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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

BADR MEDIA presents:

The English translation of,

"Does Jihad against the tyrant rulers make one from the Khawarij"

By Sheikh Mustafa Al Badri حفظه الله

English transcript:
Shaykh Mustafa al Badri حفظه الله said about the government scholars:

"There are three topics that they are not allowed to speak on which are ‘Ruing by other than Allah’s law’, “Al Walaa Wal Baraa (alliance and enmity based on faith)’ and ‘Jihad’. Their ruler has prohibited them from speaking about these. So no one speaks about these issues."

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Why did Muslims become content with this worldly life and abandon Jihad? - By Mustafa al Badri

Why did Muslims become content with this worldly life and abandon Jihad? - By Mustafa al Badri

Why have we become content with this worldly life? I apologize, but it is because we do not know anything about the life after death. We do not know how the next life will be. And because of that we must always discuss and ponder on this pillar of faith which is belief in life after death. Belief in life after death is not just for some virtue or to have a superior status or for a person to improve his faith and his Islam. No, it is a pillar of faith without which a person’s faith will not be valid. You will find in several places in the Quran verses saying “those who believe in Allah and in the hereafter”. Why? Why is this being repeated several times, and why this link between belief in Allah and belief in the hereafter? It is because when you know about the life after death you will be conscious of it and that will make it easy for you to obey orders such as Jihad in the path of Allah.


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