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Channel: PINE64 News
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Hello everyone, today we’re holding the first PINE64 community quarterly Q&A session. You can participate either by listening in and asking questions in our Discord #q-and-a channel ( OR by live-streaming the session on our TILvids PeerTube ( Edit: you can also ask questions in our IRC ( #q-and-a channel

We’re looking forward to your questions.
Season 2 Episode 5 of PineTalk is now live:
PSA: Do _not_ flash OG PinePhone OS images to the PinePhone Pro. Recovery instructions in attached image.

PinePhone Pro software releases Wiki page:
We're doing some maintenance on the community website (.org) as well the Pine Store (.com).
The downtime should last no more than 30 minutes.
We're doing some maintenance on the Pine Store.
The downtime should last no more than an hour.
Thank you for understanding.
February community update: Life returns to normal as CNY comes to an end; beware of counterfeit Pinecils; PINE64 EU store coming in April/May; more PinePhone Pros and keyboard cases on the way; you can now chat with PinePhone’s modem & update it via fwupd; major strides on the PineNote - all hardware now works to (some degree); Plasma Desktop, SXMO and Phosh grace the PineNote’s display; EMR pen works in Linux; PineTime InfiniTime simulator is impressive & work on 1.9 ongoing; Pinecil new firmware improvements and a mod guide; PineDio STACK gets default hardware & prototype issues get ironed out.
March Update: we’re introducing the QuartzPro64 based on Rockchip’s RK3588. It comes with 16GB RAM and 64GB eMMC, and will be available to developers (only) soon. We’re also gearing up to launch the Quartz64 model-B, which received complete I/O and functionality support from Manjaro. The PinePhone keyboard case now reports battery % levels in UI and InfiniSim sees a release. And much, much more, so dig in.
Our shipping team has been released from quarantine today. Regular shipping should resume starting tomorrow.
To those of you waiting for your boards, SOMs, Pinecils etc., to ship - thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience.
PINE64 News pinned «Introducing the PineBuds and PinePod. Seriously.»
The PINE64 cluster has gone down. Community page, IRC, Wiki, Forum, Dev Zone and other community services are offline. We're investigating. [Edit] services have been restored
We're going to have our quarterly Q&A this Friday, April 15 at 19:00 UTC/ 12:00 PT. Questions will be taken live from the chats - Discord (q-and-a channel), Telegram ( and IRC # q-and-a channels. We'll stream to PeerTube, Youtube and be live in the Quarterly Q&A Discord stage. The session will last approx.~1hr. An edited version of the stream will be available at a later point this month.
April community update is out, here’s the highlights: this month we’re also introducing the PineSound dev board and PineBuds in-ear wireless headphones. The QuartzPro64 is now available for pre-order to developers for $150 (we’re subsidizing it). The next production of the PinePhone (Pro) keyboard case is underway; megi has improved the power driver for the keyboard. Elementary OS may be coming to the PinePhone Pro, while Mobian and postmarketOS decide to use Tow-boot. PineTime get’s InfiniTime 1.9 with new watchface and improvements, and progress is made on PineDio LoRa. In other news - Pinebook Pro may be making a return and PINE64 EU launches on May 10.
In case you missed it, QuartzPro64 dev orders are now live
In a field, on a mountain, over a river, comes PineTalk Season 2 Episode 7!
Lukasz here: This month's community update will be delayed until late next week. I am neck-deep in PINE64 EU paperwork and don't have time to do the write up, even with help from others. I hope you'll excuse this delay, given it is the first in 3+ years of the community blog.
May update is here. Next update June 28th. Big news in this update: first Pinebooks donated to a school in need, Quartz64 model-B is out, SOQuartz64 Blade is coming, Pinebook Pro available again in June/ July, PinePhone Pro restock June/July, dsimic writes about PinePhone Keyboard and an early impression of the PineBuds:
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