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移英港人- 希望與不屈的進行曲藝術作品展
Hong Kongers in the UK: A Journey of Hope and Resilience Art Exhibition

參展藝術家簡介 Artist Introduction✍🏻 :

//Born into working-class families, Lumli Lumlong @lumlilumlong_ studied fine art together in France for 5 years with very limited financial means. Most of their artworks, which have been exhibited and collected by individuals in Hong Kong, London, Paris, Berlin, Prague, Dublin, Sydney, New York, Geneva, Slovenia, Glasgow and Brussels, are mostly oil paintings in a grotesque style with a shared aim, revealing social realities. They have published their collection of artworks entitled “Liberation of Art” and “The Hong Kong Metamorphosis”. Under the rule of China, they were repeatedly accused by the pro-Chinese Communist Party media of allegedly violating the National Security Law and using art to promote Hong Kong independence. “Liberation of Art” was then listed as a banned book. In 2021, they fled Hong Kong to the UK.

In addition to their artistic creations, they spent fifteen years teaching painting. They established their own art studio, teaching mainstream students, students with autism, sponsored students and rehabilitated youths and more. They were lecturers of oil-painting at the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

According to Lumli Lumlong, social reality can be more “terrifying” than their artistic creations and compassion is the ultimate expression of one’s imagination.




是次藝術作品展將於四月十六日至六月二日假Leeds City Museum 公開展出,歡迎公眾人士入場參觀。

在此特別鳴謝 我地 NGO DEI @ngodeiorg 贊助今次藝術作品展。

傳媒查詢:請電郵至 [email protected]

The art exhibition will be held at Leeds City Museum, open to the public from 16 April to 2 June.

Special thanks to 我地 NGO DEI @ngodeiorg for sponsoring this art exhibition.

For media inquiries, please contact us at [email protected]
移英港人- 希望與不屈的進行曲藝術作品展
Hong Kongers in the UK: A Journey of Hope and Resilience Art Exhibition

參展藝術家簡介 Artist Introduction ✍🏻 :

// Ricker Choi’s ( career is in financial risk management. Having earnt the ARCT Diploma in Piano Performance at 18, Ricker enrolled in York University’s Schulich School of Business, where he earned BBA and MBA degrees. He is also a certified Chartered Financial Analyst and Financial Risk Manager.

Ricker’s art and piano composition “Hong Kong Rhapsody” (香港狂想曲) has been labeled by the Chinese Communist Party as “separatist art and music”, and on 04-20-2022 文匯報Wen Hui Bao, a Chinese state-funded media, accused him of infringing the National Security Law.

Ricker’s protest art has been exhibited in Hong Kong, New York, UK London, Toronto, Dublin, Tokyo and Prague. He has used his art and music to fund raise for various HK-related organisations, such as Bonham Tree Aid.

Ricker has performed in festivals and recitals in Toronto and internationally. Ricker has won numerous awards, including 2nd prize from Berlin Int'l Amateur Piano Competition (2010) and 3rd prize from Concours International de Grands Amateurs de Piano (2012). His most memorable performances were at the Berlin Philharmonie’s 2500 seat Großer Saal and at Paris' 1000 seat Salle Gaveau.//

是次藝術作品展將於四月十六日至六月二日假Leeds City Museum 公開展出,歡迎公眾人士入場參觀。

在此特別鳴謝 我地 NGO DEI @ngodeiorg 贊助今次藝術作品展。

傳媒查詢:請電郵至 [email protected]

The art exhibition will be held at Leeds City Museum, open to the public from 16 April to 2 June.

Special thanks to 我地 NGO DEI @ngodeiorg for sponsoring this art exhibition.

For media inquiries, please contact us at [email protected]
由列斯手足連線 @hongkongers_in_leeds 主辦,「我地」@ngodeiorg 贊助,以及 @leedscitymuseum 全力協辦嘅《移英港人—希望與不屈的進行曲》喺尋日正式開幕!

開幕禮上我哋好榮幸邀請到1位MP同5位Councillors,包括有Fabian Hamilton MP,前 Lord Mayor of Leeds Cllr Eileen Taylor,Cllr Neil Buckley,Cllr Ed Carlisle,Cllr Lyn Buckley 同 下任Lord Mayor of Leeds Cllr Abigail Marshall Katung。

仲有今屆Mayor of West Yorkshire嘅候選人Arnold Craven,Leeds City Council 嘅代表Becca 同Ewa。Hong Kong Watch 嘅Benedict Rogers 更用短片為大家加油!

除此之外,我哋仲特別邀請到贊助人,「我地」嘅代表Loretta 同埋參展畫家淋漓淋浪 @lumlilumlong_ 同大家分享返佢哋嘅故事。

多謝香港人抽空出席,當大家聽到各位嘉賓支持香港人嘅演講,同埋與在場MP 同Councillor 直接溝通,香港人更有信心能融入社會成為列斯嘅一份子。

展覽喺Leeds City Museum 2樓嘅 Community Space繼續開放至6月2號。即刻把握機會帶埋你嘅local朋友去了解吓香港人嘅故事啦!

Organised by @hongkongers_in_leeds, with sponsorship from @ngodeiorg and support from @leedscitymuseum, the “Hong Kongers in the UK - A Journey of Hope and Resilience” exhibition grandly opened yesterday!

We are delighted to have had the participation of 1 MP and 5 Councillors at our opening ceremony, including Fabian Hamilton MP, Former Lord Mayor of Leeds Cllr Eileen Taylor, Cllr Neil Buckley, Cllr Ed Carlisle, Cllr Lyn Buckley, and next Lord Mayor of Leeds Cllr Abigail Marshall Katung.

We were also honored to have Arnold Craven, the candidate for Mayor of West Yorkshire, and representatives from Leeds City Council, Becca, and Ewa from Migration Yorkshire, to join us at the opening ceremony. And Benedict Rogers from Hong Kong Watch to join us virtually.

We also specially invited our sponsor, Loretta representing NGO DEI, and artist LumLi LumLong @lumlilumlong_ to share their stories.

We would like to thank all Hong Kongers who attended. This opening ceremony presents a valuable opportunity to engage directly with MPs and councillors, facilitating a deeper understanding of our community.

The exhibition is open until 2 June at the Community Space on the 2nd floor of Leeds City Museum. Don’t miss this chance to discover the stories of Hong Kongers and spread the word to your friends, colleagues, and neighbours. See you there!

HongKongers in Leeds
今次我哋受到 Workers’ Liberty 同 Workers Against the CCP 邀請,一齊到Trinity 外向Apple 示威,抗議Apple 使用中國維吾爾(新疆)強迫勞工,以及抗議中國喺中國境內同香港抗壓工會。


有關文宣可以使用Workers against the CCP 提供嘅sample,亦都歡迎各位自備。另外我哋會準備少量文宣講解香港工會嘅現況。



日期:5月4號 星期六
時間:2:00 pm
地點:Trinity Leeds, Briggate Entrance LS1 6HD

Invited by Workers’ Liberty and Workers Against the CCP, we are going to protest Apple for using Uyghurs forced labor in China and the repression of unions by the CCP in Hong Kong and China.

This will be our first time collaborating with local activists to protest in Leeds. We sincerely invite Hong Kongers to join us and urge an end to the repression of workers by the CCP. Let’s say no to the authoritarian CCP!

Feel free to use slogans or publications from Workers Against the CCP. Please bring your own props. We will provide limited leaflets to explain the current situation regarding unions in Hong Kong.

For more information, visit:

Publications can be found here:

Date: 4 May (Sat)
Time: 2:00 pm
Venue: Trinity Leeds, Briggate Entrance LS1 6HD

Please bring your props. If you're concerned, please wear a face mask.

(⭐️移英港人 - 藝術作品展經已喺Leeds City Museum開幕啦🔥🔥,大家記得把握時間去參觀呀!)

嚟緊我哋會舉辦一個列斯港人慈善迷你音樂會,有幸邀請到得獎鋼琴家Ricker Choi表演佢親自作曲嘅「香港狂想曲」同埋為列斯港人分享作曲過程。當日另外會有喺列斯嘅香港音樂團體SOL 同埋獨立表演者Matthew 為我哋表演,分享屬於香港嘅音樂!


日期:5月11號 (星期六)
時間:14:00 - 16:30 (13:45開放入場)
地點:Gateway Church, St Mark’s Road, Leeds, LS2 9AF
費用:£6/10 (撇除基本成本,收益將會全數捐款細葉榕人道基金)
⚠️請注意: 不設劃位,座位先到先得



特別嘉賓Ricker Choi:

Ricker Choi 將會表演嘅著名作品《香港狂想曲》,曾被共產黨標籤為「分裂主義藝術和音樂」,亦曾經喺2022年4月20號被《文匯報》指控佢侵犯國安法。


Ricker曾喺多倫多、國際音樂節及獨奏音樂會表演。曾獲得多個獎項,包括柏林國際業餘鋼琴比賽(2010)嘅第二名同埋國際大師業餘鋼琴比賽(2012)嘅第三名。佢最令人難忘嘅表演係喺柏林愛樂廳賣座2500人嘅Großer Saal同埋喺巴黎1000人嘅Salle Gaveau。

《香港狂想曲》中融合了五首港人熟知的音樂,包括《獅子山下》、《海闊天空》、《Do you hear the people sing》、《Sing hallelujah to the lord》和在香港已被禁的《願榮光歸香港》。在樂曲中Ricker加入左代表80年代香港的《獅子山下》旋律,仲有代表90年代嘅《海闊天空》,將幾十年對香港嘅情懷擺入《香港狂想曲》之中。




特別嗚謝香港人市集 提供購票平台!
Leeds Hongkongers Charity Mini Concert

We are organising a mini concert featuring Ricker Choi, award-winning pianist, SOL, and Mathew performing music from Hong Kong. Ricker will also share his journey in composing his <Hong Kong Rhapsody>. Proceeds, after cost deduction, will be donated to Bonham Tree Aid.

Details of the mini concert:
Date: 11 May (Sat)
Time: 14:00 - 16:30 (Entry at 13:45)
Venue: Gateway Church, St Mark’s Road, Leeds, LS2 9AF
Fee: £6/10 (Proceeds, after cost deduction, will be donated to Bonham Tree Aid)
💫Early bird discount: 20% off for any purchase before 6 May.
Attention ⚠️: Free Seating

Get your ticket now:
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