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⛳️ The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 08-03-2024


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To secretly cooperate or conspire with others, often with the intent to deceive or commit wrongdoing.

Synonyms: Conspire, collaborate, collude, scheme.

Antonyms: Oppose, resist, thwart.

Sentence: The corrupt officials connived to embezzle funds from the government, leading to a major scandal.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The area within the boundaries or confines of a particular place or building; a district or locality.

Synonyms: Area, region, district, locality.

Antonyms: Outskirts, periphery.

Sentence: The historic town center is divided into different precincts, each with its own unique character and charm.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Forbidden by law, rules, or custom; illegal; involving activities that are not considered morally or socially acceptable.

Synonyms: Illegal, unlawful, prohibited, forbidden.

Antonyms: Legal, lawful, permitted, allowed.

Sentence: The police discovered an illicit drug operation in the abandoned warehouse, leading to multiple arrests.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Not part of the mainstream; unconventional or on the outskirts.

Synonyms: Unconventional, alternative, marginal.

Antonyms: Mainstream, central, conventional.

Sentence: The artist embraced a fringe style that challenged traditional artistic norms.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The outer edge or border of something; an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists.

Synonyms: Border, edge, margin, periphery.

Antonyms: Center, core, mainstream.

Sentence: The painting had a fringe of intricate patterns that added a decorative touch to the artwork.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To make an indirect reference to something; to mention something indirectly or in passing without explicitly stating it.

Synonyms: Refer, suggest, hint.

Antonyms: Explicitly state, specify.

Sentence: The speaker alluded to a potential change in company policy but did not provide specific details.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The area or region near or surrounding a particular place; the immediate neighborhood or proximity of a location.

Synonyms: Proximity, nearness, surroundings, area.

Antonyms: Distance, remoteness.

Sentence: The hotel is located in the vicinity of the main tourist attractions, making it convenient for visitors to explore the area on foot.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The scope, extent, or range of something, often referring to the limits or boundaries of a concept or area.

Synonyms: Scope, range, extent, boundary.

Antonyms: Limitation, restriction.

Sentence: The project's ambit extended beyond the initial plan, encompassing various aspects of the organization's operations.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Including or influencing everything; overarching refers to something that is comprehensive, all-encompassing, or universal.

Synonyms: Comprehensive, all-encompassing, inclusive.

Antonyms: Limited, narrow, specific.

Sentence: The team developed an overarching strategy that addressed both short-term and long-term goals for the company's growth.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning : The process of moving something from one place to another; the movement of molecules or other substances within a cell.

Synonyms: Relocation, transfer, displacement.

Antonyms: Fixed position, immobility.

Sentence: The translocation of the factory to a more strategic location improved its efficiency and accessibility to resources. #VideooftheDay #60secondsshortcutlearnings #Genie by @crkIAS

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मुगल काल से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण परीक्षापयोगी तथ्य !!
Important GK Question about Mughal Empire in Hindi.

◾️मुगल वंश का संस्‍थापक कौन था

◾️1526 ई. में बाबर ने किस वंश के शासक को परास्‍त कर मुगल साम्राज्‍य की नीवं डाली
– लोदी वंश

◾️पानीपत का प्रथम युद्ध कब हुआ
– 21 अप्रैल, 1526

◾️भारत में ग्रांड ट्रंक रोड बनवाई थी
– शेरशाह सूरी ने

◾️गुजरात विजय की यादगार में अकबर ने किसका निर्माण कराया था
– बुंलद दरवाजा

◾️‘आइन-ए-अकबरी’ एक महान ऐतिहासिक कृति किसके द्वारा लिखी गई थी
– अबुल फजल

◾️6 अप्रैल, 1556 को पानीपत की दूसरी लड़ाई किसके बीच हुई थी
– अकबर और हेमू

◾️‘दीन-ए-इलाही’ नामक नया धर्म किसके द्वारा शुरू किया गया था
– अकबर

◾️प्रसिद्ध मुस्लिम शासिका चाँद बीबी, जिसने बरार को अकबर को सौंपा, किस राज्‍य से सम्‍बन्धित थी
– अहमदनगर

◾️मुगल प्रशासन व्‍यवस्‍था में मनसबदारी प्रणाली को किसने प्रारम्‍भ किया
– अकबर

◾️अपने काल के महान् संगीतज्ञ तानसेन किसके दरबार में थे
– अकबर

◾️मुगल काल की राजभाषा कौन थी
– फारसी

◾️सती प्रथा की भर्त्‍सना करने वाला मुगल सम्राट था – अकबर

◾️किस युद्ध से भारत में मुगल राज्‍य की नींव पड़ी
– पानीपत का प्रथम युद्ध

◾️मुगल चित्रकारी ने किसके शासन काल में पराकाष्‍ठा/चरमोत्‍कर्ष प्राप्‍त किया
– जहाँगीर

◾️किसने अकबर की जीवन-गाथा लिखी थी
– अबुल फजल

◾️किस मुगल शासक ने भारत की वनस्‍पतियों और प्राणी जगत, ऋतुओं और फलों का विशद् विवरण अपनी दैनन्दिनी (डायरी) में दिया है
– बाबर
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⛳️ The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 08-03-2024


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To secretly cooperate or conspire with others, often with the intent to deceive or commit wrongdoing.

Synonyms: Conspire, collaborate, collude, scheme.

Antonyms: Oppose, resist, thwart.

Sentence: The corrupt officials connived to embezzle funds from the government, leading to a major scandal.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The area within the boundaries or confines of a particular place or building; a district or locality.

Synonyms: Area, region, district, locality.

Antonyms: Outskirts, periphery.

Sentence: The historic town center is divided into different precincts, each with its own unique character and charm.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Forbidden by law, rules, or custom; illegal; involving activities that are not considered morally or socially acceptable.

Synonyms: Illegal, unlawful, prohibited, forbidden.

Antonyms: Legal, lawful, permitted, allowed.

Sentence: The police discovered an illicit drug operation in the abandoned warehouse, leading to multiple arrests.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Not part of the mainstream; unconventional or on the outskirts.

Synonyms: Unconventional, alternative, marginal.

Antonyms: Mainstream, central, conventional.

Sentence: The artist embraced a fringe style that challenged traditional artistic norms.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The outer edge or border of something; an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists.

Synonyms: Border, edge, margin, periphery.

Antonyms: Center, core, mainstream.

Sentence: The painting had a fringe of intricate patterns that added a decorative touch to the artwork.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To make an indirect reference to something; to mention something indirectly or in passing without explicitly stating it.

Synonyms: Refer, suggest, hint.

Antonyms: Explicitly state, specify.

Sentence: The speaker alluded to a potential change in company policy but did not provide specific details.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The area or region near or surrounding a particular place; the immediate neighborhood or proximity of a location.

Synonyms: Proximity, nearness, surroundings, area.

Antonyms: Distance, remoteness.

Sentence: The hotel is located in the vicinity of the main tourist attractions, making it convenient for visitors to explore the area on foot.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The scope, extent, or range of something, often referring to the limits or boundaries of a concept or area.

Synonyms: Scope, range, extent, boundary.

Antonyms: Limitation, restriction.

Sentence: The project's ambit extended beyond the initial plan, encompassing various aspects of the organization's operations.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Including or influencing everything; overarching refers to something that is comprehensive, all-encompassing, or universal.

Synonyms: Comprehensive, all-encompassing, inclusive.

Antonyms: Limited, narrow, specific.

Sentence: The team developed an overarching strategy that addressed both short-term and long-term goals for the company's growth.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning : The process of moving something from one place to another; the movement of molecules or other substances within a cell.

Synonyms: Relocation, transfer, displacement.

Antonyms: Fixed position, immobility.

Sentence: The translocation of the factory to a more strategic location improved its efficiency and accessibility to resources. #DailyCurrentAffairs #DailyNewsAnalysis by @crkIAS
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⛳️ The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 07-03-2024


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The act of officially absolving someone from blame or guilt; the state of being declared not guilty of a crime.

Synonyms: Absolution, vindication, clearance, acquittal.

Antonyms: Blame, condemnation, conviction.

Sentence: After new evidence came to light, the court granted the exoneration of the wrongly accused man, acknowledging his innocence.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A judgment or verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime with which they have been charged.

Synonyms: Exoneration, clearance, vindication.

Antonyms: Conviction, guilty verdict.

Sentence: The defense lawyer worked hard to secure an acquittal for her client, presenting evidence that cast doubt on the prosecution's case.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Lacking strength or solidity; easily damaged or destroyed; lacking substance or credibility.

Synonyms: Fragile, weak, insubstantial, unsubstantial.

Antonyms: Sturdy, robust, strong, substantial.

Sentence: The flimsy cardboard box couldn't withstand the weight of the books, and it collapsed under the pressure..


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Having been imprisoned or confined.

Synonyms: Imprisoned, confined, jailed, detained.

Antonyms: Free, liberated, released.

Sentence: The incarcerated individuals were provided with vocational training programs to prepare them for reintegration into society.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To imprison or confine someone in a jail or prison.

Synonyms: Imprison, confine, detain, lock up.

Antonyms: Release, free, liberate.

Sentence: He was incarcerated for his involvement in the robbery.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The act of rejecting or disowning something; the refusal to accept or recognize something as valid or binding.

Synonyms: Rejection, denial, disavowal, renunciation.

Antonyms: Acceptance, acknowledgment, endorsement.

Sentence: The company's repudiation of the contract led to a legal dispute between the parties involved.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The act or process of prosecuting someone, especially in a legal context; the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone.

Synonyms: Legal action, indictment, accusation, pursuit.

Antonyms: Defense, acquittal, exoneration.

Sentence: The prosecution presented a compelling case, providing evidence and witnesses to support their allegations against the accused.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A secret plan or agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful or harmful act, often against a government or authority.

Synonyms: Plot, scheme, collusion, intrigue.

Antonyms: Openness, transparency, honesty.

Sentence: The authorities uncovered a conspiracy to overthrow the government and arrested those involved in the plot.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning : Awareness or realization; taking notice or having knowledge of something.

Synonyms: Awareness, notice, knowledge, perception.

Antonyms: Ignorance, unawareness, disregard.

Sentence: The court took cognizance of the new evidence presented by the prosecution in the ongoing trial.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To say or do something again, often for emphasis or to emphasize a point.

Synonyms: Repeat, reaffirm, emphasize, iterate.

Antonyms: Abandon, forget, disregard.

Sentence: The manager had to reiterate the importance of meeting deadlines to the team, hoping to avoid any further delays.
Crack Academy announces its nationwide "Mere Sheher ke 100 Ratan" Scholarship launch for 100 bright minds from every constituency across India!

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⛳️ The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 07-03-2024


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The act of officially absolving someone from blame or guilt; the state of being declared not guilty of a crime.

Synonyms: Absolution, vindication, clearance, acquittal.

Antonyms: Blame, condemnation, conviction.

Sentence: After new evidence came to light, the court granted the exoneration of the wrongly accused man, acknowledging his innocence.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A judgment or verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime with which they have been charged.

Synonyms: Exoneration, clearance, vindication.

Antonyms: Conviction, guilty verdict.

Sentence: The defense lawyer worked hard to secure an acquittal for her client, presenting evidence that cast doubt on the prosecution's case.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Lacking strength or solidity; easily damaged or destroyed; lacking substance or credibility.

Synonyms: Fragile, weak, insubstantial, unsubstantial.

Antonyms: Sturdy, robust, strong, substantial.

Sentence: The flimsy cardboard box couldn't withstand the weight of the books, and it collapsed under the pressure..


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Having been imprisoned or confined.

Synonyms: Imprisoned, confined, jailed, detained.

Antonyms: Free, liberated, released.

Sentence: The incarcerated individuals were provided with vocational training programs to prepare them for reintegration into society.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To imprison or confine someone in a jail or prison.

Synonyms: Imprison, confine, detain, lock up.

Antonyms: Release, free, liberate.

Sentence: He was incarcerated for his involvement in the robbery.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The act of rejecting or disowning something; the refusal to accept or recognize something as valid or binding.

Synonyms: Rejection, denial, disavowal, renunciation.

Antonyms: Acceptance, acknowledgment, endorsement.

Sentence: The company's repudiation of the contract led to a legal dispute between the parties involved.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The act or process of prosecuting someone, especially in a legal context; the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone.

Synonyms: Legal action, indictment, accusation, pursuit.

Antonyms: Defense, acquittal, exoneration.

Sentence: The prosecution presented a compelling case, providing evidence and witnesses to support their allegations against the accused.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A secret plan or agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful or harmful act, often against a government or authority.

Synonyms: Plot, scheme, collusion, intrigue.

Antonyms: Openness, transparency, honesty.

Sentence: The authorities uncovered a conspiracy to overthrow the government and arrested those involved in the plot.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning : Awareness or realization; taking notice or having knowledge of something.

Synonyms: Awareness, notice, knowledge, perception.

Antonyms: Ignorance, unawareness, disregard.

Sentence: The court took cognizance of the new evidence presented by the prosecution in the ongoing trial.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To say or do something again, often for emphasis or to emphasize a point.

Synonyms: Repeat, reaffirm, emphasize, iterate.

Antonyms: Abandon, forget, disregard.

Sentence: The manager had to reiterate the importance of meeting deadlines to the team, hoping to avoid any further delays.
Crack Academy announces its nationwide "Mere Sheher ke 100 Ratan" Scholarship launch for 100 bright minds from every constituency across India!

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👉Apply Now: #TodaysNewsBulletin #NewsDAD by @crkIAS

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Top News of the day, covered from 𝟏𝟎+ 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐬.

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⛳️ The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 05-03-2024


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To provide or supply with necessary or useful items; to equip or adorn with furniture or other accessories.

Synonyms: Provide, supply, equip, outfit.

Antonyms: Deprive, strip, withhold.

Sentence: The new office was furnished with modern desks, chairs, and state-of-the-art equipment to create a comfortable and efficient workspace.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A long or arduous search for something; a journey in search of a goal or objective.

Synonyms: Search, pursuit, expedition, adventure.

Antonyms: Abandonment, surrender.

Sentence: The knight embarked on a quest to find the mythical treasure hidden deep within the enchanted forest.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: The act of perceiving or treating a person or group as fundamentally different from oneself, often leading to marginalization or exclusion.

Synonyms: Marginalization, alienation, exclusion, stigmatization.

Antonyms: Inclusion, acceptance, integration.

Sentence: The process of othering can contribute to social divisions and perpetuate stereotypes and prejudices.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To deliberately avoid, ignore, or keep away from someone or something.

Synonyms: Avoid, evade, ignore, ostracize.

Antonyms: Embrace, welcome, accept, approach.

Sentence: After the betrayal, he decided to shun his former friend and cut all ties with him.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Relating to or characteristic of a system of society or government controlled by men, particularly one in which men hold the positions of power and women are largely excluded.

Synonyms: Male-dominated, paternalistic, autocratic.

Antonyms: Egalitarian, matriarchal, gender-neutral.

Sentence: The company's patriarchal structure became a point of concern for employees advocating for more gender equality in leadership roles.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: Hatred, dislike, or prejudice against women or girls.

Synonyms: Woman-hating, anti-feminism, anti-women sentiment.

Antonyms: Feminism, gender equality, respect for women.

Sentence: The author's book was criticized for promoting misogyny through its derogatory portrayal of female characters.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Having been stepped on or walked upon; crushed or flattened by feet.

Synonyms: Walked on, stepped on, crushed, flattened.

Antonyms: Untouched, pristine, untrampled.

Sentence: The trodden path through the forest showed signs of heavy foot traffic.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning : A concentrated outpouring or volley of something, such as questions, criticisms, or gunfire.

Synonyms: Deluge, bombardment, volley, storm.

Antonyms: Trickle, sparse offering.

Sentence: The journalist faced a barrage of questions from the eager reporters.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority; a structure of levels or ranks.

Synonyms: Ranking, order, structure, chain of command.

Antonyms: Equality, flat organization, decentralization.

Sentence: The company's hierarchy was clearly defined, with the CEO at the top and various departments reporting to different levels of management.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Severe, harsh, or grim in appearance; complete or utter.

Synonyms: Bleak, harsh, severe, complete.

Antonyms: Mild, gentle, soft, incomplete.

Sentence: The landscape was a stark contrast of barren fields and a dark, stormy sky.
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       जिसको........ ❤️

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