TG Telegram Group Link
Channel: Emerald ideas By Mr.MarKsMan
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Good job,👌 Muslima
Well done 👍 Guzal.
Good job, 👌 Sevara
Nodiraxon, Well done 👍
Muslima, Well done 👍
Mashxuraxon, Well done 👍
Maxbuba, Well done 👍
Sabrina, Well done 👍
Have a good day! Dearest and nearest subscribers who follow my channels for a long time, I highly appreciate it. From upcoming week (on Monday) we will start lessons for all levels of students

⚡️Lessons include:⚡️

General English 👇

1. Beginner level 💰350.000 sums
2. Elementary level 💰400.000
3. Pre-intermediate level 💰 400.000
4. Intermediate level 💰450.000
5. Upper-Intermediate level 💰 450.000
6. Advanced level 500.000

☝️Each level takes 2 months to finish up


1. IELTS for the applicant: It requires the pre-intermediate or intermediate level to join this group 👥 and they'll get at least 5.5, 6.0 to 6.5+, if they work flat out or enough lucky, can get 7.0+ in 3 months.

It costs 500.000💰

2 IELTS UP levels for the people who have already got 5.5, 6.0 or Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate level and they'll get 7.0+, and 7.5 in 3 months and 15 days' practice like real IELTS.

It costs: 550.000

In all levels, you will learn 4 skills:

🟩Input: Listening 🔊
🟥Output: Speaking 🗣
🟨Input: Reading 📖
🟦Output: writing 📝

📌If you are interested in these lessons 👆👆👆

📞☎️Call me these numbers or write to me:

In telegram

Guys! Hurry up to book your seats 💺 🏃‍♀🏃
💪Lessons start on Monday

My channels 👇👇👇

English for Kids!

ODD DAYS: at 17:00
Duration: 1.30

Call and start lessons

Location 📍,69.327675&ll=41.326541,69.327675&z=16
Assalamu alaykum kanalimiz obunachilari. Barchangizni yangi ôquv yili bilan qutlaymiz. Broadway Geeks jamoasi yangi ôquv yilida moslasguvchan jadval asosida ôz darslarini boshladi.
Bizda quyidagi yônalishlarda guruhlarga qabul boshlangan:
- IELTS: Beginner - 2oy, Elementary - 3 oy, Pre IELTS - 3 oy, IELTS - 2-3 oy
- Multilevel (CEFR) - 2 oydan 5 oygacha. (1 va 2 oyda elementary leveldan B2 olgan ôquvchilarimiz bir nechta). Darslar DTM malaka oshirish kursini tugatgan malakali ôqituvchilar tomonidan aynan test namunalariga moslangan materiallar bilan olib boriladi.
- kids English - bog'cha yoshidan 4sinf Óquvchilarigacha ingliz tili darslari mavjud.(Darslar Britanyaning Open University platformasida treyningdan ôtgan malakali ôqituvchilar tomonidan olib boriladi)
- Prezident maktabi va ixtisoslashtirilgan maktablarga tayorlov: ingliz tili va matematika fanlari.

Óquv markazimizdan darsdan tashqari shug'ullanish uchun imkoniyatlar yaratilgan bôlib, aynan sizga dars ôtgan ôqituvchilar tomonidan nazoratga ham olinadi.

Guruhlarga qabul vaqtlari cheklangan. Shoshiling imkoni qôldan boy bermang hamda biz bilan oz muddatda maqsadingizga erishing.
Look forward to your visit.

Aloqa uchun:

Address:Tashkent City, Mirzo Ulug'bek district Buyuk Ipak yo'li Street 103. Ⓜ️Buyuk Ipak Yo'li metro station


Location 📍👇👇👇,69.327675&ll=41.326541,69.327675&z=16
You can see here what we mean...
For IELTS register call or write me
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2024/04/28 20:45:29
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