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Channel: Dahua Engine
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Added new ban indexes
Добавили новые индексы блокировки

0x24 Reserved for debugging (Резерв для дебага)
0x25 RESERVED (резерв)
0x26 Raid initiation (организатор рейда)
0x27 Raid participation (Участник рейда)
Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.1.6

Improved stability and working speed
Banwaves no longer override the queue so realtime bans can still be performed
2020 > 2021
@Felenov here, just wanted to wish you a happy new year and reflect on the past year.
2020 was a big year for us. We added over 20 modules, made 139 total updates to our infrastructure and backend, blacklisted 84956 users, expanded to 12851 monitored groups and processed over 1B messages. We have provided our users sophisticated protection and will continue to do so. Once again, merry Christmas a happy new year.

Я, @Felenov от имени администрации @DahuaEngine, поздравляю вас с наступающим 2021 годом. 2020 был очень важным годом для нас.
Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.1.7

Added 0x24 - TESTING (For development use)
Added 0x25 - TESTING (For development use)
Added 0x28 - Kriminalamt (Spam add bots)
Improved stability
General working speed improvements
Fixed bugs
Due to operator error, the AI dataset is rolled back 2 months and will require rebuilding to present dates
Operations and response times will be delayed. This procedure is expected to complete in 2-5 hours
The issue has been resolved and the system is back to normal operation
Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.1.8

Added user submitted reports
To submit reports, please use
Media is too big
Just working on our new engine
We have updated our AI engine from Evolution to Fusion and Glide. Now bans will be sorted into two categories.
Fusion will handle most of the association bans while Glide is made for bulk bans
Media is too big
A banwave being performed
New DEAI administrators

We are looking for competent people to assist with administration of Dahua Engine. The requirements are:
- The ability to work with bots
- Competency
- IQ of 110+
- Not being entitled
- The ability to make weighted and reasonable decisions
- At least 30 minutes of free time every day
- High trust factor
- No offences in the past month

If you think you meet the requirements, apply in @DahuaEngineSupport
I wish you good luck.

Applications will close in 48 hours
Applications for new administrators are now closed and we are proud to announce our new staff.
Thanks a lot to everyone who has made submissions. If you are on the list, you will be contacted shortly

New administrators:

New support administrators:

The list may be redacted in the near future. If you still think you can be useful, let us know
Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.1.9

Added support for two way linking
Fixed blank reason bug
Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.2.0

Increased working speed
Added InContext text model
Ban layout for the latest versions
We have just reached 100K users in our blacklist.
In the near future we will re-index the blacklist for better compatibility
Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.2.1

Added Kriminalamt with bancode 0x28
Updated to Dahua Engine Ver2.2.2

Changed Association analytics relation handling to account for bias
Added future support for InContext and MindControl
Updated Fusion
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2024/04/29 08:17:06
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