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The current moment is always filtered through the current thought.

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naval on the right way to work

“We like to view the world as linear, which is: ‘I’m gonna put in 8 hours of work, I’m gonna get back 8 hours of output,’ right? It doesn’t work that way. What you do, who you do it with, and how you do it are way more important than how hard you work.

The right way to work is like a lion. We’re meant to hunt like lions. As an intellectual athlete, you want to function like an athlete. This means you train hard, then you sprint, then you rest, then you reassess. You get your feedback loop, you train some more, then you sprint again, then you rest, then you reassess.”

Dear friends,
We are living through immensely difficult and trying times. The violence and destruction of this terrible war has caused unimaginable suffering and hardship. Our hearts go out to all those who have lost loved ones, been displaced from their homes, or had their lives shattered by this senseless conflict.

In the midst of such darkness, it is natural to feel despair, anger, and hopelessness. The path ahead seems uncertain and the challenges feel overwhelming. However, we must not lose heart.

Throughout history, humanity has endured great tragedies and emerged stronger on the other side. This tragic war will eventually end, and we must have faith that brighter days lie ahead.

We draw inspiration from the extraordinary resilience and courage being displayed by so many - the aid workers risking their lives to help civilians, the families who have welcomed refugees into their homes, and the people who have taken to the streets to protest this injustice.

Their compassion and humanity shines like a beacon, reminding us of our power to overcome hatred through love and unity.
Though the road will be long and arduous, we will rebuild from these ashes.

Let us stand together, united in our hopes for lasting peace and human dignity. Our shared dreams of a better world for our children must sustain us through this nightmare. We will emerge from this crucible scarred but wiser, more committed than ever to preventing such atrocities from happening again.

Have faith, my friends. This brutal war cannot extinguish the eternal flame of hope that burns in the human heart. By holding onto that hope and caring for one another, we will make it through this darkness into the light. Brighter days will come.

Your body is like a machine:

Use your diet, workouts & sleep to upgrade your hardware.

Use books, peer groups & mindfulness to upgrade your software.

There are 5 Types of Hard Work... and it helps to know that No. 4 & 5 work better in business than No. 1 & 2...

👉🏼 The First kind is “Labour” based. You put in more effort, more intensity, more hours, and more inputs to gain an output compared to others.

👉🏼 The Second kind is “Efficiency” based. With the same inputs as of the first... You stay more focused for longer, remove distractions, and find smarter ways to either get the same output with the same inputs, or reduce inputs to get the same output.

This is what the Industrial Revolution taught us, and most family businesses teach their next generation. It stems from the thought process of factories and delegation to cheap labour.

👉🏼 The Third kind is “Consistency” based. You do simple things for so long that it outlasts everyone else. It creates an unmatched compounding in your skills, your brand, your reputation and your heritage. You’ve increased the Duration.

This is my favourite and the most timeless, which should be used with all forms of hard work from 1 to 5. This is how brands are built, and compounding kicks into business results.

👉🏼 The Fourth kind is “Opportunity” based. You spot newer opportunities better than the competition and do it faster than others grab on to them.

This is when someone tries new things relentlessly, by learning new skills consistently, without letting failure beat them down.

👉🏼 The Fifth kind is “Leverage” based. You find a new technology or platform that creates huge leverage and propels you way ahead of others because you’re using a new tool that others haven’t adapted to.

Businesses are created by working hard on 4 and 5.

Unfortunately, most keep looking in 1 and 2.

Regardless of what you pick, don’t give up on the No. 3

Your body is like a house:

Build a strong foundation through sleep, movement, and nutrition.

Give it renovations through weight lifting, cardio, and eating high protein.

Hate is a knife without a handle. You can't cut something with it without cutting yourself.

― Meg Shaffer, The Wishing Game

Dreams come to tell us something about our lives that we are missing.

-James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.

-Anne Frank the Diary of a Young Girl

Being dissatisfied with your current level doesn't make you a liability, doing nothing about it does.

- Fuegoreon Vermilion, Black Clover

One day, a train will come to your station and take you to the place you've always dreamed of! And then you will see that the place you dreamed of is a complete disappointment for you! And then you will remember the beauties you did not appreciate of the station you left and want to return there - to the place you did not include in your dreams back then!

― Mehmet Murat ildan

When you are young, you have all these crazy ideas, but you have no money, no experience, no connection to get them done.

When you are older, you may have the money, the experience, the connections, but your ideas suddenly became so boring, because of all the time forced to spend in a dull, materialistic, money-chasing society.

The greatest entrepreneurs and artists are those who mastered the art of staying a bit crazy as the years passed, and who kept iterating and compounding every asset they had at every new stage of their lives.

Your fate is not defined by where you were born, or whether your parents were rich, educated, well-connected:

it is defined by who you believe you could be, where you believe you could end up, and the subsequent efforts and sacrifices you are ready to make to get there.

“It’s good to be optimistic in the general and skeptical in the specific. It’s very dangerous to be pessimistic in the general and optimistic in the specific.”

Think in weeks instead of days and time suddenly feels much more valuable


Being dissatisfied with your current level doesn't make you a liability, doing nothing about it does.

- Fuegoreon Vermilion, Black Clover

#AnimeManga #Book

It's not about the information you can consume. It's about what you consume ? How can you make it work more according to your condition? How much do you iterate it? ( Because if you apply the same won't have the competitive advantage)

Reminder: Whenever consuming information. Go slow. Understand. Iterate. Apply. Don't just go on with more and more new's endless.


It's not about more information, it's about how much time you put in to make it personalized and how you make it work in real world.

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2024/06/12 10:14:12
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