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sometimes الله wants certain level of Jannah for someone, and when their good deeds alone can't get them there, he gives them hardship.

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It's okay if you wanna cry . I'll lend you my shoulder and comfort you until you feel better .


Is it okay to be alone ? Yes . Because after that you will realise who are those pupils that always with you . We don't don't need to beg their attention to be your someone . Just relax .


Do we deserve a happiness ? Yes . It's just not the right time . But I'm sure one day you will found it .


Relationship it's not just about love . But it is also about how you treat him or her .

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bring your friends closer to Allah so, that you can be with them again in jannah .


Alhamdulillah for friends who are like sisters .


“The true friend is only he who regards his friend in three situations: ordeal, absence, and death.”
(Nahjul Balagha)


“Your best friend is the one who: seeing him reminds you of Allah, speaking to him increases your knowledge, and his actions remind you of the hereafter.”

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🎀Tips belajar🎀

Disclaimer: certain tips ni mungkin kena dgn korg, mungkin x. Yg x tu tak payah ikut.

1. Idk la tapi setiap kali aku tgk vlog bdk2 u tunjuk rutin harian dorg, or tunjuk bgnn and kawasan dlm u tu, buat aku rajin gile nk blaja sbb nk gi u hebat cam dorg. Lagi2 klu vlog org oversea yg blaja kat oxford or harvard.

2. Tips ni agak pelik tapi aku rasa dia agak sesuai dgn bdk2 spm dan keatas. Korg buat satu tabung and namakan dia tabung future. Setiap kali korg rasa nk give up, korg letak la seringgit. Klu duit belanja korg byk, letak la 3 ke 5 ringgit. Nnti da lama2 korg ce tgk brp byk duit yg ade dlm tu. Then cube bygkan berapa kali ganda duit yg korg akan dapat bile da kerja satu hari nnti. Or cube bygkan brp pyh mak ayah korg kerja utk dapatkan duit2 tu.

3. Tips ni utk math. Aku start buat ni time f4 so xtau berkesan ke x utk bdk f3 kebawah. Kau salin semua cth dlm buku teks. Setiap kali lps kau salin 1 cth, klu kau x phm ape2 psl cth tu, suruh kwn kau or cg kau terangkan kat kau. Klu kau x nak, buat semua sekali soalan dlm buku teks tu. SEMUA SEKALI. Sbb dlm exam soalan berdasarkan buku teks jugak. Mmg nampak mcm byk tapi percayalah ckp aku, penat lelah kau akan hilg bile kau nampak penambahbaikan dlm klas math kau nnti.

4. Buat buku log in. Setiap kali lps kau belajar, kau tulis. Tulis tarikh, tulis subjek ape, bab ape kau belajar. Nnti setiap kali kau bkk buku tu mesti kau saited sbb da byk kali kau belajar.

5. Buat diary. Lantak la kau laki ke pompuan ke. Buat diary. Klu kau lemah BI, buat dlm BI. Lemah BM, buat dlm BM and begitulah utk semua bahasa. Kau buat diary ni astu klu ade perkataan kau xtau, kau search and igt perkataan tu. Lagi bagos klu kau highlight dia and tulis penerangan kat hujung diary tu tentang makna perkataan tu.

6. Reward diri. Biasa org ckp reward diri klu kite berjaya tapi aku nak kau reward diri even kau x berjaya. Even kau xdapat A pon dlm subjek yg kau pulun tu. It's okay. Pegila pakai baju fav kau then tgk movie fav kau dlm bilik. Astu treat diri sendiri dgn mknn yg kau suke gak. Xpyh fancy2 sgt pon. Just cukup utk buat kau happy. Jgn sedih2 even x dpt ape kau nak. Yg penting kau da cube yg terbaik. Kalau org lain x nampak kau punye study hard xpe, kau nampak dan kau tahu kau da buat sedaya upaya. So rewardlah diri kau sendiri.

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2024/06/08 13:30:09
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