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What does HAGS stand for?

◻️Have a great summer

HAGS is an acronym that commonly appears as a yearbook message. It means have a great summer.

The acronym is often used at the end of a school year, which is usually near the beginning of summer. The acronym is a way for friends and acquaintances to wish each other a good summer.

It was great having some classes with you this year. HAGS!


What does HAGS stand for?

◻️Have a great summer

HAGS is an acronym that commonly appears as a yearbook message. It means have a great summer.

The acronym is often used at the end of a school year, which is usually near the beginning of summer. The acronym is a way for friends and acquaintances to wish each other a good summer.

It was great having some classes with you this year. HAGS!

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English Slang Words Terms

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