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Not even a day and this Nazi instantly hopped onto making up bollocks
Love when the show just casually mentions a time gap!
Lesson learnt; don't compare his two eras to each other
It's the doctor's attitude that is different not the stories!

It's a doctor's attitude that is different, not the way RTD tells his stories.

Before I start I just want to say that I am open to everyone's opinions that disagree with me! In fact I would love to engage in conversation about whether or not Doctor Who is too silly. With that said...

Y'all are coping harder than a politician on Election Day!

The amount of times I've read a comment that said: "Maybe the reason I can't get into this new era is because it's just to Whimsical and lacks the darkness of the original RTD era!" (Which I must say again is a valid opinion even though I completely disagree with it!) Maybe you should actually watch your original RTD era again because Rose, the episode not the character, is a fucking cartoon!

-The doctor walks around by a bunch of sticks of dynamite taped together!

-Rose is doing her best Tarzan impression in the climax!

-EVERYTHING plastic Mickey does!

-The entire scene with the trash can is literally functioning on cartoon logic!

Now you could say that space babies is sillier than Rose but I feel like it makes up for that with good emotional Beats (I wouldn't say rose is very emotionally driven story.) A scarier a monster and generally higher Stakes!

Now obviously it's not 100% silly all the time, there's a lot of mystery and suspense to counteract all the goofy stuff!


The church on Ruby Road is an episode about singing goblins and Davina McCall for some reason... but it's also about child murder and how the relatives cope with that. Yes Carla never knew Ruby in the alternate timeline but we see that she's subconsciously still Mourns her daughter. RTD was clearly aiming for that kind of metaphor.

And I don't think the end of the world, the unquiet Dead and the Sletheen two-parter are really that dark either! I really think Dalek was the first episode that didn't feel like a comedy first!

Compare this to RTD2 which gave us a horror episode with comedic elements (wild blue yonder) right at the beginning! I think the only Story from series one that compares to wild blue yonder in terms of what it's trying to be, is the empty child two-parter AKA episode 9 and 10!

(And by the way, somebody told me I couldn't compare with blue yonder to the empty child because while you and I had a lot of comedy in it good thing the empty Trail is totally free of Comedy!🙄)

Okay so what changed?

-Well the stories are a lot grander due to the bigger budget.

-The visual effects have been improved a lot so they could do more with that!

-And the whole thing is going into a more magical fantasy Direction, which series one wasn't.

But you've read the title, the 15th doctor (and the 14th doctor too even though to a lesser extent) is a silly little guy! He's going from place to place blabbering about his backstory and generally spreading a happy Vibe wherever he's going! Whereas number nine is trying to be dark and mysterious and doesn't fully trust Rose and he has a lot of shit to deal with!

Ecclestons dialogue is a lot more grumpy and serious and while he obviously has tons of jokes to tell, we remember his outbursts the most! Now obviously space babies wouldn't be a super dark edgy story if you just dropped the 9th doctor in it but his approach to dealing with the kids would be less cheerful.

Honestly I should make an entirely separate post about the similarities and differences between 9 and 15! Thanks for reading!

TL DR: 15 (and also 14 to a lesser extent) is chill, 9 isn't, so the new stories seem happier!
Seriously wtf is wrong with them
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Doctor Who fans when the show doesn't get 800 Ncutillion viewers overnight in an era of TV where overnights are totally irrelevant (it's 1989 all over again, clearly)
There's 2 types of people in the world
Describe a good Doctor Who episode in a way that makes it sound really stupid.

I'll go first

The Doctor and his companions get really high, and dream about Rory dying from an old lady.
hello boys, I'm jinkx monspoon
The Doctor Comes to Gotham City
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