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Docker Container Management GUI
friendly GUI for managing Docker Containers. You can manage multiple servers from a single Dokemon instance.
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democratic-csi - выглядит как идеальный ZFS-драйвер для Kubernetes. Поддерживает как локальный ZFS, так и ZFS over NFS/SMB/iSCSI/NVMe-oF с автоматической нарезкой томов на хранилище по SSH
OliveTin gives safe and simple access to predefined shell commands from a web interface.
#support #admin
Кто-то проводит эти дни в неистовой борьбе с оливье и игристым, смотря под одеялом сериальчики, а кто-то зарелезил удобный инструмент для OpenTofu для управления версий - Поддержим ребят звездами!
💻🔍 WIFI / LAN intruder detector. Scans for devices connected to your network and alerts you if new and unknown devices are found.
#selfhosted #security #networking
Self-hosted photo and video backup solution directly from your mobile phone.
#photos #backup #selfhosted #android #ios
The authentication glue you need.
authentik is an open-source Identity Provider that emphasizes flexibility and versatility
#sso #oidc #oauth2 #security #saml #go
Cloud Database Manager - Community Edition.
CloudBeaver is a web server which provides rich web interface. Server itself is a Java application, web part is written on TypeScript and React.
#databases #dbclient #dbeaver
NVR with realtime local object detection for IP cameras
#selfhosted #camera #nvr #homeassistant
Uptime monitoring CLI tool with alerting and advanced settings
#cli #monitoring #termui
VolSync asynchronously replicates Kubernetes persistent volumes between clusters using either rsync or rclone. It also supports creating backups of persistent volumes via restic.
#backup #storage #csi
Technitium DNS Server
Technitium DNS Server is an open source authoritative as well as recursive DNS server that can be used for self hosting a DNS server for privacy & security. It works out-of-the-box with no or minimal configuration and provides a user friendly web console accessible using any modern web browser.
#dns #privacy #selfhosted #dhcp
#dev #llama #gpt #selfhosted
Your private coding assistant
rathole a lightweight and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust. An alternative to frp and ngrok.
#rust #proxy #nat #firewall #tunnel #network
Kubernetes Downscaler
Scale down / "pause" Kubernetes workload (Deployments, StatefulSets, and/or HorizontalPodAutoscalers and CronJobs too !) during non-work hours.
#scaling #k8s #safecosts
External Secrets Operator reads information from a third-party service like AWS Secrets Manager and automatically injects the values as Kubernetes Secrets.
#kubernetes #secrets
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