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Channel: EtherDrops - Announcements
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⚙️ EtherDrops bot has been updated!

New functionality: you can now export your wallets in TXT and CSV formats.

👀 Soon to be integrated with the EtherDrops bot!

You will be able to receive notifications on the upcoming token unlocks for specific projects you follow 👇
Forwarded from DropsTab - Announcements
🔥 New feature is available on DropsTab - vesting schedule!

Keep track of the token unlocks, check the exact amount of tokens, see the exact dates, rounds, and more!

🔗 Try out the new feature right now -

⚙️ New filter available for the EtherDrops bot – you can now include or exclude any contracts and wallets to start or stop receiving certain notifications.

Try the new filters right now and let us know what you think!

🎄It's time for some New Year presents!

Follow @etherdrops_bot on Twitter, like & RT this tweet, and reply with your view on how to improve the bot.

🎁 Our team will pick the 3 best answers and they'll be granted a Pro-yearly subscription for the bot.

Good luck!

P.S. Winners will be picked on the 5th of Jan!
🔄 You can now track unlock progress of your watchlist assets using the EtherDrops bot.

More DropsTab compatibility is coming soon.

💸 Introducing EtherDrops Referral Program: Refer & Earn

Spread the word about the EtherDrops bot among your followers on social media, and earn 20% of revenue generated via your leads.

🫂 All your invitees will get a 5% discount on the first purchase.

🔗 Start earning now, read the details and rules of the referral program -
EtherDrops tracking bot is now integrated with GMX 💪

Users can track Long/Short/Liquidation positions on Tracked Wallets. The goal is to provide users with more efficient, accurate, and insightful crypto tracking capabilities.

More on this story- Medium

Twitter Announcement
🔥 What`s new for EtherDrops:

👉 Funding Rates alerts
Two possible ways to apply this feature:
- Individually for every coin (through coin settings);
- Globally for all tokens. Add - Funding alert

Work in Progress:
- Optimism + Velodrome DEX. Few more days
- ZkSync network
🔥 What`s new for EtherDrops:

👉 Optimism Network has been added;
👉 Velodrome DEX has been added

Work in Progress:
-ZkSync network
🔥 What`s new for EtherDrops:

👉 Integration with
Etherscan has been left by default, but through the "Edit Wallets"-"Wallet Scanner" setting, you can change your preference to Debank.

👉 Updated pattern logic.
More convenient, with the ability to quickly edit an alert or Mute a collection.

👉 Edit wallets by address.
Enter an address and edit your wallet without having to search through dozens of tracked addresses.

Work in Progress:
- Fix balances
- Fix pool alerts
🔥 Big new release on EtherDrops 🤖

👉 ZkSync Era
Currently, it's just wallet monitoring

👉 Base + SushiSwap V3 / CBSwap / RocketSwap / LeetSwap

👉 Tx Amount range
Now, you can set a range for monitoring transaction amounts, and also use >, <

👉 Fixed bugs related to NFT price updates

Coming up next:

- Updating how pools work
- Labeling
- Deleting addresses in bulk
🔥 What`s new for EtherDrops:

👉 Fixed pool functionality (Add - Pools)
Now you can track balance changes not only in pools but also for any wallets/contracts;
This feature is quite handy for monitoring liquidity decreases on your contract.

👉 Fixed balance functionality
Operates on networks: ETH, BSC, Polygon, Optimism, Fantom

👉 Premium subscribers' bot @EtherDrops_Premiumbot
Dedicated channel for paid subscribers, no queues on the Telegram API side

👉 Wallet pagination
If you monitor over 100 addresses, we've made working with lists more convenient with page navigation
If you want to see the full list, click on "Show All"

Work in progress:

-AVAX, Arbitrum balances, and pools
-Localization in 10 languages
🔥 What`s new for EtherDrops:

👉 Solana network added. You can add up to 20 wallets within the Basic plan. All the same filters are available.

Work in progress:

-Solana Coin tracking will be added in the coming weeks.

Twitter Announcement
🔥 What`s new for EtherDrops:

👉 "Who is" - a new feature that allows you to quickly find wallets of users/funds/projects you're interested in and add them to the bot within a click. Accessed through the menu or by typing /whois.

Work in progress:

-Bot API. Expected release within the next week
-Handling increased bot traffic. New record set - sending over 8 million messages per day 🏆
-Integration with new networks

Twitter Announcement
🔥 What`s new for EtherDrops:

👉Free API for wallet tracking. Supports 12 EVM networks + Solana.

👉Fast access via the /api command.

👉Performance enhancements.

Twitter Announcement
Token tracking on Solana is live now!

Monitor token swaps and price changes using EtherDrops Bot.

👀 @fomo
🔥 What`s new for EtherDrops:

👉 TON network added

👉 Token Tracking for coins on Ston fi and DeDust
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2024/06/03 08:41:28
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