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WHY do people blink?

Studies tell us that the average person blinks once every 2 to 10 seconds. We do this automatically as our eyelids protect our eyes from damage. Sometimes we blink intentionally, using what is called "sign language". As an example, we may blink to get attention, inviting another person to flirt. Sometimes we blink to express surprise, as if to say, "I can't believe my eyes!"

In humans, the inner surface of the upper and lower eyelids, as well as the eyes themselves, are lined with a thin, almost transparent membrane, the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva serves to moisten the surface of the eyes, because they need moisture to move properly. During blinking, the eyelid spreads moisture through the conjunctiva and also directs it to the corners of the eye.
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A robot pharmacist in China who works at a hospital in Lishui City.

It prepares medicines according to doctors' prescriptions.

WHY is it beneficial to take cold showers?

Cold showers are useful for coping with moodiness and decreasing the level of irritability. The thing is that cold water affects the "blue spot" area in the brain, which produces the hormone noradrenaline, responsible for fighting depression.

Since cold water improves the transport of nutrients to the body and oxygenates the cells, you become more alert. You get less tired and can concentrate on a specific task for longer.

A cold shower in the morning is just what you need to wake up more quickly. It activates the cells and circulation. You feel stronger and more energetic to take on important tasks.

WHY is dried fruit more caloric than fresh one?

Due to the lack of water.

Caloric value is the number of calories produced by digesting a certain amount (usually 100 g) of the product. Fruit loses up to 80% of its original weight when dried. But the water that evaporates from them has zero calories.

It turns out that 100 g of dried fruit contains the same number of calories as 500 g of fresh one, from which it was made, that is, the dried fruit is five times more caloric.
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Let's take a look at the inside of a human skull

There are 22 bones inside. If you count the inner ear and sublingual - 29.‌‌

WHY does a human only breathe through one nostril?

Roughly every 4 hours, there is a change in the "lead" nostril.

This phenomenon has a name: the nasal cycle. Namely, the two parts of the nose are able to change the resistance of the mucosa in response to the air flow passing through them. That's possible due to the special structure of the blood vessels in the nose. The cavernous body swells, blocking the passage of air, or, conversely, shrinks in size.

WHY is the brown rice consider the healthiest?

The most useful is considered to be brown rice. This kind of rice differs from our habitual white one as during the processing the grains are cleaned only from the inedible husk, leaving the bran shell. But this husk contains most of the vitamins and minerals.

Still, in order to get all these vitamins, we have to be patient: brown rice takes twice as long to boil as white rice (40-45 minutes), but it is still pretty hard. Another disadvantage of brown rice is its relatively short shelf life. Brown rice contains essential oils, so it spoils rather quickly. You can extend the "life" of brown rice by storing it in the refrigerator.
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Emergency services lifting techniques put into practice. 🚒

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🌟 Human Skin 🌟

The human skin consists of three layers: the top layer of keratinocytes, the middle layer of epidermis, and the bottom layer of dermis. Keratinocytes are the upper cells that protect the skin from environmental influences. The epidermis serves as a supporting layer, while the dermis provides nourishment to the skin and serves as the foundation for all three layers.

Exposure to ultraviolet rays damages the skin's cells (fibroblasts), which produce fibers (collagen and elastin). As a result, the skin loses its elasticity. 💫

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WHY is our brain detecting pain but not feeling it?

Let's say you sprained your ankle or burned your finger. Nerve fibers immediately send a signal to your brain, which decodes the sensation as pain.

No wonder modern surgery is only possible after the discovery of anesthesia. However, if it is the brain itself that is the object of surgery, it has no need for anesthetics.

Nerve cells of the brain send themselves the same signals as in the case of a broken limb, but there is no data processing center for them. The brain, used to be in charge of the whole organism, has no idea when it should be in pain itself.

Here's the creepy part, but patients are often fully conscious during brain surgery, allowing the surgeons to see if they've gone too deep into our body's main processor.
WHY do legumes make us gurgle?

Indeed, the substances in legumes (oligosaccharides) become food for probiotic bacteria when they enter the intestines. As a result, the stomach begins to bloat, and sometimes with unwanted sounds and smells.

This effect can be reduced by soaking legumes before cooking.

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Human saliva contains a natural painkiller called opiorphin that’s six times more powerful than morphine.

@Health #FunFact
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An infant is born with two major soft spots on the top of the head called fontanels.

These soft spots are spaces between the bones of the skull where bone formation isn't complete. This allows the skull to be molded during birth.

📌 60-Second “Mineral Hack” Fixes Tooth Decay In Thousands 💯

More and more people are now “firing” their dentists thanks to this “soft mineral hack”. 💁‍♂️💇🙆

It is just too good to not try it at least once…
Especially since it doesn’t involve any uncomfortable procedures or dangerous surgeries.

In fact, all you need to naturally get rid of cavities, tooth decay, or bleeding gums is this dirt-cheap soft mineral and one minute of your day.

I know how crazy it may sound but hear this out.

This mineral has been found in the teeth of a 2,500-year-old “mummy” found with perfectly preserved teeth… 

And it has proved to be so potent that the scientific community has deemed it “the ultimate tooth and gum fixer”.

Click the link below to find out all about it and how you can get it today:
Fix Your Mouth With This 1-Minute “Soft Mineral Hack” 👇 👇 👇 << click
WHY does the brain consume the most oxygen and calories?

The brain contains up to 60% fat. It is the fattest human organ.

It makes up less than two percent of our body, but consumes about 20-30% of the calories in our food intake. Thus, constant malnutrition has a negative effect on a person's intellectual development.
Also the brain consumes 20% of all the oxygen entering the body.

For normal functioning of the brain, a person must breathe fresh air.
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The impact on the teeth of the child who sucks thumb

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WHY is blood type B-negative the rarest?

The fourth positive type is much more common. The fourth group in general is a mystery, because it came from the fusion of two very different types, A and B. It is a young group, and people with it have a flexible immune system.

This group is unique in that it emerged not because of the influence of the external environment, but as a result of mixed marriages. It is worth mentioning that this group is the most biologically complex.

Antigens sometimes make it similar to the second, and sometimes even to the third. Occasionally, it also happens that this rare group is something like a combination of both of these groups.

Thus, the fourth blood group is thought to have appeared later than all the others, about a thousand years ago, as a result of the mixing of Mongoloid and Indo-European.
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