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By so far, I think this was the most aggressive pure titan I have ever seen. Who is this guy?!
In the End, Grisha Wanted Eren to Unleash the Rumbling


Despite telling Zeke to stop Eren following his actions at the Reiss chapel, he nevertheless returns to Eren and Mikasa. There, he learns that Carla has been killed as a result of Marley's aggression, and knowing full well Eren will go on to use his titans' power to trigger The Rumbling, nevertheless gives them to him.

He does this not because he is forced to, or because he doesn't know the consequences his actions will have, or for any other reason save this: Grisha is overcome with feelings of rage and loss and a thirst for revenge to the point that, in his final moments, he supports Eren one day creating that scenery via The Rumbling and, as he demands with his last breaths, avenging Carla.

Carla's death sets Grisha back on the crazed, bloody path of revenge in his final moments.

I have that right, right?

edit: edited for clarity.
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2024/04/29 02:59:21
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