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Police Chief Fred Schott listened to Cathy and Mark about Cathy’s experiences and then tells them that he knew Barbara Mandrell was mind controlled, and he was held back during a hospital visit to check on her due to “reasons of national security.” This national security excuse seems to be the problem among every government hidden crime.

“Access Denied” 2004 Chapter 9
Forwarded from Lauren’s Nude Content
Perpetrators in Cathy’s book (not yet a full list):
Gerald Ford
Alex Houston
Dick Cheney
George Bush Sr.
Robert C. Byrd
Lt. Col Michael Aquino
William Casey
Baby Doc
Bill Bennett
Lloyd Lindroth
Daniel Ortega
Lamar Alexander
General Cedral
Hillary Clinton
Phillip Habib
Manuel Noriega
José Busto
Jimmy Buffett
Gary Ackerman
Dick Thornburgh
Jim Traficant
Ronald Reagan
Jim Zerilla
Tommy LaSorda
Kris Kristopherson
Jack Greene
Larry Flynt
Arlen Spector
King Fahd
George Bush Jr.
Miguel de la Madrid
Forwarded from Lauren’s Nude Content
Forwarded from Lauren’s Nude Content
Forwarded from Lauren’s Nude Content
Forwarded from Lauren’s Nude Content
cough cough NASA
If you possess video evidence of crimes or evidence for the place of crimes, officials can arrest YOU for using this evidence to try to stop injustice. Chapter 9 of “Access Denied” (2004) by Cathy O’brien with Mark Phillips
Cathy explains how Police Chief Fred Schott (not corrupt) sent Cathy and Mark to get help from the Sumner County District Attorney Ray Whitley (as mentioned in previous post), who upon visiting, Cathy realized he was corrupt as he destroyed the evidence that Cathy presented and also threatened to have her arrested for the evidence. Mark and Cathy then decided they needed to drop off an information packet to Sumner County Sheriff Sutton’s Office. While Cathy was dropping off this information, it appeared Sheriff Sutton and Deputy Jeff Puccini were making arrangements to get Cathy ARRESTED. She let them know she had a car outside (Mark) prepared to call back up at any moment if she didn’t return. It is very clear how difficult it was for Cathy and Mark to stay alive and also out of prison. These criminal policeman were doing anything they could to pull little tricks out of their sleeves to shut them up or get them arrested. It didn’t work. Cathy and Mark outsmarted them. Excerpt from “Access Denied” (2004)
It is very clear how difficult it was for Cathy and Mark to stay alive and also out of prison. These criminal policeman were doing anything they could to pull little tricks out of their sleeves to shut them up or get them arrested. It didn’t work. Cathy and Mark outsmarted them.
“Access Denied” chapter 9
It’s not over until they win. “Access Denied” chapter 9
“Access Denied” chapter 10
“Access Denied” by Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips, chapter 10
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