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Channel: Computer Tips & Tricks
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Tricks for Typing
Here are a few tips that will save you lots of time when typing documents:

Move the cursor quicker to the beginning of the previous word by pressing CTRL+Left Arrow, instead of doing it manually.
To get the cursor to the beginning of the next word, use CTRL+Right Arrow.
Recover a deleted item with ALT+Backspace.
Delete an entire word by pressing CTRL+Backspace.
Select a word you want to highlight quickly, without dragging the mouse, by double-clicking on it.
Highlight a whole paragraph by triple-clicking on it.
Make superscript and sub text by pressing CTRL + = for sub, and CTRL+ Shift for superscript.
Paste in plain text and not what was originally formatted, after copying, by pressing CTRL + Shift + V.
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Efficiency and Space Saving Tricks
Have better luck with your PC running smoother with these tips:

When your PC takes a long time to boot up, you may have too many programs running when you get started. To eliminate unnecessary programs, press Windows key + R, then type “misconfig”. Select the Startup tab from the window that pops up, and you will be able to turn off any programs you want that are slowing your boot time.
Delete large space wasting files with WinDirStat, which is short for “Windows Directory Statistics”. It shows you which files are taking up the most space, and you can then delete them accordingly.
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General PC Tips
Adjust any setting on your PC with the Windows “God Mode” folder, which is a centralized Control Panel for all the OS settings. Access this by creating a new folder named: God Mode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}.
Backup beyond a local file with services like Google Drive, Drop Box or other reputable cloud storage solutions, as extra security.
Problem Step Recorder will record all mouse clicks and take screenshots. This tool is helpful to a tech when an issue with your PC needs to be diagnosed. Use this by pressing Windows + R then type the letters “psr”.
Tricks on the Keyboard
Close all your windows quickly if you’re in a hurry by pushing the Windows button +D, and they will all shut immediately.
Rename your highlighted files quickly by pressing F2.
Close the program running with ALT + F4.
To minimize all windows only, press Windows + D.
Re-open your last closed tab with Shift + CTRL + T on most browsers.
Instead of moving the cursor to the X in the corner, press CTRL + W to close the current window.
Take a screen shot with ALT + Print Screen.
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🔰 List of all errors 🔰

- 400 (Bad request)
- 401 (Authorization required)
- 402 (Payment required)
- 403 (Forbidden)
- 404 (Not found)
- 405 (Method not allowed)
- 406 (Not acceptable)
- 407 (Proxy authentication required)
- 408 (Request Timeout)
- 409 (Conflict)
- 410 (Gone)
- 411 (Length required)
- 412 (Precondition failed)
- 413 (Request entity too large)
- 414 (Request URI too large)
- 415 (Unsupported media type)
- 416 (Request range not satisfiable)
- 417 (Expectation failed)
- 422 (Unprocessable entity)
- 423 (Locked)
- 424 (Failed dependency)
- 500 (Internal server error)
- 501 (Not Implemented)
- 502 (Bad gateway)
- 503 (Service unavailable)
- 504 (Gateway timeout)
- 505 (HTTP version not supported)
- 506 (Variant also negotiates)
- 507 (Insufficient storage)
- 510 (Not extended)
HTTP response status codes

HTTP response status codes indicate whether a specific HTTP request has been successfully completed.

Responses are grouped in 5 classes:

• Informational responses (100–199)
• • Successful responses (200–299)
• Redirects (300–399)
• • Client errors (400–499)
• Server errors (500–599)
Information responses

100 : Continue
101 : Switching Protocol
102: Processing (WebDAV)
103 : Early Hints

Successful Responses

200: OK
201 : Created
202 : Accepted
203 : Non-Authoritative Information
204 : No Content
205 : Reset Content
206 : Partial Content
207 : Multi-Status (WebDAV)
208 : Already Reported (WebDAV)
226 : IM Used (HTTP Delta encoding)

Redirection messages

300 : Multiple Choice
301 : Moved Permanently
302 : Found
303 : See Other
304 : Not Modified
305 : Use Proxy
306 : unused
307 : Temporary Redirect
308 : Permanent Redirect

Client Error Responses

400 : Bad Request
401 : Unauthorized
402 : Payment Required .
403 : Forbidden
404 : Not Found
405 : Method Not Allowed
406 : Not Acceptable
407 : Proxy Authentication Required
408 : Request Timeout
409 : Conflict
410 : Gone
411 : Length Required
412 : Precondition Failed
413 : Payload Too Large
414 : URI Too Long
415 : Unsupported Media Type
416 : Range Not Satisfiable
417 : Expectation Failed
418 : I'm a teapot
421 : Misdirected Request
422 : Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV)
423 : Locked (WebDAV)
424 : Failed Dependency (WebDAV)
425 : Too Early
426 : Upgrade Required
428 : Precondition Required
429 : Too Many Requests
431 : Request Header Fields Too Large
451 : Unavailable For Legal Reasons

Server Error Responses

500 : Internal Server Error
501 : Not Implemented
502 : Bad Gateway
503 : Service Unavailable
504 : Gateway Timeout
505 : HTTP Version Not Supported
506 : Variant Also Negotiates
507 : Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)
508 : Loop Detected (WebDAV)
510 : Not Extended
511 : Network Authentication Required
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🗃 What Is The Importance Of A Data Backup? 🗳
The main reason for a data backup is to have a secure archive of your important information, whether that’s classified documents for your business or treasured photos of your family, so that you can restore your device quickly and seamlessly in the event of data loss.

Still, 30 percent of people have never backed up their devices. This might not seem like a lot — until you put it in perspective with how often data is lost:

🔵 113 phones are lost or stolen every minute. (World Backup Day)
It was estimated that ransomware attacked a business every 14 seconds in 2019. (Cybercrime Magazine)
🔵 1 in 10 computers are infected with viruses each month. (World Backup Day)
🔵 Laptops are stolen every 53 seconds in the U.S. (Kensington)
Over 70 million cell phones are lost each year. (Kensington)
🔵 So, think of a data backup as the bedrock of your digital disaster recovery plan. By backing up your devices, you’re already one step ahead of any cyber threats that might result in data loss.

It’s worth noting, however, that data loss isn’t always the result of cyber threats. It can also be the case that your external hard drive or computer wear out and you lose your data. That’s just the nature of any piece of hardware, and backing up your data can help you restore it on a new device.
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