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BTC: $66324.17 (0.42%)
ETH: $3170.20 (-1.19%)
BNB: $602.3 (-0.23%)
TON: $5.57 (-9.80%)
SHIB: $0.02665 (-3.44%)
ADA: $0.510 (0.22%)
DOT: $7.38 (-0.89%)
XRP: $0.551 (2.839%)
BCH: $509.4 (-0.18%)
LTC: $84.6 (-0.69%)
LINK: $15.39 (-1.54%)
EGLD: $44.43 (-0.52%)
ICP: $14.74 (-3.04%)
VET: $0.042 (-0.83%)
SOL: $153.97 (-0.07%)
FTM: $0.74 (-5.54%)
ONE: $0.022 (-2.05%)
CAKE: $2.994 (-1.09%)
STG: $0.555 (0.58%)
ATOM: $8.824 (-0.20%)
GTC: $1.277 (-1.77%)
Well, about this vulnerability as they don't want to admit it " they have claimed it was a giveaway "🤣
They admitted, and they are working it, thanks to me and a friend for, otherwise they would have drained a million dollars

You know they could take out 150k in 3 hours, imagine what would happen if they had all day 😁
Toncoin rate: $5.59
When first we were not sure about, then everything came clear
My man eating good tonight 🤣
TON would have dropped hard if this dude was able to drain that million dollars and sell it
One of the drainer wallet's is below EQCnUfLM9G7QUC0zpHyEf6IiyCS4_fbEYafS2S2zJ5BFCnoH 55 withdrawals of 265 ton ($82k range) To mention, there are 3-4 wallets doing at the same time


Ton screwed up again, when introducing the ton output mechanism for advertising, they made a mistake

Some unique people found a vulnerability that allowed them to withdraw money from advertising revenue.

The vulnerability was that the payment could be received not just once, but hundreds.

In general, awesome news, hackers also undermined the TON Foundation bank

That is, in fact, the vulnerability worked for more than a week, how much the hackers managed to steal remains a mystery

My guess is that the TON amount was colossal, but our idiotic blockchain will now lower it by 1000 times

UPD: they say that the damage is already $5,000,000
That would be nice and gentle if durov ends up giving me and a friend a decent gift for informing him and his devs about this vulnerability
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Expecting bearish continuation soon.
• BTC: $65099.96 (-2.46%)
• ETH: $3204.79 (-1.06%)
• BNB: $601.4 (-0.69%)
• TON: $5.55 (-2.29%)
• SHIB: $0.02596 (-5.22%)
• ADA: $0.482 (-5.94%)
• DOT: $7.08 (-5.79%)
• XRP: $0.528 (-3.524%)
• BCH: $486.1 (-4.97%)
• LTC: $85.0 (0.09%)
• LINK: $14.94 (-2.71%)
• EGLD: $43.08 (-4.22%)
• ICP: $13.98 (-6.18%)
• VET: $0.041 (-3.32%)
• SOL: $154.48 (-2.54%)
• FTM: $0.73 (-3.95%)
• ONE: $0.022 (-3.26%)
• CAKE: $2.948 (-2.13%)
• STG: $0.546 (-3.50%)
• ATOM: $8.561 (-3.12%)
• GTC: $1.266 (-2.69%)
The TON network decided to reduce the commission by 3 times.

Great reduction 😀
Ton's Challenges and Future Prospects:

Ton's recent decision to break through another bottom is a reflection of underlying issues within its ecosystem.

A lack of high-quality projects and a primary focus on attracting a young audience under 18 years of age have contributed to challenges in gaining wider adoption.

The Total Value Locked (TVL) of projects within the Ton ecosystem remains relatively low, indicating a need for more substantial and compelling offerings to attract users and investors.
$600,000 TON token airdrop offering to NFT traders and holders

Ton Foundation (TON) has announced that it will offer 105,600 units of its token, which is equivalent to $600,000, to 2,061 NFT traders and holders working on Getgems, xRare and NFT Diamond platforms.

These people will receive their airdrops from April 11 to 23 (May 22 to June 3).
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2024/04/26 04:56:47
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