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Channel: 5D Full Disclosure 17
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“The Lord Giveth, and the Lord taketh away”
That’s “surprising”…. Is it?!
Mud Flood mustn’t have been able to reach this masterpiece.
You figure it out yet?
93 million miles…?
So, the Spane Scale of Emotion Research Project dropped a bombshell: they studied 25,000 individuals, testing every emotion you can think of and the frequencies that those emotions emit….one emotion reigned supreme, a whopping 4,000 times stronger than any other. Care to take a guess which one it is?

Hint: It is not Love.
Forwarded from Karen Schepner
What do you see?
Authenticity, while not traditionally categorized as an emotion like joy or sadness, can be understood as a deeply felt state of being that resonates on an emotional level. When we talk about authenticity, we're referring to a genuine expression of oneself, which involves emotions such as courage, vulnerability, and self-acceptance.

In the context of the Spane Scale of Emotion Research Project, authenticity may be considered an emotion because it encompasses a range of emotional experiences. For example:

1. Courage: Authenticity often requires courage to be vulnerable and honest with ourselves and others, which involves an emotional state of bravery and inner strength.

2. Vulnerability: Opening up and showing our true selves can evoke emotions such as fear, uncertainty, and discomfort. Embracing vulnerability is an essential aspect of authenticity.

3. Self-Acceptance: Authenticity involves accepting oneself fully, including both strengths and flaws. This process can evoke emotions of self-love, compassion, and inner peace.

4. Alignment: When living authentically, there is a sense of alignment between our internal values, beliefs, and emotions, and our external actions and expressions. This alignment can evoke emotions of harmony, satisfaction, and contentment.

In this sense, authenticity can be seen as an overarching emotional state that encompasses various emotional experiences related to self-expression, self-awareness, and genuine connection with others.
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2024/06/16 16:22:29
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