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Channel: Charlie Kirk
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Aaron Rodgers: "I'd love to see Joe Biden give an interview where he can speak on the history of the United States in the same way Putin talked about the history of [Russia.]"

Tucker Carlson: "I'd love to see Biden do an interview where he shows how to operate a microwave."
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Former Deputy Assistant AG John Yoo explains why Michael Cohen's testimony is so disastrous that it should trigger a mistrial:

"Jim and I were both at the Justice Department... we would never have authorized a prosecution like this that was so dependent on someone who has been convicted of federal crimes for lying."

"Did we cross the Rubicon? Did we go after a former president for the first time in the history of this republic, in 235 years, for this guy? For this kind of witness? For these kinds of charges?"
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NEW—The FULL Trump statement following the first day of cross examination of Michael Cohen:

"As you know I'm under a gag order, so I can't answer those very simple questions you're asking...This will be tested. Because this should never to another candidate or another person.

"Today we had a very good day."

Trump then pulls out a mugshot of an illegal alien who killed a three month old baby calling it "Biden's migrant crime."
More people should know and understand the word kleptocracy.

DEFINITION: A society ruled by people who use their power to steal their country's resources typically by embezzling or misappropriating government funds at the expense of the wider population.

Sound familiar?
Matthew Colangelo previously served as acting associate AG inside the Biden White House — the third-highest job in the entire DOJ. Yet in December 2022, Colangelo abruptly quit this high-level job to work as an ordinary prosecutor for Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, a huge step down professionally.

The only thing that would make such a downward move worth it would be if there was a hugely important case Colangelo would get to personally oversee — a case like, say, prosecuting a former president. And very conveniently, just a few months later Bragg indicted Trump, and now Colangelo is personally prosecuting the case.

Two of the prosecutors Colangelo replaced, Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz, quit their jobs in 2022, reportedly because Bragg wasn't ready to bring a case against Trump.

Was Colangelo dispatched from the Biden WH on a mission to make sure Trump was prosecuted before 2024?

How much did Colangelo know before taking the job?

How much did Merrick Garland and Joe Biden know?

Those are rhetorical questions, of course. Deep down, we already know Joe Biden is the most nakedly corrupt, thuggish president in American history.

Congress MUST launch an investigation into a conspiracy to "get Trump" and if it was indeed orchestrated by the Biden White House. This must never be allowed to happen again.
BREAKING: Trump-endorsed Jim Justice, the former Democrat turned Republican Governor, wins the West Virginia Senate primary.
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RFK claims that his campaign’s internal polling shows that 57% of his voters would vote for President Trump if he was not in the race.
Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
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CBS calling out Biden on his new China tariffs
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Stormy Daniel's Husband says that if Trump is found not guilty:

"There's a good chance we'll vacate the country."

All the more reason to care about the outcome of this case!

And yes, his name is "Blade"
Biden is trying to make it look like he's not afraid to debate Trump. He knows he needs to make some waves to stop his recent slide. So why the cowardly terms?

- Biden wants a TV studio, no live audience.
- Has to be CNN, ABC, CBS, or Telemundo.
- Mics cut off when time is up.
- Asks for two, not the typical three presidential debates.

Classic Biden move: Act like a tough guy, but then totally wuss out when you look a level deeper.
🚨BREAKING: Trump has now accepted two presidential debates with Crooked Joe on June 27th on CNN and on Sept 10th on ABC News.
Biden being goaded into debating Trump is the clearest indication yet that he knows the lawfare has backfired and he's losing bad, perhaps bad enough that even the vast Democrat GOTV machinery along with EO 14019 (Zuckerbucks on steroids), a cash advantage, and illegals voting won't be enough to save him.

Biden is taking a big risk, because he has to. That's a good sign.

But it's also a risk for Trump. Trump must not fixate on personal drama, courtroom drama, etc. He must stuff Biden's abysmally bad record in his face again and again and force him to defend it. Inflation, invasion, crime, and wars. Biden will doubtless do much worse in 2024 than 2020 because of his horrible record, but he loves to play the tough guy act, so he's taken the bait.

Advantage Trump.
Here's your daily reminder that the same people who forced you to carry a vaccine passport to eat in a restaurant or hold a job think it's immoral to show voter ID to select the leader of the Free World.
Harrison Butker went to a Catholic college and delivered a speech to Catholic graduates affirming Catholic doctrine. He was literally moved to tears when describing how much his wife means to him. He called out and attacked the lies that millions of young women have been told, lies which leave many of them lonely and miserable rather than fulfilled and happy.

Professional sports is full of criminals, domestic abusers, and men with a half-dozen children they don't raise. For the press to smear a brave, devout family man as an antisemitic, sexist pig is disgusting.

I stand with Harrison Butker.
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2024/06/14 22:45:52
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