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What is a NASCAR dad?

◻️A white, working-class father

A NASCAR dad is a low-income, working-class white father. News media and pollsters popularized this term during the 2004 US presidential election.

NASCAR dad is often used in the political arena to refer to voters that fit the "white, working-class dad" description. This group of voters is known for placing more emphasis on values rather than party labels. The term comes from NASCAR's popularity among white, working-class males.

He didn't win the urban vote but scored well with NASCAR dads.


What is a NASCAR dad?

◻️A white, working-class father

A NASCAR dad is a low-income, working-class white father. News media and pollsters popularized this term during the 2004 US presidential election.

NASCAR dad is often used in the political arena to refer to voters that fit the "white, working-class dad" description. This group of voters is known for placing more emphasis on values rather than party labels. The term comes from NASCAR's popularity among white, working-class males.

He didn't win the urban vote but scored well with NASCAR dads.

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English Slang Words Terms

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