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Channel: Google
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Local businesses are essential to their communities — and they make a huge impact on America’s economy. Last year, businesses in the U.S. generated $739 billion of economic activity with help from Google products and programs. Swipe through to see some of these entrepreneurs at work, and read their stories at the link in bio. #GrowWithGoogle
Have you ever wondered what blue sounds like? At Milan Design Week, Google designers invited visitors to experience how they think about colors for our devices, using all of their senses. At Milan Design Week, Google designers who create colors for devices have invited visitors to experience how they think about color with all of their senses. “Making sense of color” is a multispace installation that runs from now until April 21 where you can get a *feel* for our designers’ process.
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A true bestie always makes you look great. Tag the friend you count on to take your 🔥 pics. #BestPhonesForever
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2024/04/19 16:26:48
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