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Volume panel styles, QS panel styles, custom clock styles and additions wifi/signal icons are included with our latest changes! Thanks to the original authors of these mods!
Looks Android 14 QPR2 will be released later today along with March security patches.

This may require a full ROM rebase to QR2 code. This essentially means I'll have to add on every customization currently in our QPR1 source on top of Android's stock QPR2 code. This can take a few days or maybe a week so if maybe you guys can give some support.
Ramadan Mubarak! May this holy month bring you peace, prosperity, and blessings.

We'd like to take this opportunity to mourn with the Android community. @IronHrt was a great moderator and very responsive in helping us with issues in the telegram groups. He allowed us to include Evolution X update posts in their channels. We send our sincerest condolences to his family and friends. 🙏🏻
The folks over on our Discord have finally booted our beloved ROM after the QPR2 changes.

It's an unofficial build of Poco F5 Pro 👏🏻

Everyone, get ready for the updates once again!
More devices are starting to boot QPR2 🥳
Rosemary has booted by our official maintainer!
No april fools from us for this year. We're still in the process of improving everything and trying to fix booting issues with some of our officially supported devices. Just enjoy the day and Happy April 1st!
We're in the process of merging April 2024 security patches into our source as of this moment. We'll be rebasing once again to ensure stability at the cost of some features. We hope you understand.

In other news, we're currently planning on a complete source change within the same month. Our plan is to use LineageOS entirely as our base and add our additions on top, sort of like what crDroid does. This is to ensure we can use Lineage trees as is without the need to modify a lot, as well as keep the source working fine every after each Quarterly Platform Release (QPR).

This is undoubtedly a completely new approach for us but we see this as a win for everyone as our Co-founder is also a LOS contributor. We will see where things lead us from here.

Sound off in the comments 🔊
April 2024 security patches have been fully merged into our source. You may expect your known maintainers to release starting today!

Some devices will skip March patches entirely by the looks of things.
While Evolution X based on LOS is still being worked on, several features have been brought back for April releases.

- Bluetooth timeout
- A11 QS style
- GameSpace
- QS footer data usage
- Screen off animations
- Monet customization
- Pulse on new music track
- Island notification

Thanks for all your patience in waiting for these features to return :)
To clarify entirely what's gonna happen to Evolution X, our base will switch entirely to a LineageOS base, meaning we track most stuff from their GitHub organization.

@AnierinB has been doing a great job in keeping it almost 1:1 between the changes and we hope to complete it in a couple of weeks. Pure AOSP Evolution X will be discontinued Officially and it will only serve as a reference for features as well as a ROM unofficial builders may continue to build.

Basically it won't be too far off current Evo, just has Lineage integration + update intervals when a security patch comes out. Evo features, gapps, Pixel exclusives, all still there. Don't overthink it. Just the added option for vanilla builds.

I hope this clarifies all your questions and confusions!
Thoughts? Violent reactions?
Eid Mubarak to all our Muslim brothers and sisters around the world! Wishing you all happiness and peace during this year's festivities.
Just wanna celebrate the first device that I made Evolution X for.

The Xiaomi Mi A1 (tissot), came out with 7.1.2 Nougat in September 2017, has received it's first Android 14 update since being discontinued last year.
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2024/06/07 18:24:59
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