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To the Foreign god We Built Magnificent Structures, Altars, Shrines and Temples. But the True Gods of the North have never needed such things, they were gifts not cages. Our Gods live as we live, Part of the Wood and Wilds, they have never been so weak as to require we build them a house.
🌲Hyperborean Radio (Uncensored)πŸ„
"I Mock not (...) but many things the priests say I know to be lies for I have run with the tigers and I know wild beasts better than the priests. Animals are neither gods nor fiends, but men in their way without the lust and greed of man -"-Excerpt Kull: Exile of Atlantis by Robert E. Howard

Picture: Simona Kossak, Polish Biologist and "Witch" with Her Boar Friend Ε»abka
🌲Hyperborean Radio (Uncensored)πŸ„
The terms of Right Hand and Left Hand Path are useless in paganism. They are terms used for Magic, Occultism and conform to an Abrahamic understanding of the world. The Right Hand Path by definition involves the Abrahamic Religions or those like them, the Left Hand Path thus groups all Pagans into it. Calling yourself a Pagan Follower of the Right Hand Path is much like calling yourself a Christian Witch. Plenty of well intentioned people use the term, but it contradicts itself in the very title.

Use Both Your Hands, Go Build Something.

🌲Hyperborean Radio (Uncensored)πŸ„
"Modern skepticism has destroyed one of the most beautiful creations of the Epic ages - the belief that the spirits of the dead warriors meet daily in the halls of Valhalla, and there around the festive board recount the deeds they did in the other world. For this evening, at least let us adopt the ancient superstition, if superstition it be." -Colonel John S. Mosby AKA "Gray Ghost", Commander of 43rd Battalion, 1st Virginia Cavalry, known as Mosby's Rangers, in a speech given at their reunion gathering thirty years after the war.

βš”οΈHyperborean Radio (Uncensored)πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Honor the Heroic Dead.

Today is Memorial Day or Decoration Day as it is also known. A day to honor the Dead, reaching back to Folk Customs of decorating the Graves of Our Loved Ones at the Dawn of Summer. Picnics, Wreathes and Stories shared beside the grave. In time it came to be known as a day specifically to honor Fallen Soldiers. This Vernal All-Souls Day honoring the ranks of Valhalla, Elysium and Fiddlers Green is symbolized with the Poppy, every bloom a drop of blood shed by the soldiers in service to their people.

Remember the Fallen, but do not give into despair or Melancholy. Rejoice! Revel! For that is what they fight for, in this realm and those beyond.

Let the Halls of the Heroic Dead and All those We love, hear in our song and our stories that their sacrifice was not in vain.

And May The Gods Bless We The People.

Joyous Memorial Day.

Art: Memorial Day or Columbia with the Souls of the Fallen by Neale Rundgren 2024

βš”οΈHyperborean Radio (Uncensored)πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Holiday Break - No New Episode This Week
In Honor of Memorial Day There will be no New Episode this Week. Hope Everyone Had a Good Holiday Weekend.

New Episodes Wednesday's at 6 AM EST
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Remember Kids! Odin is the God of...

Hanged Men,

If You have an issue with any of the above and venerate Odin, you may be following the wrong God for you.
The More You Know. πŸŒˆπŸ’«

🌲Hyperborean Radio (Uncensored)πŸ„
Forwarded from Γ†thelwulf Art
Title: Visiting the Grave (Codename)


30 + hours

Everyday Paganism.

I hope everyone is doing well?

I've been given permission by Hyperborean Radio to show the first painting of our current project: codename "Everyday Paganism". This exciting project is a collaboration between myself, as well as various artists. under the auspices of Hyperborean Radio. Though, I'm not going to disclose much information until such time everything is set in stone.

The one thing I can say about this project is that I've been given the freedom to explore my Swedish heritage & culture - and apply them accordingly.

Oh, and one more thing, I am working on commissions. Right now I am designing a book cover for Moonraker's upcoming fantasy book, which will take a while. When I have some time to myself, I'll write a few more posts on particular topics I think people will find interesting.

Thank you for all your support.


Be sure to check out my links below. :)

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🎡 Spider-Horse,
Does Whatever a Spider-Horse Does.
Can He Sling from a Web?
No he can't he's a horse,
look outttt Here comes Spider Horse.

-What Pops into my Head every time I see Sleipneir.

🌲Hyperborean Radio (Uncensored)πŸ„
Dating Advice

Stop asking women if they can cook as a test of femininity. The ability to cook is a fundamental skill required of adult humans to stay alive. Male or Female the expectation is that you are able to cook at least well enough to not die, should you be stripped of PF Changs, Frozen Pizza and Delivery Apps.

Many women may ask men if they can build a house? The answer is a resounding... maybe. We've been building model houses, forts and camping structures since we were kids. It is engrained in the very DNA of the Male to have some building abilities that we naturally pursue in our own play.

But these are not equivalents as mentioned before. If a man is to know carpentry, Advanced Algebra, Blueprint Creation, Masonry, Plumbing, Basic Electrical Wiring, Large Equipment Operation, Team Management, Budgeting, Painting, Landscaping and several other trades. It is only fair to ask a woman for her equivalent.

Can you manage a home? Handle and build a household budget and familial wealth? Store, Prepare and create a viable food stock for harsh months and lean times? Can you handle the ability to create an environment of peace and rest, or at times readiness should war arrive on your doorstep? How well can you temper your emotions, and weave alliances and protections so that the home is safe and watched out for by community and kin? How are your skills at mending? Decorating? Healing? How closed are your lips and how open are your ears? Could we as men trust you with managing the house we build and defend? Could even our wage slaving job build wealth under your capable hands? Could a modest budget make a home built for kings and queens under your skills? Could you monitor the health of your family and guard against the existential threats of rumors and liespinning?

In essence could you do one of the most important things on the very planet, requiring skills cultivated for years. Building a true home and thus! A True family?

🌲Hyperborean Radio (Uncensored)πŸ„
The Hunter Talking to Two Peasant Girls by Hugo Engl
🌲Hyperborean Radio (Uncensored)πŸ„
Prince Valiant Slays Attila The Hun by Hal Foster
🌲Hyperborean Radio (Uncensored)πŸ„
Catch Up Before the Final 3 - Nations of the Wood:
Animals are neither Gods nor Fiends but entire nations unto themselves, with their own ways, lives, wants, wishes, lore and wars.

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Providing the Vanguard with the Materials Needed to Advance!
Est. 2022

If you would like to join the attendant company you may Apply Here on Patreon.

Stay tuned to Hyperborean Radio and Keep on Trucking out there in the Wastelands.

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🌲Hyperborean Radio (Uncensored)πŸ„
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