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Channel: Rayonneir: OPEN!
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Attention and affection will be given by someone who loves you sincerely and unconditionally. And all of that can be found at @rayonneir by providing boyfriend and girlfriend rentals that will always meet your criteria. Without any further ado, the Rayonneir is proud to announce that we will open the batch on November 5th at 07.00 PM. This batch uses a slot system, so we hope you will pay attention to the slots that are already available here. Other than that, we expect you to pay attention to all the terms and conditions listed here. And lastly, we can't wait to give the best love to all of you.
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Forwarded from tale of fiore: opeeng!

❝ It’s better to offer no excuse than a bad one. ❞ — George Washington

· ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·

It’s a rare sight that can be seen between the darkness and light. Fiore once again giving you a special offer on 3-5 November 2021 to helps you choose your own path. Here, the few offers that might be helpful for you.

Apple Music
Genshin Impact
Mobile Legend
Wording Upchar

How’s it? Have you made your mind? After you done choose your path, the rest of it will be helped by official bot. I guarantee you the best service I could give with much love.

—Sincerely, Ruby.
Forwarded from Estellard.
{ Dear my beloved mutuals or anyone who sees this message, a five second tap and forward won't hurt anyone, mind to do the same to mine? Much Obliged! 🤍 }


Holaaa! On this great day, finally @Estellard is looking for a new admins to be a part of us, with interview and trainee system. Don't forget to check and read the rules below.

I. Wajib subscribe @Estellard dan mematuhi semua aturan yang berlaku di store.
II. Menggunakan akun utama, bukan akun clone, mata-mata ataupun mempunyai niat buruk lainnya.
III. Niat, bertanggung jawab, dapat membagi waktu dan tidak sedang dalam masa hiatus/sibuk/rest.
IV. Berpengalaman, mengerti sistem jastip dan wajib mempunyai testi bukan hanya coba-coba.
V. Professional, serius dalam bekerja serta dapat menerima kritik dan saran.
VI. Talkactive, dapat berbaur dan diajak berdiskusi, serta menjaga privasi di dalam grup.
VII. Maksimal bergabung 3 store termasuk Estellard.

Jika kamu tertarik dan sudah merasa memenuhi persyaratan, silakan isi form dibawah ini dan kirim ke @EstellardBot.

★ Nama & username :
★ Deskripsikan (+) and (-) menjadi admin jastip :
★ Bidang yang dikuasai : (wtb/handle offer/jastip/all)
★ Seberapa paham kamu tentang (skala 1-10 include penjelasan)
- Dunia Jastip :
- Base Dagang :
★ Alasan kami harus menerima kamu :
★ Channel yang dipegang : (Sebut dan mention store tempat kamu bekerja)

Pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 7 November, 20.00 WIB. Jika ada hal yang ingin ditanyakan, dapat menghubungi @Estellards. Don't miss it guys!
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Channel name was changed to «Rayonneir: OPEN!»
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haii, rayyo<3
Rayonneir: OPEN!
How was you day, rayyoo?
Whoever chooses the third, it's okay! Tomorrow will be even better, trust mee. It's just a bad day, not a bad life. Jiayouuu~ !!
Anyways, rest well everyone! You did a VERY great job today, thank you so much for surviving this day. Good night, lovely souls. I love you.
Rayonneir: OPEN!
How was you day, rayyoo?
Loh, baru ngeh kalau typoo.. :o
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