets for her
To hold herself when torn apart.
But these days she's lost somewhere,
In between the love she lost,
And love she never got,
Struggling to know if she's even needed,
Or just surviving for no cause?

But she doesn't realise how
brave she is for living,
Even if she doesn't know
how to do that anymore,
And there are times when
she wants to give up,
But still doesn't choose to do so!

In the thick of healing, or
While being in pain,
She forgot to give herself
the love she needs,
Coz it's just one's love for oneself, that makes their pain and scars heal.

It might be hard to love yourself sometimes,
But it's harder not to do so,
Coz you just have yourself,
For ever after and from ever before!

So stumble and fall,
Love yourself and fight again,
Times might be hard now,
But they don't remain the same.
Can I stop for sometime,
May I just sit calm, please?
But am I even allowed to rest,
Would you let me live and breathe?

Can i just wait for a minute,
till things start to seem fine?
Can i just be real me,
as now I'm too tired of lying?

But would you like to listen,
Would you try to understand me?
Would you ever realise
what I'm going through?
Do you even care about how I feel?

I wish I could feel alive again,
I wish I could get back the pieces I lost,
They say I'll get better with time,
But how can I win a battle I never fought?
There is a demon in my head,
That answers to my name,
She weaves thousands of stories
of 'if's' and 'what may',
Bringing back my scars and their pain.
She makes me doubt everything I do,
Makes me feel I've been doing wrong throughout,
Her voice echoes in my head
And I no longer know where I belong,
It seems I've lost my way,
But there's no one to hear my shouts.
Wise one call her 'fear',
And say she ain't a demon,
But the words I've tamed for so long,
So I wrote them all for her,
To finally get to where I belong!
A Mess
They say I'm growing,
But each day I'm just falling apart and missing home,
I stay crowded,
But it still feels lonely within,
And even the voices in my head have left me alone!

I know I've a covered a long way,
And I'm too far from the start,
But it still feels I haven't changed even a bit,
My fears are still the same,
It just seems I've lost my path!

I Run, I stumble, I fall,
I try too hard but can't win the race,
They say, 'It was easy,
You could have excelled it, with grace'.

They say 'it isn't as hard as you make it to be',
'It doesn't hurt as much as you feel',
Maybe I'm wrong,
Maybe I do too much while they do it precisely!

Maybe I'm thinking too much,
But now things don't feel the way I used to feel,
I wish I could be the person I used to be
Why are we racing against time?
Rigorously trying and dying,
Over something that's neither
yours nor mine
So why to race?
Why is it so necessary to chase?
It's said that life is just a metaphor,
So let's just live it at our own pace!
I still search for that girl,
Who could deal everything with a smile,
Who was fluent with language of silence,
But could cheer you in a while.
She didn't care about what people would say,
And loved to talk and make new friends,
She lived in her own small fantasy,
And seemed as happy as one can.

But they killed that girl,
With those harsh words and mean tone,
Shattering her in pieces over time,
Again & again,
And then leaving her alone.
Now she sits quiet and still,
Watching the seasons change,
Yes I lost her,
The person I was once,
And won't be the same ever again.


Life is all about changing seasons,
Spring's joy, Autumn's gloom,
But we need to witness them all,
As plants may wilt off now,
But soon they would bloom!

Just like nothing stays forever,
So will the anguish along with autumn go,
But we need to know that we can't keep holding on to things, that don't let us grow.

Nothing's ever too bad to give up on hope,
Life's never too unfair and never too harsh,
Try once again coz you've got nothing more to lose,
And just gear up for a new start.

It is hard & exhausting to still hope,
When all the flowers & leaves wilt off,
And there is no life left,
Autumn will be gone, winter might be hard,
But remember spring will come too,
And all your misery will be swept.

Now just let yourself be real,
Don't fear anything & don't hide your scars,
Uncover all your secrets , your fears & your wounds,
Let the sunshine in, and let them rain with grace of shooting stars.

Let your soul get rid of the pain it's been holding on to, for years,
Let it come back to how it's been in the start,
Give yourself enough time to heal,
And rejoice yourself with life and revive your childish heart
It's weird, how we pretend to be normal,
When there's a storm going on in our head,
We think we'll be fine on our own,
But deep inside we know,
We're just lying to ourselves.

It's coz we're afraid, of what people
may feel about our true selves,
So we live in our misery,
and never dare to ask for help.

But why do we care so much,
Of what they might think or say?
As if the sun, moon or the clouds ask us that they are better in this, or that way!

The clouds wear the colours they wish to,
And don't bother whether we
like their shade of blue,
The Sun knows her power,
And adores her grace,
Not caring if we hate it,
Or love it too!

The moon stares upon us all,
And doesn't care what we
feel about it's gaze,
Coz it knows it isn't lonely,
And the sky loves it too,
When along with the stars,
The moon lights up its stage.

Why are we so insecure,
And need to hide behind the filters?
When we're well aware that it's
just our loss,
Denying isn't the solution,
As putting on a mask doesn't eliminate,
But just suppresses our flaws.

So just lose all your filters,
Accept everyone unfiltered,
And let everything as it's meant to be!
Try to make it a positive space,
Transforming the world into the one you dream!
You took your time,
Casting your spell on me,
Carved parts of you in me
So deep, that no one could see.

You were so convincing,
You left me mesmerized,
Till I found out they weren't promises,
But just sugar coated lies.

Your light bled in through my scars,
But I was too distracted to notice the change,
You blinded everyone with your light,
So they couldn't see that I wasn't the same.

Later, when the spell broke,
I realised it was just a game,
You devoured me of myself,
Now, I'm just an empty soul,
With the same, old name.

The magic brushed off,
Making everything hauntingly clear,
Your love decayed,
leaving behind the sorrows,
And now you ask me to repay,
Much more than I had borrowed.

Seems I brought the hell upon myself,
Letting you choose me for your vices,
But it isn't the end,
Sins don't fade away, and
Someday you'll have to pay the prices!

She was a happy soul,
She made people wonder how
She could stay happy all the time,
But they haven't looked past her mask,
And had no idea how many nights she spent crying.

Behind the strong girl mask was a tired soul,
That no one had a clue about,
Coz she showed them her laughs and smile,
Hiding her tears, pain and shouts.

She stands quiet,
Resolving the battles of thousand voices in her mind,
She is slowly fading to a place where her own voice is hard to find.

She thought she was slowly losing everyone,
And that her existence was fading,
But little did she knew,
She was finding herself,
Discovering answers to the questions
She had, for so long, been escaping.
A Wish
If you could hear the stars talk,
I wonder what they'd say to you,
Will they tell you about the wonders they've seen,
Or sing the stories they've heard from the moon?

Will they share how it all started,
Or how is it supposed to end?
Will they share their tales of loneliness,
Or introduce us to their long-distance friends?

Will they tell us their stories
of love, pain and scars?
How they once were full of life,
and then collapsed into stars?

Will they tell us about the beauty they carry and the wishes we strung around them?
Will they reveal the magic
that makes wishes come true,
And lend it to us too, if they can?

And when they're done, revealing the mysteries,
Will they listen to what you've got to say?
As there will be very little left to be heard,
Just a last wish, to make them stay!
I walked into a garden one day
Which didn't feel the same,
The flowers were in full bloom,
But the weather seemed to be strange.

It reminded me of the things I've done,
and the ones I've haven't done yet,
The words I haven't justified,
and the promises I haven't kept.

The paths that I left unraveled,
And the love I couldn't give,
The times I chose flight over fight,
When I was meant to be brave.

I didn't realise, lost in my plight,
When it began to rain,
I thought I might drown in my misery,
But this time I chose to stay sane.

When I returned back to my grave,
I realised why I felt lighter here,
As all my regrets were left behind,
which grew on me as flowers,
much brighter there.

To all the mortals out there,
Don't live holding regrets in your heart,
Coz you can't live joyfully,
When you feel you've been
wrong from the start.

To the heartbroken
I want you to know
That the tears you've cried,
The headaches you bore,
The days you've missed,
The pages that you tore,

The moments you started hating,
When the time started to tick slow,
When you thought you'll die,
But you were just learning to grow!

The love that you lost,
The strength that is now gone,
The scars that are left,
The ones you're trying to run away from,

But these aren't your mistakes,
Just the lessons that'll get you strong,
Though all this has left you shattered,
Soon you'll learn to move on!

Give yourself a second chance,
Try to love yourself first,
Slowly you'll gain the power to trust again,
And believe that you could find love.

It's okay if you're still tangled,
In the memories that refuse to go away,
It's okay if you regret holding on,
To your feelings and the words
you were meant to say.

Fight all your fears,
And your scars will begin to heal,
Find the courage to love again,
That will be your bravest deal!
Hope you're fine
Hey, how are you?
Hope you're doing fine,
It's okay, feel safe to share,
I know that you're trying.

Tell me when you need me,
And we could talk till we
forget about time,
Searching the past tales,
For your lost smile,
And I'll make you laugh
Until you start crying.

You can tell me what
keeps you awake,
And what made you
hate the lights,
You can share all your
silliest and deepest stories,
I'd share your silence, anger,
pain and delight.

I know it gets hard sometimes,
It's okay if you wanna stay quiet,
I just want to make sure you're well,
And know that I'm always here,
Even when not in your sight!
Messed Up
I wish I could turn my thoughts off,
I wish I can make this circling stop,
A lot is going on but I don't know how to deal with it,
I'm in an emotional turmoil but still can't feel it!

I don't know where I'm heading to,
And what am I gonna do?
I used to have things planned out in my mind,
But right now, I guess I don't have any clue!

They say you'll find a way,
But nothing seems to be clear,
My heart is racing fast,
And mind is bursting with all sorts of fear.

Thought I'll be able to handle it,
But it's all going down,
They say I'm a mess,
And I don't think I can prove them wrong!
In love
Counting minutes down,
Coz I know you're gonna take a leave,
Chasing demons out,
Though your thoughts won't let me sleep,
Never knew I had a version as such
That you made me see,
Couldn't figure where I'm going,
That's the way you make me feel!

I know I'm running out of reasons,
But I don't fear to risk it all,
Thought I had my walls high up,
But you've left me enchanted,
And managed to make me fall!

Slowing down, trying not to be reckless,
Shutting off my words, to avoid bring ruthless.

Don't wanna lose you,
Though I'm losing my control,
I'm running out of words,
But words aren't the only thing you stole!

You still give me butterflies
Everytime your eyes meet mine,
And I know I'm falling again,
Just won't be denying this time

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2024/06/03 14:47:22
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