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Channel: European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival
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England, everybody!

Honestly, just don't take Klaus and his fever dreams so serious.

On the 'Venus' figurines

The contemporary opinion of what's behind these strange figurines is the same as for every other phenomenon, scholars can't understand: it has to be fertility!

I never trusted this theory, because procreation is such an essential and normal thing to mankind, why would you 'invent' a deity to celebrate this process? ('Normal' as in: all mammals do it.)

Furthermore these distorted and overly fat figurines really don't represent the archetype of (Proto-)Aryan beauty!

And don't forget: the distortion changes over time: breasts shift, the hips shift, the eyes become slit, just to disappear again. Synchronized over all sites where these figurines were found.

So what do we make out of this?

Well, take a look at this 🔗image! What if the celestial bodies, which are at fixed positions today, didn't behaved like that in remote antiquity?

What if this stack of planets appeared, crossed Earth's path and disappeared, just to re-appear a couple of thousand years later in a slightly different positioning?

Over time the Sun would slow down the movent of these objects and capture them in close orbits, where they would be recognized as the Old Gods?

#mythology #history

We got four new hens, because we lost two to illness and predators.

A hint I want to share again:

Get chickens! They are cheap, easy to keep and provide healthy eggs.

Do you think the essence of the Moon is male or female?
Final Results
Dude, you mad? It's a rock!
On the Moon

We have to make an excursion today, to have a look at a piece of South American mythology.

A Columbian tale goes:

"When the Moon did not yet exist, a bearded old man named Botschika taught the arts of agriculture, clothing, worship and politics to the people. His beautiful but malevolent wife was Huythaca. She caused a flood in which most people perished. Botschika then turned her into the Moon."

Interesting, isn't it? We can deduce at least two things from this tale:

1. The Moon wasn't always in a physical position like today.
2. At least a part of the South American folklore identifies the Moon as female.

Let's see what else can be found in mythology!


On the Moon (2)

Yesterday evening there was a spectacular sight of the Moon and Jupiter.

After 10p.m. there was even a partial lunar eclipse.

The Alps on the brink of winter are a magnificent view!

👆🏻That's the deal!

The world, that is the 'zeitgeist', is bleak, grim and dark.

The essence of the afforementioned image is: don't tell your children!

Build them the best environment possible with your resources! No matter the obstacles: try and build the reality, which is healthy for them.

The 'zeitgeist' is not there to overcome you, you are here to overcome the 'zeitgeist'!

On a model for the future

I'd like you to watch a short movie about two possible ideas of the future:

The plot goes like "dystopian cyber punk vs. utopian solar punk".

Big cities, accelerated industrialization, pollution and a merge of humans and machines are told to be dystopian... I agree.

But isn't it interesting that the utopian model, the "humans are living embedded in nature" idea always ships with racial diversity?

Don't be fooled!

Utopia can be achieved. It's actually around the corner. What's missing is this little yet important detail in the heads of the majority of our people:

Utopia only can be achieved by us Europeans!

We take care of our surroundings.
We think about long-term solutions for the benefit of our people.
We build sustainable models, which serve the coming generations.
We invent technologies, which don't destroy nature.

Name another race which does these things! Not possible.

A bright future is only possible, if we manage to be the dominant race on our planet.

Forwarded from Dr. Melissa Sell (Dr. Melissa Sell)
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗵𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲…⁣

Eating simply and healthily from quality sources.⁣

Moving your body optimally every day.⁣

Plenty of sleep.⁣

Living in rhythm with nature from sun up to sun down.⁣

Living in groups of ~150 people with shared values.⁣

Prioritizing resolution among group members. ⁣

Issues are arbitrated frequently and resolved as swiftly as possible.⁣

Everyone assisting in mutual goals to maintain an exceptional quality of life, not out of duty but out of love of the way of life.⁣

Maintaining order, cleanliness, and mutually shared standards of behavior.⁣

A spirit of kinship, brother and sisterhood.⁣

Prioritizing family.⁣

Peaceful couples coming together. ⁣

Peaceful pregnancy and birth.⁣

Mothers and babies always together and always cared for.⁣

Children healthily sheltered and protected from harm.⁣

Training young people in wise ways of living and handling themselves in the group.⁣

A harmonious unit working together for the best quality of life possible.⁣

Disease would be rare in this clan.⁣

👆🏻 The future is tribal! Mass societies are a byproduct of uncontrolled industrialization and were a desaster for the European civilization.

On clothes

The industrialized mass society tends to lean towards the quick, the cheap, the easy, the rightfully accessible.

Zeitgeist clothes aren't an exemption from this behaviour. Be it polyamide, polyacrylics, polyesthers, nylon and a couple of others... they are basically synthetic fabric or recycled synthetic fabric.

These materials have a multitude of biological disadvantages up to infertility! Let me explain:

They are not breathable at all compared to more natural fabrics like wool or cotton. This supports the growth of various yeast fungi. Imagine you have these little buggers growing inside your underwear! Experiments with mice showed effects up to infertility.

Additionally you only can wash these materials with lower temperature which supports the growth of parasites and fungi.

Not to mention the microplastics, which originate partially in the treatment of these materials and end up in the seas and ultimately in you, resulting in negative effects on your body and hormones.

For a bit of more sources in form of images, check 🔗 here!

Honestly: find out where to get high-quality natural resource clothes! There is a multitude to choose from: cotton, sheep wool, merino wool, linen, silk...

Your genes and our planet will be eternally grateful!

On Rome

I found a pretty interesting image about Rome 🔗here. Let's forget for a moment that we can't be 100% sure that the numbers are correct and go with the generally agreed flow. Let's talk about the Roman calendar, which goes back to this year 747B.C.:

For the early Romans the year started with the month March (Mars) in honour of their patron, the planet (celestial deity) Mars, who 🔗ravaged the greater Mediterranean area for a longer time back then but moved to a much farther orbit shortly after.

The original Roman year had ten months, with March directly following December (decem - Latin word for ten). So where did the additional two months for the current year come from?

Well, there was a celestial incident in 685B.C., involving Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the sun. The Greeks recorded this as the myth of Phaeton stealing the chariot of his father.

In reality the ancients saw an electrical discharge process of stupendous proportions: due to increasing current between the sun and Jupiter, Venus and Mercury started to blaze. The Mayans recorded this as actions of their hero-twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque, who were 🔗tricked to jump into an oven.

Jupiter released a lightning bolt, which traveled 11 days to the sun to equalize the imbalance.

When in the early morning hours of a summer day in 685B.C. this lightning bolt hit the sun, people around the world recognized this. In Mayan mythology this was 🔗Quetzalcoatl sacrificing himself.

During these events, Earths axis tilted and the precession started, which also prolongated the year and lead to the contemporary year consisting of 12 months.

I will add more pieces of this story over time, so it will become a clearer picture.


On candles

Most candles are made from paraffin wax, a by-product of petroleum refining. When you set them alight, they release the same toxins as diesel fuel into the air you breathe.

Beeswax candles on the other hand are known to purify the air as they burn, rather than poisoning it and have been documented to improve allergies, asthma and more by releasing negative ions which neutralize the positively charged air pollutants.

Find your local beekeeper!

On the War in Heaven

Also known as 'Battle of the Gods' or Titanomachy, this single event found entry in the mythology of many peoples.

I will refrain from re-telling the complete story here, as it was documented many times. Instead I will focus on the imortant details.

Core of the myth is 🔗Zeus, who dethrones and kills his father Cronus. Cronus' icon is a sickle, while Zeus is often depicted with a thunderbolt. 🔗Indra, Zeus' cognate in Vedic mythology wields the vajra, 🔗Thor wields a hammer.

After a stupendous and fierce battle, Zeus kills his father and takes his place as the primary deity.

So how can we make sense out of this?

We already learned that during the 🔗Era of the Gods, Saturn was the prime deity among the developed civilizations. He stood high in the North sky. Due to his rings, which were only partially visible, his icon became the sickle, he is obviously Cronus, the god of time.

Zeus is also quickly identified: it's 🔗Jupiter, the Thunder God! In Latin, Zeus was called 'Iupitter', hence the current naming of the planet.

At some point around 5000 years ago, Jupiters orbit intersected with that of Saturn, with the Saturnian stack at around 0.7AU.

When the plasmaspheres of both planets touched, mankind witnessed a stupendous exchange of lightning between both. Due to the changed currents, the Saturnian stack broke apart, with Saturn slowly drifting away from the sun.

Man saw the former deity sinking below the 🔗Absu, which was interpreted as being banished into the Underworld. From that time, Jupiter became the most prominent object in the sky (with a diameter of around ten times the current moon) and the new main god for many civilizations.

#history #mythology

On the celestial mechanics and the past of the Solar system

A follower of this channel pointed out a video I want to share with you. It contains a brief summary of how the mechanics of the Solar system work and explain on point what this channel tells you about mythology.

Please watch and share, this video solves everything you need to know:

#physics #mythology #history

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2024/06/09 17:27:32
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