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donald j. trump 8:57am may 25, 2021 arizona republican state senators are engendering such tremendous respect, even adoration, for the great job they are doing on the forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election scam. our country is watching as early public reports are indicating a disaster, far greater than anyone had thought possible, for arizona voters. share share on facebook
donald j. trump 11:35am may 25, 2021 now everybody is agreeing that i was right when i very early on called wuhan as the source of covid 19, sometimes referred to as the china virus. to me it was obvious from the beginning but i was badly criticized, as usual. now they are all saying he was right. thank you! share share on facebook
donald j. trump 6:10pm may 25, 2021 thank you to the washington examiner newspaper for covering the forensic audits for the 2020 presidential election, the most corrupt election in the history of our country. read and study it carefully it s not fake news! share share on facebook
donald j. trump 4:25pm may 25, 2021 45th president donald j. trump will be interviewed tonight at 9pm et on newsmax tv by steve cortes for the cortes pellegrino show. tune in to see president trump sound off on the breaking wuhan lab news, the biden border crisis, our important friendship with israel, and the economy. enjoy! share share on facebook
donald j. trump 8:30pm may 25, 2021 this is a continuation of the greatest witch hunt in american history. it began the day i came down the escalator in trump tower, and it s never stopped. they wasted two years and 48 million in taxpayer dollars on mueller and russia russia russia, impeachment hoax 1, impeachment hoax 2, and it continues to this day, with illegally leaked confidential information. no other president in history has had to put up with what i have had to, and on top of all that, i have done a great job for our country, whether it s taxes, regulations, our military, veterans, space force, our borders, speedy creation of a great vaccine said to be a miracle! , and protecting the second amendment. this is purely political, and an affront to the almost 75 million voters who supported me in the presidential election, and it s being driven by highly partisan democrat prosecutors. new york city and state are suffering the highest crime rates in their history, and instead of going after murderers, drug dealers, human traffickers, and others, they come after donald trump. interesting that today a poll came out indicating i m far in the lead for the republican presidential primary and the general election in 2024. our country is broken, our elections are rigged, corrupt, and stolen, our prosecutors are politicized, and i will just have to keep on fighting like i have been for the last five years! share share on facebook
donald j. trump 10:48am may 27, 2021 with memorial day weekend coming up, tomorrow people start driving in the biggest automobile days of the year. i m sorry to say the gasoline prices that you will be confronted with are far higher than they were just a short number of months ago where we had gasoline under 2 a gallon. remember as you re watching the meter tick, and your dollars pile up, how great of a job donald trump did as president. soon russia and the middle east will be making a fortune on oil, and you will be saying how good it was to have me as your president. wasn t it great to be energy independent, but we are energy independent no more. shame, shame, shame. other than that, have a great memorial day weekend! share share on facebook
donald j. trump 1:24pm may 27, 2021 read the full article by jordan lancaster for the daily caller here: https: 2021 05 25 cnn lost viewers since january msnbc fox cable news share share on facebook
donald j. trump 1:12pm may 27, 2021 breaking news! massive numbers of dead people voted in the 2020 presidential election, far greater than anyone has known or seen before. some of these dead people even applied for an application to vote. this is just one of the many fraudulent aspects of the 2020 presidential election. people are just now beginning to understand! share share on facebook
donald j. trump 9:23am may 28, 2021 rino paul ryan, who became a lame duck speaker of the house, lost all vote getting capability with the people he represented in wisconsin, and was the single biggest factor, other than romney himself, for the monumental romney ryan loss in the presidential race of 2012 i got more votes by far, 75m, than any sitting president in history! , and he is now speaking to other republicans telling them how to win elections. interestingly, i was in the great state of wisconsin when they booed him off the podium i literally had to come to his rescue. ryan should instead be telling them how to stop the cheating of elections and that we would have won if republican leadership fought the way the democrats did. it was the day that ryan went on the board of fox fox will never be the same! that fox totally lost its way and became a much different place, with millions of its greatest supporters fleeing for good. paul ryan has been a curse to the republican party. he has no clue as to what needs to be done for our country, was a weak and ineffective leader, and spends all of his time fighting republicans as opposed to democrats who are destroying our country. as a republican, having paul ryan on your side almost guarantees a loss, for both you, the party, and america itself! share share on facebook
donald j. trump 9:03am may 28, 2021 ronald reagan would not be happy to see that the reagan library is run by the head of the washington post, fred ryan. how the hell did that happen? no wonder they consistently have rino speakers like karl rove and paul ryan. they do nothing for our forward surging republican party! share share on facebook
donald j. trump 6:13pm may 28, 2021 why are the radical left democrats in georgia fighting so hard that there not be a forensic audit of 150,000 absentee ballots in fulton county? there can be only one reason, and that is because they know the vote was corrupt and the audit will show it. republicans must fight hard and win! share share on facebook
donald j. trump 8:47am may 31, 2021 on this memorial day, we remember the fallen heroes who took their last breaths in defense of our nation, our families, our citizens, and our sacred freedoms. the depth of their devotion, the steel of their resolve, and the purity of their patriotism has no equal in human history. on distant battlefields, in far off oceans, and high in the skies above, they faced down our enemies and gave their lives so that america would prevail. they made the supreme sacrifice so that our people can live in safety and our nation can thrive in peace. it is because of their gallantry that we can together, as one people, continue our pursuit of america s glorious destiny. we owe all that we are, and everything we ever hope to be, to these unrivaled heroes. their memory and their legacy is immortal. our loyalty to them and to their families is eternal and everlasting. america s warriors are the single greatest force for justice, peace, liberty, and security among all the nations ever to exist on earth. god bless our fallen soldiers, sailors, coast guardsmen, airmen, and marines. we honor them today, forever, and always. share share on facebook
donald j. trump 3:58pm may 31, 2021 wow! i hear they have thousands and thousands of boats parading in jupiter, despite the fact that they tried to cancel us. everyone is having an incredible time. on this day, we especially appreciate everyone who served and fought for our great country. i love you all! share share on facebook
donald j. trump 1:06pm may 31, 2021 breaking: alarm went off at secure building in fulton county georgia where ballots are kept building found wide open great work is being done in georgia revealing the election fraud of the 2020 presidential election. but, we must not allow anyone to compromise these ballots by leaving the building unsecured, which was done late friday. republicans and patriots must protect this site and the absentee ballots. the left talks about election security but they do not practice what they preach because they are afraid of what might be found. fulton county leadership do the right thing and protect these ballots. our country is at stake! share share on facebook
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