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Haughty – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing
Haughty: (Adjective) /ˈhɔːti/

behaving in a proud unfriendly way

Stuck-up, Snob, Pompous

For IELTS Speaking:.
“Jessica turned away with a haughty look on her face.”
“People thought of him as being haughty and difficult to talk to.”

For IELTS Writing:
“Under different circumstances, this would have sounded patronizing, a wilted bouquet tossed by a haughty victor.”

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I bet you don't know all of these gesture names.

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Have you ever thought about it?

Podcastlarni dodaxo'jasi shu project da👇

1 minutli podkastlar, bunaqa kanal BITTA!

🤫 Hammaga aytib yurmang, oʻziz "потихоньку" kirib qoʻying, boʻldi
Yummy in other words: 😋😋😋😋

not a crumb in site
finger licking good

Any other alternatives? Write in the comments.

@IELTSc1 @recent_ielts
“I don’t like’ in other polite ways:

It’s not my thing
I’m not into that
I’m not a fan of that
It’s not my cup of tea
I’d rather not
That’s not for me
I’m not crazy about
That just doesn’t tickle my fency

Use these alternatives when you are talking to strangers. These are more or less polite ways of saying " I don't like
Can you add to the list in the comments?

#synonyms      #vocabulary

@recent_ielts           @ieltsc1
key to success task 1.pdf
25.7 MB
Key to IELTS writing by Pauline Cullen

English tenses in one picture

Synonyms for IELTS.pdf
53.5 KB

A great way to improve your IELTS score is by improving your IELTS vocabulary. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using synonyms for common words. Synonyms are words which mean the same and can be used to replace a word with a better one. Synonyms are of great help to get a good score in IELTS along with improving one's general vocabulary score.

🟧 There is a list of synonyms for common words which can help a great deal in getting you a good IELTS score

Dears, always stay tunned and keep checking our channel reqularly as the best things are coming!

Sharing is caring❤️


©️ The Road To Success @IELTSC1 ™️
“I don’t like’ in other polite ways:

It’s not my thing
I’m not into that
I’m not a fan of that
It’s not my cup of tea
I’d rather not
That’s not for me
I’m not crazy about
That just doesn’t tickle my fency

Use these alternatives when you are talking to strangers. These are more or less polite ways of saying " I don't like
Can you add to the list in the comments?

#synonyms      #vocabulary

@recent_ielts           @ieltsc1
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Haa.. do'stlar..

ma'nosiga tushundilar degan umiddamam😁😁

Bitta olovcha sizdan aylansin, do'stlar😁😁

Mashhurlar nima desa ishonib ketavermang!!

5 Basic Types of Adverbs

❇️Adverbs of Time
never, lately, just, always, recently, during, yet, soon, sometimes, usually, so far

❇️Adverbs of Place
below, between, above, behind, through, aroundand 

❇️Adverbs of Manner
neatly, slowly, quickly, sadly, calmly, politely, loudly, kindly, lazily

❇️Adverbs of Degree
almost, quite, nearly, too, enough, just, hardly, simply, so

❇️Adverbs of Frequency
never, always, rarely, sometimes, normally, seldom, usually, again

©️ The Road To Success @IELTSC1 ™️
Leave a comment if you don't relate to the picture))

"In a short time" in other words:

In a blink of an eye
The year will be over in a blink of an eye

In a heart beat
If you need me I will be there in a heart beat

In no time at all
I finished the exam in no tome at all

@ieltsc1 @recent_ielts
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Is there any body part you don't know?

(ko'p o'qiganligi yoki ekranga ko'p qaraganligi sababli) ko'z qizarishi, ko'z og'rishi
Anonymous Quiz
Eye strain
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