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Fater Water in Ramadan


🔵Fater water is boiled water that is warm

🔹Drinking very cold water during the Iftar disorders stomach function. Because the stomach has a high temperature due to long-term starvation.

👉🏽Drinking Fater water decreases the body's temperature.

❗️Those who feel so thirsty should drink Sekanjabin syrup at Iftar.


🌹Imam Ali (a.s):
«عَلَيْكُمْ فِي شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ بِكَثْرَةِ الِاسْتِغْفَارِ وَ الدُّعَاءِ فَأَمَّا الدُّعَاءُ فَيُدْفَعُ بِهِ عَنْكُمُ الْبَلَاءُ وَ أَمَّا الِاسْتِغْفَارُ فَيَمْحَى ذُنُوبَكُمْ.»

ask for forgiveness a lot in  Ramadan Because the evil will be averted from you by your praying, and your sins will be cleansed with your forgiveness,

📚 Source: Kafi, vol. 4, p. 88

Fater Water in Ramadan(part 2)


Benefits of Fater water

1. Detoxes the Body
Drinking hot or warm water when breaking your fast, detoxifies the body and cleanses the system by flushing out foreign elements and toxins.

By drinking warm water, our body temperature increases and causes our body to sweat. The toxins in our body are then flushed out through the sweat, which cleanses the blood flow too.

2. Improved Digestion
Drinking hot water after fasting aids in digestion. It cures bloating, acidity, and gas. Hot or warm water helps break down food more quickly than cold water. Therefore, drinking warm or hot water before or after a meal makes digestion easy and quick.

3. Improved Bowel Movement
A glass or two of hot water on an empty stomach aids in effective bowel movement and prevents constipation.


🌹Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (as):

«ان لکل صائم عند فطوره دعوة مستجابة»

Every fasting person has a granted Dua during Iftar

📚 Source: Iqbal al-A'mal, vol. 1, p. 244

Fater Water in Ramadan ( part 3)

Benefits of Fater water

4. Improved Blood Circulation
The intake of hot water helps improve and stimulate easy blood circulation in the body. Proper blood circulation helps in carrying essential nutrients and oxygen to all the organs of the body smoothly.

5. Promotes Fitness
Hot water consumption makes the body feel light and active. It enhances stamina, which in turn, makes you physically fit.

Toxins are to be blamed for poor skin and hair; they also cause fatigue which makes people lethargic. Thus, when you drink hot water regularly, it flushes out all the toxins from your system and helps your body function well.

6.Eases constipation

Constipation occurs when there is little or no bowel movement and is often caused by a lack of water in the body. If you start each day with a drink of warm water (before eating anything) you can help improve your bowel movements and reduce the likelihood of constipation.


🌹The Holy Prophet (PBUH):

«و من اكثر فيه من الصلوه على ثقل الله ميزانه يوم تخفف فيه الموازين»

Whoever sends me many Salawat during Ramadan, the day when the scales of deeds are light, God will make the scales of his deeds heavy.

📗 Source: Amali Sadough, p. 95
Vasael Al_Shiee, vol. 10, p. 314
Bahar Al_Anvar, vol. 96, p. 356, p. 25

Fater Water in Ramadan ( Part 4)


7. Helps with Weight Loss
Regularly drinking hot water helps you lose weight.

When hot water goes into our body, it burns off calories by increasing the metabolic rate. Drinking hot water before a meal also suppresses hunger and makes you eat less. Drinking hot water mixed with the juice of a lemon on an empty stomach helps dissolve fat, resulting in weight loss.

8. Provides Pain Relief
Just like pressing a warm compress against an injury or dipping your feet in warm water gives you relief from aches and pain, in the same way, drinking hot water can ease rheumatic and arthritic pain.


The Messenger of God (PBHU):

«دَعوَةُ الصّائِمِ تُستَجابُ عِندَ إفطارِهِ.»

The prayers of a fasting person is granted during Iftar.

📚 Source: Bahar aL_Anvar, vol. 96, p. 315

Fater Water in Ramadan(part 5)


9. Provides Nasal Relief
Drinking hot water helps in clearing nasal and throat congestion.

While drinking hot water, you take in vapour which clears the congestion in the nasal passage. Moreover, the warm water which you drink provides warmth to the mucous membranes and cures a sore throat.

10. Improves Hair Health
Drinking hot water prevents dry scalp, which, in turn, improves hair health. The scalp gets hydrated and moisturised when you regularly drink hot water, and as a result, there is no or less formation of dead skin on the scalp. It also makes your hair shiny and lustrous, since hot water stimulates the nerves at the hair roots.


🌹Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s):

"If people eat sohour and for Iftaar they drink nothing but water, indeed they can fast throughout their life."

source:Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol.63, page 318

Imam Al-Reza (a.s):
If someone wants to increase their intellectual ability, they should not leave consuming (chewing) 3 myrobalans with brown sugar in the morning on an empty stomach.

📚 Dirasat Fi Tib Al-Rasoul,
📚 Random Ahdith from Bihar Al-Anwar, vol.62 and 63


🌹The Messenger of Allah (pbuh):

“Every deed of the son of Adam will be multiplied for him, between ten and seven hundred times for each merit. Allah said: ‘Except for fasting, for it is for Me and I shall reward for it.'”

🔶🔶The top 5 health benefits of Quran recitation🔶🔶

1. Eliminate Tension, Stress, and anxiety

One of the most common health benefits of Quran recitation is treating stress and anxiety. In case you are stressed about something, the simple technique here would be to recite the Quran or simply listen to it. You can listen to the Quran online on the internet or as a CD, listen to it and your mind and heart will unwind, which will decrease your stress level.

The top 5 health benefits of Quran recitation
🔶🔶Part 2 🔶🔶

2. Adjusting The Fluctuating Heart Rate👇🏽

In order to treat the fluctuating heart rate, you must recite the Quran; It can help you to treat this issue. Heart problems are really severe and can be dangerous. The Quran is the very best treatment for heart problems because it relaxes your heart and makes it heals itself.


🌹The Holy Prophet (pbuh):

‘The human does not fill any container that is worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat what will support his back. If this is not possible, then a third for food, a third for drink, and third for his breath.”

The top 5 health benefits of Quran
🔶🔶 Part 3 🔶🔶

3. Cure Harmful Animal Bites👇🏽

One of the most impressive health benefits of Quran recitation is when an individual gets bitten by a snake (a poisonous animal) whose sting is extremely harmful, he/she was recovered by reciting Surah Fatiha. This plainly shows that these small Surah of the Quran bring extraordinary advantages to your health.


Imam Ali (a.s):

«صوم النفس عن لذات الدنیا انفع الصیام.»

Spritual fasting is the most beneficial fasting.

Source: Gorar Al_khem, vol. 1, p. 416

The top 5 health benefits of Quran

🔶🔶 part 4 🔶🔶

4. Treat High Blood-Pressure
Blood High-Pressure issues can be quickly resolved with the daily recitation of the Quran and will enable you to maintain excellent blood pressure. Allah (SWT) has power over everything. So with the blessings of the creator of everything, an individual will be recovered through reciting the Quran.


🌹The Holy Prophet (PBUH):

«مَنْ حَسَّنَ مِنْكُمْ فِي هَذَا الشَّهْرِ خُلُقَهُ كَانَ لَهُ جَوَازاً عَلَى الصِّرَاطِ يَوْمَ تَزِلُّ فِيهِ الْأَقْدَامُ.»

Everyone should improve their morals during Ramadan,
it will be a means of crossing As-Sirāt, on the Yawm al-Qiyamah when the steps slip on it.

source: Fazael Al_ Shahr Al_Salase, p. 78

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