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Channel: anecdoche
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No notes should be wasted, especially with the tears on it.
I had lost a lot of sweet people in my life, what makes you think I'll beg?
Surprisingly understood silence is an answer too.
In a world full of lies, I choose to believe in your 'I-love-you'.
I don't really understand feelings until I felt the heavy heart.
On what occasions have I needed to change the past?
I am afraid that I will lose the only opportunity to fix the broken.
You don't have to rush everything as it might turn out worse.
Making new friends is fun until you have the trouble to understand them.
Confused with your drama, please just do one by one, can you?
Hoping for someone's happiness does not mean I deserve to suffer.
Will you stay when I'm all messed up?
Being helpful will not drag you to a lower level.
It is not that hard to be nice and if you can't do it, you don't have to be bad.
I don't really want to be rich,
I just want to be happy.
I'm sorry for not being able to reply sooner, I am busy - busy taking deep breaths.
If it is not you, then who will?
Have you ever been a situation where you're old enough to do things but your dad just have no confidence in you?
Different level of heartbreak, man.
I am not an introvert, I just have strict parents.
You'll never be home again, not completely.
Part of your heart will be elsewhere.

This is the price you pay for finding happiness in more than one place.
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2024/06/11 10:21:47
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