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Forwarded from Myth Information

Yggdrasil is the giant ash tree in Norse mythology that serves as the center of the cosmos, connecting the nine worlds of the Norse universe. It is said to be the hub of the universe, holding together the different realms of gods, giants, humans, and other beings.

According to myth, Yggdrasil is:

- The home of the Norns (female beings who shape fate)
- The dwelling place of various gods and goddesses
- The connection point for the rainbow bridge Bifrost
- The source of the river Ifing, which flows through the land of the giants
- The location of the Well of Urd, a source of wisdom and knowledge

Yggdrasil is also said to be under constant threat from various forces, such as the serpent Jörmungandr and the fire giant Surtur, who seek to destroy it and bring about the end of the world (Ragnarök).

The name Yggdrasil is thought to mean "Odin's horse" or "Odin's steed," possibly referring to the god Odin's ability to traverse the nine worlds through the tree's connections.

. . So we have the 70th subscriber here 👽

Greetings The 70th subscriber! What a delight! ☘️

Just as 40 is considered a Holy Number in some cultures, 70 is also regarded as sacred.

However, this time, let's embrace this Holiness, as it may bring Fairies 🧚🏻‍♀️ and Mermaids 🧜🏻‍♀️ to join our collection of Demons.

And for bestowing such holiness upon us, there is a special gift for you:

I put a spell on you.

This song is dedicated to you, The 70th subscriber:


Stay tuned, friends.
Forwarded from Myth Information

The Carnac stones are a fascinating ancient monument located in Carnac, Brittany, France. This remarkable site consists of more than 3,000 ancient stone alignments, stretching over 20 kilometers (12 miles) in length. The stones, mostly granite, vary in size, with some reaching up to 6 meters (20 feet) tall.

The Carnac stones are believed to have been erected between 4500 and 2000 BCE, during the Neolithic period. Their purpose and meaning have been the subject of much debate and speculation among archaeologists and historians. Some theories include:

1. Astronomical observations: Some researchers think the stones align with celestial bodies and solstices, suggesting an ancient astronomical observatory.
2. Ritual and ceremonial purposes: The stones may have been used for religious or spiritual rituals, with the alignments representing symbolic paths or processions.
3. Funeral or burial sites: Another theory is that the stones mark ancient burial grounds or memorials.

#Celtic #Aliens? #France
Forwarded from Myth Information
The Goat of Mendes

In the grey land of twilight, where the shadows play
Amidst the whispering reeds, I saw the Goat of Mendes sway
His eyes aglow like embers, his horns a-glint in the gloom
He beckoned me with a finger, and I followed to the tomb

Where the ancient ones sleep, and the secrets are kept
He showed me the mysteries, and the keys to the crypt
The symbols of the ages, the keys to the unknown
And the secrets of the universe, in the silence, were sown

His voice was like a whisper, his words a gentle breeze
That stirred the dust of ages, and the shadows that freeze
He spoke of the cycles, of birth and death and rebirth
And the eternal return, to the source of all earthly mirth

And when I left the tomb, and the grey land of twilight
I knew that I had seen, the secrets of the night
And the Goat of Mendes, with his eyes aglow like embers
Had shown me the mysteries, and the keys to the shadows and the splendors.

~ Aleister Crowley

#Satanism #Thelema #Poems
As a reminder, there are currently only two requirements for membership in Candle Lighters Club:

-the channel theme in question must be primarily occult/esoteric in nature.

-channels will not be considered if posts showcase racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and/or generally bigoted behavior.

As always, if you would like to join Candle Lighters Club, please message @chexmix8 or @Asthurr with a link to your channel for consideration.
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