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Forwarded from Folkish Worldview
Christianity, Platonism, and all "logos" theologies ask "why is your god worthy of worship?"

The problem with these theologies can be stated very simply:

If you attach a condition to God's worship, you put something above God. If you put something above God, you don't worship God. You worship the condition.
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NEW - BlackRock CEO: "The social problems that one will have in substituting humans for machines is going to be far easier in those countries that have declining populations."

Realistically, which animal do you think you have the best chance of defeating in hand-to-hand combat?
Anonymous Poll
Grizzly Bear
Saltwater Crocodile
You guys are underestimating how huge Saltwater Crocs are. And they're really the only animal on the list that wants to eat you.
Grizzly is humongous. Probably the animal on the list that could defeat all the other animals. Grizzlies are very aggressive but aren't likely to eat you.

But I don't think a human has the physical tools to damage one.
Gorillas are my favorite animal. They're actually quite docile creatures and the least dangerous of the great apes. Most of the time gorillas kill humans on accident. They're intelligent and emotional and build deep bonds with their kin.

But they're immensely powerful and have the strongest bite in the animal kingdom. Gorilla is possibly the most adept on this list at killing a man.

Slightly more possible to damage with bare hands compared to bear or croc imo.
You don't realize how massive a moose is until you see one irl. They're near pre-historic.

I believe out of the entire list, moose kill the most people. They're very aggressive and territorial. They wander into backyards and stomp people to death. Extremely dangerous.

However, I once read of a father who tackled a moose by the legs and wrestled it down long enough for his family to escape.

I choose moose. Here's my strategy;

I'm fairly large. 6'1.5" 260lbs. Obviously, that's nothing compared to a moose. But if I'm lucky, I think it could be enough mass to topple him if I chop block his legs at the right angle.

Then concentrate all my weight on his neck and attempt to either elbow his jugular or bite it enough to crush it. Or perhaps hit an artery.

Then I'd roll off and flee until he exsanguinates or asphyxiates.

So I pick moose with like 3% chance of victory over this mighty beast.
Dave Martel
Gorillas are my favorite animal. They're actually quite docile creatures and the least dangerous of the great apes. Most of the time gorillas kill humans on accident. They're intelligent and emotional and build deep bonds with their kin. But they're immensely…
I misspoke, the gorilla does not have strongest bite. Turns out the Saltwater Croc does.

Gorilla 1,000 PSI
Polar Bear 1,200 PSI
Jaguar 1,500 PSI
Hippo 2,000 PSI
Saltwater Croc 4,000 PSI
Will I be excommunicated if I buy a Luka jersey?
A family in my community has fallen on hard times. Heather and Eric are long time friends of mine who are just wonderful folks. They come to every event, travel very far and always give 100%.

They're the types of folks who stay late to help with the dishes, aid organizing events and always have an eye out on the children.

I've had the pleasure of having their family to my home and grow closer to them over the last year. Their daughter and my daughter are two peas in a pod. They're going to be best friends.

Well, Heather has recently learned that she has breast cancer. They have a long and expensive road ahead in order to manage this turmoil.

They're the best of heathens. True friends and immensely valuable additions to our growing community.

Many other communities give lip service to showing solidarity. But when it comes time to show up or pull out their wallets they reveal how fake they are.

Our folk are different. Touch one of us, you touch all of us. One of us falls, we are lifted with the strength of many.

With healing hands, forevermore.

You know what to do. Hail.
Part 1

Growing up immersed in my maternal family's culture as Italian-Americans, there were quite a few very clannish customs that I was shocked to learn were either abandoned or non-existent in general American culture.

A big one was how weddings are organized. For regular white Americans, a wedding is a huge jerkoff that puts the newlyweds into insane debt. Tens of thousands of dollars between rings, planners, banquet, halls, dresses, honeymoon etc.

All put onto the couple's credit cards with maybe some help from parents. It's no surprise that nobody has big weddings anymore.

Growing up weddings were a big event designed to enrich a new family. Ceremony in the church, reception in a hall, food was covered by all the older women in the family, they'd make large quantities of sausage, meatballs, ziti and all that.

Even dress and engagement rings were usually family heirlooms.
Part 2

The majority of the expenses were handled between the parents and the community itself.

On top of it was the most important tradition. I'm not sure what the real word is (paisan bros chime in if you know). But my family called it "the boe-see" which was a fancy bag that the wife held onto. During reception dinner, everyone would form a line and all the men would walk up to the couple, exchange blessings and hand the bride an envelope full of cash.

It wasn't said out loud, but there was a spiritual air about this. Almost like giving an offering or libation. It was also a flex. The thicker your envelope, the more of a boss you were. Men would even compliment one another about it. "I saw that fat envelope. Must be having a good year." Type stuff.

I'm also not sure there were official invitations. You just heard about it via family communication and you would just show up.

It felt like every weekend there was either a wedding or a funeral. You didn't get much idle time or outside social life because you were just constantly immersed in family obligations.

But this resulted in absolutely huge weddings. And newlyweds would walk away from their celebration richer and not poorer. Giving them a headstart in life to have children and then pass it on when it's your turn to give an envelope.

Oh yeah, and everyone would get retarded drunk and dance. Sometimes there were fights or dudes piping the bridesmaids in their cars.
The reason I bring this up is because this is exactly how Folkish communities should be.

We need more weddings and more exchanging gifts of wealth.

My mother's Italian family quickly dissolved after the death of my grandparents. They didn't preserve those traditions and their togetherness didn't survive the last several decades of deracination.

But I remember how powerful it was in building a strong familial core where the clan shared each other's successes as well as their troubles.

It wasn't questioned. Everyone just did it because it's what they were supposed to do. And if you didn't, you'd get a dramatic harassing phonecall from an elder saying how disappointed they are in you.
Forwarded from Jared N
La borsa (the bag). Le borse is the plural.
There's a lot of romanticizing the Amish in these spheres. And in many ways, they have some very strong customs.

But, let me blow apart the trad narrative real quick.

Amish men are known to be creeps. They're known to corner women in stores and stalk them in public.

They also have community locks on their phones that keep them from accessing porn. Talk to anyone who works at a phone store in Amish country. They constantly get asked to unlock their phones so they can watch porn on the down low.

Their behavior isn't much different than Muslims in this regard. Rapey and pervy. They're just non-violent.

This is going to sound cringe but it's because they're very "sex negative". Sex is an earthly evil to them.

As a result, their women are universally frumpy, ugly, frigid and prudish. Bullish nags who possess no love for the virtues of beauty.

There's a reason the outside world doesn't pursue their women. And the moment their men get a sniff of outside women, they get weird.

As a reaction to the disgustingness of our time, folks want to knee jerk the opposite direction.

But trust me, you'd hate it.

Gonna sound crass but we're adults here. Imagine your wife won't give head because she's deathly terrified of eternal damnation.

Imagine your wife refusing to put on makeup or wear anything other than a black sack.

Work like a damn dog in menial toil morning to night your entire life and that's what you get.

Yeah they have a lot of kids. They have to. Because half of them apostatize.

That's why I don't identify with "trad" anymore. I know what it actually looks like irl.
These things are purely libtoad kitsch. A performative jerkoff that makes them feel like quirky cute cottagecore little bumpkins under the reading rainbow.

But they're filled with the gayest most chicken-soup-for-the-brainlet-soul goober schlock that nobody even reads. They're just decorations to exchange for dopamine hits.

I love it when they get vandalized.
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Btw I started watching Basketball again.

I'm on my villain arc
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