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Channel: Dahua Engine
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Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.2.3

Added InContext to development branch
Added support for MindGame (MindControl IRE)
Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.2.4

Added InContext to beta branch.
Increased working speed
Fixed a false positive issue
Ongoing maintenance:

We are down for 24 hours for maintenance.
Database is currently being rebuilt. All incoming updates will be cached and then written as normal.
This allows us to rapidly expand and provide better detection for users
All our infrastructure and services are back to fully online
Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.2.4

[4/20 update]
Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.2.5

Bug fixes
Fixed XML frontend
Added JSON frontend
Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.2.6

General optimization
Added bancode 0x29 - ransom
Decode sheet will be updated soon
Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.2.6b

Quality of life improvements
DEAI.Gen - can generate messages when given a query or a conversation thread. May be used for AutoModerator, AutoReply,ChatBot, AutoSupport and predictive moderation,
API is promised in version 2.2.8
Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.2.6c

Minor security improvements (serverside)
InDev ban bots added
InDev API added (no auth implemented yet. Available to developers)
[Alerts] An attempt to disrupt our infrastructure has been registered. Currently there is no risk to the infrastructure
[Alerts] Issue has been resolved
Updated to Dahua Engineering v2.4.5E
Algorithms have been reworked
We are now fully online.
[Alerts] Minor service interruption due to DDoS attack. Situation is being monitored
[Alerts] Issue has been resolved. Cloudflare has took on most of the traffic.
We have rotated the support group links, if you have them posted anywhere, please update. The up-to-date link is posted in the channel description.
Due to a username purge by telegram, some of thr usernames have been dumped. We have updated the links.
The new infrastructure is ready to be deployed. Work is still required to update codebase and set up a new BOT component of the system.
There is no ETA.
Today is a special day for the spam fighting community.
We have noticed the first circulating spam message that is, in fact a voice message. Spammers are trying new methods to evade Telegram's new spam filter features.
We are back online. Yes, we have finally did it. It took some time, but we have a new engine and a new developer to maintain it.
I have to admit, as a fed admin, a 18k fban file is good, but this can go further.
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2024/04/29 09:52:29
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