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Update: 2025-02-19 12:48:52
Date: 2021-09-10
TG 667152, Telegram, Yemen, YE
فیلم شب/movix🎥 Telegram

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Telegram Webview

How Do Japanese Show They Care? By Sending a Telegram.

TOKYO — When he got married this summer, Hiroshi Kanno, who works at a security services firm in Tokyo, wanted to make a big statement that would impress his future in-laws. So he asked for his company’s president to send a congratulatory telegram. It arrived during the wedding party and was read aloud. “It really pumped up the atmosphere,” Mr. Kanno, 33, said. “I felt like a celebrity,” added his wife, Asuka, a 31-year-old office administrator. They posted photos of that message and another wedding telegram on Twitter, along with the his-and-her Hello Kitty dolls that were delivered with the notes.

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فیلم شب/movix🎥 Webview

From: Yemen ()

فیلم شب/movix🎥 TG

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About فیلم شب/movix🎥

Created Date: 2021-09-10

فیلم شب/movix🎥

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فیلم شب/movix🎥


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